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Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

Otokar and Zetog Engineering have been working together queitly on developing an IFV for Czech Land Forces. Based on Otokars' Tulpar, Czech variant will be named 'Wolfdog'. Wolfdog will be competing for Czech tender for IFV vehicles.




Ankaralı Bozankaya firmasının ürettiği metro vagonları 2018 yılından itibaren Tayland’ın başkenti Bangkok’ta yolcu taşımaya başlayacak
Ankaralı Bozankaya firmasının ürettiği metro vagonları 2018 yılından itibaren Tayland’ın başkenti Bangkok’ta yolcu taşımaya başlayacak
Bangkok, 22 adet metro aracının alınması için Siemens ve taşıyıcı araç üreticisi Bozankaya firmalarına 2016 yılında sipariş geçti. Siemens firması 16 yıl boyunca temin edilecek araçların servis ve bakımını da üstlenecek. Trenler, Bozankaya’nın Ankara’daki fabrikasında tamamlanmak üzere. Projedeki son gelişmeleri ‘Eurasia Rail’de (Uluslararası Demiryolu, Hafif Raylı Sistemler, Altyapı ve Lojistik Fuarı) anlatan Bozankaya Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Aytunç Günay, “Simens ortaklığıyla gerçekleştirdiğimiz projede sona gelindi. 2018 yılında Ankara’da ürettiğimiz yerli metro vagonları Bangkok’ta kullanılmaya başlanacak. Türkiye bu alanda çok önemli projelere imza atıyor” dedi.
Aytunç Günay, ayrıca elektrikli otobüsleri E-Karat hakkında da bilgi vererek şöyle konuştu: “İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin (İBB) tarihi yarımadada kullanmak için alacağı 200 elektrikli otobüs ihalesine hazırlanıyoruz. Elektrikli otobüslerimizin İBB tarafından test sürüşleri de yapıldı. Yüzde 100 yerli üretim olan E-Karat’lar, sürüş sırasında ve hatta fren esnasında enerji geri kazanım sistemine sahip. Araca binen yolcu sayısını dijital olarak gösteren E-Karat’lar, sürücünün belli bir hız sınırının üzerine çıkmasını engelliyor. Hız limitinin dışına çıkmayan otobüslerin bakım kolaylığı bulunuyor. Bakım masrafı konvansiyonel otobüslerle karşılaştırıldığında çok düşük olan E-Krat’ın, tek şarjla günlük ortalama menzili en az 220 kilometre. Doğru sürüş teknikleriyle ve işletme şartlarına bağlı olarak 400 kilometrenin üzerine çıkabiliyor. Tam şarj süreleri 1 saat 15 dakikaya kadar inebiliyor.”
TÜRKİYE’de 2013 yılına kadar şehir içi ulaşımda, metro, LRT, tramvay, trambüs ve banliyö olmak üzere yenilenecek araçlarla birlikte toplam 7 bin adet raylı ulaşım aracına ihtiyaç duyuluyor. 2023’e kadar alınacak araçların toplam maliyeti, şehirlerarası hızlı tren, EMU, DMU raylı sistem ve yük vagonları ile birlikte 20 milyar Euro. Alt yapıyla birlikte bu rakam 50 milyar Euro olarak tahmin ediliyor. (Hürriyet / Fatma Aksu)
Tbh, Turkish defence industry is choking now.

So many products and prototypes---very few actual products coming out and going into production lines.

So many fancy looking designs for ground vehicles, very few if any in production.

I can not believe Altay still has not been entered in mass production.

Very bad signs
Tbh, Turkish defence industry is choking now.

So many products and prototypes---very few actual products coming out and going into production lines.

So many fancy looking designs for ground vehicles, very few if any in production.

I can not believe Altay still has not been entered in mass production.

Very bad signs
New orders worth 12 billion USD last year - that's not a 'bad sign' at all. But you're right that we have reached a point where we cannot further expand if we don't master critical technologies like engine tech.
An agreement regarding the procurement of Commando Modernization Electro Optic Systems, has been signed between ASELSAN and STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., valuing a total of USD 40.388.921,- and TL 128.123.688,-. Within the context of this agreement, deliveries will be made in 2018.

Turkey aims to strengthen its defense sector using locally designed technology by 2020, a senior official said on Friday.

“Technological superiority will take our country ahead in both the military and economic sectors,” Ismail Demir, undersecretary for the Turkish defense industry, told Anadolu Agency.

"We have an aim for 2020 and after: completely locally made in basic and advanced technologies", he said.

"The technological superiority that we aim for after all this work will take our country to higher levels both militarily and economically and sharpen our competitive edge".

Turkey has launched six new projects, in line with its aim, following a research and development panel held last December, he added.

Record R&D investment

Efforts to support locally manufactured products and a focus on research and development have brought record investment in the defense industry, says data from a new report.

In 2015, $904 million was earmarked for product and technology development in the defense industry. The figure rose by 39 percent in 2016 to $1.254 billion, states the Defense and Aerospace Industry Manufacturers Association's 2016 performance report.

Data from the report states that in the 2016 budget, $1.14 billion was allocated to product development, and $110 million for technology development.

The budget earmarked $887 million, $927 million and $772 million for 2014, 2013 and 2012 respectively, for product and technology development

Improvement in product and technology development reflected positively on expenditures made from equity capital.

In 2015 they stood at $287 million. However the equity expenditures in defense rose by a record 79 percent to reach $513 million in 2016.

Expenditures from equity capital for product and technology development were $200 million in 2012, $237 million in 2013 and $350 million in 2014.

State support for the defense industry increased to $741 million in 2016, from $616 million the previous year.

Turkey aims to establish a national defense industry using its own resources as part of the country's objectives for its 2023 centennial.

*Reporting by Goksel Yildirim; Writing by Can Erozden
-Ukrayna telsiz ihalesinde Aselsan karşısında tüm test sonuçlarında yerle bir olan israilliler, çamura yatıp test sonuçlarını tahrif etmeye çalışmışlar ayrıca Aselsan'ı 100 milyon dolar rüşvet vermekle suçlamışlar
-Teknik ve fiyat bakımından Aselsan'ın çok gerisinde kalmalarına rağmen Ukrayna genelkurmayı ani bir kararla(!) elbit sisteme yönelmiş

Google translate:
Tymchuk told me whose radios were better during the tests
The radio of the Turkish company Aselsan during the tests showed better characteristics than the Israeli Elbit Systems, assures the people's deputy Dmitry Tymchuk. He pointed out a month ago that it was Turkish communications that should be bought, not Israeli

Conducted by the military on behalf of the Prime Minister comparative tests of the planned for purchase of foreign communication means for the VSU VHF band recorded superiority of the characteristics of the communication equipment of Turkish Aselsan in comparison with the characteristics of the equipment of Israeli Elbit Systems, the coordinator of the "Information Resistance" group, the People's Deputy Front ") Dmitry Tymchuk.

As Tymchuk informs in the message posted on the IS website, the session of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense issues that was held on Wednesday heard the leadership of the commission that conducted the tests of foreign communication equipment, which ended on June 12.

"The hearings were held in closed mode, therefore I can not disclose the details in the form of the parameters fixed in the commission's report." What can be said: in almost all parameters, the data on which were announced, Turkish communication facilities have surpassed the Israeli ones, "he said, accentuating : "At the same time, in the acts of the commission, attempts were made by the representatives of the Israeli company to falsify the results of the tests, which in no way makes them honorable."

At the same time, according to Tymchuk, today the final choice of the foreign supplier by the military is not announced. "However, the winner has not been named yet." According to the position of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which can not be disagreed, two more points should be taken into account when choosing a winner: the price and terms of delivery, "the People's Deputy said.

"I hope that we will have an opportunity to compare all the conditions, since Defense Minister S. Poltorak promised to act" absolutely honestly and transparently "in these purchases," Tymchuk added, recalling that the decision to select a foreign VHF supplier for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Ukrainian Army Are waiting from 2015.

Commenting on the criticism of the Turkish radio by the People's Deputy Yury Derevyanko, Tymchuk said that during the tests the representatives of the Israeli manufacturer repeatedly tried to falsify the test results. "And these are not unfounded accusations, these are facts recorded in acts of testing," Tymchuk wrote in Facebook .

On June 21, Stepan Poltorak said that the testing of communications equipment has already been completed and "today and tomorrow, negotiations should be concluded."

As reported, the comparative tests of the planned communication equipment for the UKV band of Turkish Aselsan and Israeli Elbit Systems were launched by the military on behalf of the prime minister at the end of May and provided for the assessment of compliance of foreign communication equipment with 34 methods formed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense, Equipment to the EW assets of the new aggressor country. The tests were carried out using the EW equipment of the French Thales, which is superior in its characteristics to the Russian analogues.

In addition to technical characteristics, will take into account the price of the radio and the readiness to deploy production in Ukraine and transfer technology.

It should be noted that Dmitry Tymchuk last month spoke out for the purchase of Turkish radios . He wrote that after a long test (2014-2016), the General Staff of the Supreme Council of Ukraine chose Aselsan, the Turkish producer, as a supplier of communications equipment for the Ukrainian army. "However, when everything was already decided with the Turks, the Ukrainian General Staff suddenly turned sharply toward the Israelis (Elbit), although their communication means, unlike the Turks, do not meet NATO standards, do not meet the requirements of the Navy and the Air Force AFU, can not be Are integrated with the means of communication currently available in the Armed Forces, almost one-third more than Turkish, and besides the Israelis, unlike the Turks, do not agree to transmit encryption algorithms, codes of codes and are suspected of cooperation with the Russian Federation, "Tymchuk wrote on May 22.

And on May 24, the People's Deputy informed that Major-General Rapko, Chief of the Communications Forces of the Supreme All-Union Army, officially stated that the Turkish radio transmitters are more attractive in the two divisions of the Armed Forces in terms of the ratio of characteristics and prices for the Ukrainian troops based on the results of the exploitation of communications equipment produced by Elbit and Aselsan.

Against the Turkish radios and in favor of the Israeli Elbit was the People's Deputy Yuri Derevyanko. He pointed out that the Turkish means of communication were suppressed by Russia in Nagorno-Karabakh.


-Ukrayna telsiz ihalesinde Aselsan karşısında tüm test sonuçlarında yerle bir olan israilliler, çamura yatıp test sonuçlarını tahrif etmeye çalışmışlar ayrıca Aselsan'ı 100 milyon dolar rüşvet vermekle suçlamışlar
-Teknik ve fiyat bakımından Aselsan'ın çok gerisinde kalmalarına rağmen Ukrayna genelkurmayı ani bir kararla(!) elbit sisteme yönelmiş

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Israelis give back doors to the Russians, as the Georgians found out on their own skin .

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