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Turkish Aviation Programs

Ya bişe dicem. Biraz değişik yapsalar da şu ithamlara maruz kalmasak olmaz mı ?

They must have liked the design but if they will assert that it will be a Turkish made helicopter and want to possibly market it as such they will have to make some changes. Like how the engine air intakes are different on Atak from Agusta A129. And I don't like the nose of this Agusta chopper. It is thin and long like a basketball player will sit on the pilots seat and stretch his legs all out..
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Ya bişe dicem. Biraz değişik yapsalar da şu ithamlara maruz kalmasak olmaz mı ?

Kardes, ithama maruz kalmak istemeyen kurum r&d'ye biraz para harcar da en azindan dış gorunuş olarak farklı bisey yapar. Yandaki tek percereyi saymazsan onden ve yandan gorunus neredeyse birebir ayni. AW icin fuselage uretiyorlar, para harcamamak icin ayni fuselage'in icini farkli component ile doldurup (umarim, zira mehmetcik diye kakalamaya calistiklari hk416 olayi yasandi bu ulkede) ozgun helikopter diyorlar. Sonra bunu belirtince itham oluyor :)
Kardes, ithama maruz kalmak istemeyen kurum r&d'ye biraz para harcar da en azindan dış gorunuş olarak farklı bisey yapar. Yandaki tek percereyi saymazsan onden ve yandan gorunus neredeyse birebir ayni. AW icin fuselage uretiyorlar, para harcamamak icin ayni fuselage'in icini farkli component ile doldurup (umarim, zira mehmetcik diye kakalamaya calistiklari hk416 olayi yasandi bu ulkede) ozgun helikopter diyorlar. Sonra bunu belirtince itham oluyor :)

Maalesef öyle görünüyor...
Maalesef öyle görünüyor...
In the beginning,i used to believe they will design something different at least by taking a look on AW , even discussed the similarity is the coincidence,but thats just a copy but there should be a reason behind it ;
It seems like now they decide to change their pathway to develop mechanical parts for the helicopter ,and fit them into AW model by changing some parts.
I still hope in the 2nd one they will design something indigenously . Because they already caused arıkopter to be cancelled for sake of this project,and that was at least an indigenously designed (eventough not perfect) model.
Looks like they don't want to experiment. They just want to get it right the first time. Experimenting is costly. If it will take us there in satisfying the need with minimal cost it is an achievement. Going creative will have to wait untill they have enough experience under their belt. And still the design shouldn't be final yet and there is room for more alterations on the basic design. I wish they go wild for a longer range SAR heli if ever will they build it at home.
guys sorry but ı dont believe about all aviation road maps (engine tfx etc...) bec there are to much early surrendered project -_-
In the beginning,i used to believe they will design something different at least by taking a look on AW , even discussed the similarity is the coincidence,but thats just a copy but there should be a reason behind it ;
It seems like now they decide to change their pathway to develop mechanical parts for the helicopter ,and fit them into AW model by changing some parts.
I still hope in the 2nd one they will design something indigenously . Because they already caused arıkopter to be cancelled for sake of this project,and that was at least an indigenously designed (eventough not perfect) model.

Arikopter is undergoing ground tests at TAI facilities.. not cancelled.. 12 years on..
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TAI 5 tonnes utility helicopter


TAI/ITU 2 tonnes utility helicopter

SSM has decided to startup the continuation of the shelved "Aricopter" project. Aricopter project was started in 2003 by ROTAM of the Istanbul technical university and funded by DPT (state planning institute). By 2009 the design and prototyping was started and by 2011 the prototype was ready and to start her flight test but due to budget funding reasons the project got shelved. SSM decided now to continue the shelved Aricopter project, TAI is now tasked to takeover the ground and flight tests after a 4 years break...

Can some one send an email to this site and tell them to fix this article? Look at this:

Turkey, on the other hand, is known to have one of the strongest and most experienced air force systems. It owns over 350 fighter jets, but has not produced any of its airplanes up until now, and only plans to do so by 2023.

First ever Kurdish plane takes off in Irbil, Turkish-made lags behind - Daily Sabah

Şu sayfadan mesaj atmaya çalıştım ama olmadı heralde. Tiwtter hesabınız varsa oradan uyarılabilir...

Can some one send an email to this site and tell them to fix this article? Look at this:

Turkey, on the other hand, is known to have one of the strongest and most experienced air force systems. It owns over 350 fighter jets, but has not produced any of its airplanes up until now, and only plans to do so by 2023.

First ever Kurdish plane takes off in Irbil, Turkish-made lags behind - Daily Sabah
"First ever Kurdish plane takes off in Irbil, Turkish-made lags behind - Daily Sabah

İlgili verilen bağlantıda belirtilen türkiye cumhuriyeti tarafından uçak üretilmemiştir kısmının düzeltilmesini talep etmekteyim, ilgili kısım 1950lere kadar Türk Hava kurumunda çalışmış ve yerli uçak üretmiş, TAI hürkuşta çalışan mühendislerin onurlarını zedelemekte, hali hazırda belirtilen Peşmerge uçağı hiçbir sertifikasyonu bulunmayan, amatör ve hazır bir model üretilen türetilen uçaktır, parça üretimi dahi yapılmamıştır. THK tarafından üretilen uçaklar ve Hürkuş ise türk mühendisler tarafından tasarlanmış, yerli üretilen bir uçaktır.

Söz konusu bahsedilen uçaklar, 5. jenerasyon avcı savaş uçakları olup ,bulunduğumuz yüzyılda 6 ülke tarafından üretilebilmektedir.

İlgili düzeltmenin ivedilikle yapılıp , türk uçağı projesine dolaylı yoldan yapılan hakaretin bulunduğu paragraf/paragrafların düzenlenmesini rica ederim, aksi durumda bu haberi THK ve TAI ye bildirmekten sakınca duymayacağım.
Done it! :)

We can even request article to be removed
Also mailed TAI :)
Further notified THK :D
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Ayrıca ürettiğimiz çok sayıda insansız hava aracı da bulunmaktadır ki bu İHA'lar dünyada az sayıdaki rakipleriyle rekabet edebilen en son nesil teknolojiye sahiptir.
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