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Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life


Well the opposition against these trials will always exist, just like it also existed in İtalian Gladio.

One friend of mine has stated that the chief of police forces were good, then did we forget about susurluk scandal?
The first one to mention a Deep State organization publicly was our former prime-minister Bülent Ecevit, right after he announced it there was a assasination attempt on him.

Turgut Özal and some of the army's officers were assasinated for the plain reason that they desires a more peacefull approach to the PKK.

The modern coup of 1997.

All the assasinations, bombings prior to 2007 which adventually lead to the trial of shutting AKP down?

Then İ wonder though if everyone who's being prosecuted is innocent and harmless, then who has done all these things to my country? We are acting like the army is innocent and never would plot a coup. Then tell me this. Who did commit the four coups in the last 50 years.
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Well the opposition against these trials will always exist, just like it also existed in İtalian Gladio.

One friend of mine has stated that the chief of police forces were good, then did we forget about susurluk scandal?
The first one to mention a Deep State organization publicly was our former prime-minister Bülent Ecevit, right after he announced it there was a assasination attempt on him.

Turgut Özal and some of the army's officers were assasinated for the plain reason that they desires a more peacefull approach to the PKK.

The modern coup of 1997.

All the assasinations, bombings prior to 2007 which adventually lead to the trial of shutting AKP down?

Then İ wonder though if everyone who's being prosecuted is innocent and harmless, then who has done all these things to my country? We are acting like the army is innocent and never would plot a coup. Then tell me this. Who did commit the four coups in the last 50 years.

Damn brother that is a heavy post since I am not a native turk, so I really don't have to take a side on this issue ahahah but for the voting populace, this will be a big issue come next election and the people will decide whether Erdogan deserves another mandate or not. However in hindsight, I can see a similar result arising as Canada where our right wing will successfully vote in the conservatives while the liberals/secularist as usual campaigning about this secret agenda and will end up splitting their vote essentially between 2 parties as usual. What our conservatives have done is unite the christian, muslim and jewish right wing and I think erdogan basically did the same in Turkey as far as islamic sects are concerned.

The reason I find this issue intriguing is that there is valid opinions on both sides but justifying coup as you mentioned it is very contradictory to everything we stand for in the west as far as democratic ideal and principles are concerned. Before I rant on more, I have to take a leave for evening prayers and Eid mobarok to you and your family my friend, hope you have a great one this year.
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yeah the head of the strongest military in middle east is a terrorist , next time they will add the Turkish army on the list of terrorist organizations .

Well the opposition against these trials will always exist, just like it also existed in İtalian Gladio.

One friend of mine has stated that the chief of police forces were good, then did we forget about susurluk scandal?
The first one to mention a Deep State organization publicly was our former prime-minister Bülent Ecevit, right after he announced it there was a assasination attempt on him.

Turgut Özal and some of the army's officers were assasinated for the plain reason that they desires a more peacefull approach to the PKK.

The modern coup of 1997.

All the assasinations, bombings prior to 2007 which adventually lead to the trial of shutting AKP down?

Then İ wonder though if everyone who's being prosecuted is innocent and harmless, then who has done all these things to my country? We are acting like the army is innocent and never would plot a coup. Then tell me this. Who did commit the four coups in the last 50 years.
Its not about the coup attempts,thats bs.
If you take the head of the Armed forces away,what good is that Armed forces incase of war or military decision making?
Do we live in a peacefull neighbourhood?
Lets say you take away the head of each branch,then the next inline can take over right?
No,because they took away the next next next in line.
So what does this mean,this means that we are on a rudderless ship doesnt it?
What if a war is evident,who is gonna lead the troops?
Who makes decisions on how to proceed,Erdogan or his puppet Necdet Ozel?
What is there so hard to get?
Dont you see there is more then just a coup attempt?
What does it mean to a countries safety when over 200 officers from the top down are gone?
You should really think about that.
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