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Turkish authorities mistreating refugees and immigrants

After the massive Uyghur terrorist attack in 2009 was thwarted, many Uyghur Islamic terrorists fled to Turkey, but they found that Turkey is not the pure Islamic society they imagined. In Turkey, women wear modern clothes,Wear a bikini, no burqe and a lot of people drink .

There's nothing "purely Islamic" about the burqa because it is a Jewish garment with nothing to do with Islam. Secondly, we should not propagate the idea that in public society there should be the binary of either the burqa or the bikini.
No one is pushing them from our side you idiot they are just refugees. Do you know wtf is a refugee.

Refugees? What are they running from? I thought Turkey is paradise. You make no sense in your propaganda. They are muslims, you are muslim. Its your duty to help them. Be a good host and treat them nice. They wont get into Greece
There's nothing "purely Islamic" about the burqa because it is a Jewish garment with nothing to do with Islam. Secondly, we should not propagate the idea that in public society there should be the binary of either the burqa or the bikini.
I'm talking about the idea of the Uyghurs who are trying to build a Wahhabist society, they see Turkey as their Islamic ideal state, actually before Erdogan, Turkey was more restrictive than China on political Islamism。 The reason is very simple. Chinese leaders do not understand what is meant by political Islam. They are very ignorant of Islamism. They treat the manifestations of Uyghur extreme Islamism as a national custom, and indulge Uyghurs’ 20-year Wahhabization.

After many Islamic extremist Uyghurs came to Turkey, they saw that the real Turkey was more westernized than China, disillusioned, they have schizophrenia。
Therefore, during the Syrian war, many Uyghurs joined ISIS and went to Syria to build their ideal country. Erdogan also sent them to Libya to fight as a tool for Erdogan to rebuild the Turan Empire
Just search the words yunanistan mülteciler on youtube you will find hundreds of footages from your coastguard.

Anyway i want to thank you for being respectful all the time eventough i was not. So politics aside you should know that i have no issues with your average Greek. And last but not least, believe it or not i have Greek family members.

I dont believe you. I too never said a disrespectful word but you said we Greeks should be wiped off the world just yesterday.

@Foinikas @SilentEagle, those vids are all so sad. No human should have have to desperately cross into other countries through small, packed, unsafe boats or across fenced and armed-guarded borders. I look at it from a systemic POV. Syrians wouldn't have had to cross into Greece and other parts of Europe and wouldn't have had to live in Turkey as refugees if Erdogan's government hadn't conspired with rest of NATO plus GCC and pushed in tens of thousands of invading AQ and MB criminals into Syria over a decade and made Syria into a war zone. And on the other side Greece should at least look at this human tragedy of desperate refugees and speak in the UN General Assembly of the world to become a borderless place where people can migrate to other cities thousands of kilometers away for employment or extended holiday maybe for ideating on something ( like a writer or a scientist does ) but where there are no desperate groups of refugees putting their lives at risk. This then will involve all of the world to have a common humane, advanced and post-scarcity political and socio-economic system. I speak for Greece speaking about this because of its historic role in developing philosophy though of course other countries like India or North Korea or Egypt or any other should also speak about it.

Lastly Foinikas, in your first vid one of the "policemen" had a Grey Wolves badge on his arm. Is that militia now embedded in the police or the government has given the militia weapons and the right to do "police" work ?

As far as i understand it, Erdogan needs the MHP nazis as support. So he allows those grey wolfes to act like police. A bit like hitlers SA troops

I'm talking about the idea of the Uyghurs who are trying to build a Wahhabist society, they see Turkey as their Islamic ideal state, actually before Erdogan, Turkey was more restrictive than China on political Islamism。
After many Islamic extremist Uyghurs came to Turkey, they saw that the real Turkey was more westernized than China, disillusioned, they have schizophrenia。
Therefore, during the Syrian war, many Uyghurs joined ISIS and went to Syria to build their ideal country. Erdogan also sent them to Libya to fight as a tool for Erdogan to rebuild the Turan Empire

What you expect? They are illiterate and only know their little oasis. They dont know that its western clothes that chinese wear. For them its all chinese.

Look at those in Afghanistan who thought they can hold themself outside of an aircraft to escape. Those people have no education.
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I'm talking about the idea of the Uyghurs who are trying to build a Wahhabist society, they see Turkey as their Islamic ideal state, actually before Erdogan, Turkey was more restrictive than China on political Islamism。
After many Islamic extremist Uyghurs came to Turkey, they saw that the real Turkey was more westernized than China, disillusioned, they have schizophrenia。
Therefore, during the Syrian war, many Uyghurs joined ISIS and went to Syria to build their ideal country. Erdogan also sent them to Libya to fight as a tool for Erdogan to rebuild the Turan Empire

I understand your points and wish to point out that though people blame the Saudi Wahabi system as being the source of transnational criminal activity among Muslims the ideological source is really the Tableeghi Jamaat movement that originated in India and then spread everywhere, from Southeast Asia to Africa to Europe to Russia to Central Asia and I am sure to China too. Russia and the Muslim republics of Central Asia banned the TJ years ago and for good reason because the TJ was most recently involved in terrorism in the Kazakhstan crisis. It is certain that most of the Al Qaeda members who rampaged through Libya and Syria in the last decade were former or current members of the TJ. You can look at this wiki. Lastly, since you mention Erdogan I must mention that some years ago a Turkish member of PDF told me that in Turkish the the TJ is known as Teblig and the context of that discussion was rioting by some regressive Turkish people living in Western Europe.
I dont believe you. I too never said a disrespectful word but you said we Greeks should be wiped off the world just yesterday.

As far as i understand it, Erdogan needs the MHP nazis as support. So he allows those grey wolfes to act like police. A bit like hitlers SA troops
Its illogical to argue with a nationlist turk about a refugee issue. One day they will curse on how israel is masacring palestnians on a daily basis the next day they will be discussing how can israel upgrade their obselete F16 fleet and m60 tanks and deepen economic ties. one day they will be cursing on how arabs are clients of zionism and how morsi was an angel, the next day emirates is doing a currency exchange with turkey to save their falling economy and taking the chance to invest in turkey to buy their weapon's industry and controlling their economy at will as no one else is willing to invest in turkey. Iam not going to even mention them hiring these refugees to fight as mercanaries in libya and syria and iraq for turkish intrests like its squid game. or using refugees to pressure the eu by sending them to belarussian polish border
I understand your points and wish to point out that though people blame the Saudi Wahabi system as being the source of transnational criminal activity among Muslims the ideological source is really the Tableeghi Jamaat movement that originated in India and then spread everywhere, from Southeast Asia to Africa to Europe to Russia to Central Asia and I am sure to China too. Russia and the Muslim republics of Central Asia banned the TJ years ago and for good reason because the TJ was most recently involved in terrorism in the Kazakhstan crisis. It is certain that most of the Al Qaeda members who rampaged through Libya and Syria in the last decade were former or current members of the TJ. You can look at this wiki. Lastly, since you mention Erdogan I must mention that some years ago a Turkish member of PDF told me that in Turkish the the TJ is known as Teblig and the context of that discussion was rioting by some regressive Turkish people living in Western Europe.

This is retardation.. You don't know anything about TJ or any of the people or groups you mentioned. TJ is a pacifist group. They were even kicked out of Gaza because they were pacifist hence they didn't play into Hamas' wishes:lol:

There is also nothing called Wahabism? It is fictional entirely but there is something called salafi but make no mistake and try to include all salafists as ppl who wanna form insurgency or Jihad or AQ etc etc no that is not true.. It is a small minority portion within the Salafi community that is nostalgic and wanna re-create ancient times.

It is exactly like the Mandalorian ''Children of the watch'' which is inspired from them in that series they wanna re-create the ancient mandolarian society and they are a group of over-zealots who broke away from the Mandalorian society.. They are called nowadays Salafi-Jihadi they wanna wage wars and believe in the way of Jihad period in order to recreate the ancient Islamic society.. Salafi itself means the way of the ancients.

They are not exactly Salafis but Salafis itself has 3 sub-branches there is Madkhali Salafis which majority of GCC belong to and then there is normal Salafis and then there is the 3rd group which is a small break-away group called Salafi-Jihadi this guys take war as religion.. Win or lose doesn't matter to them but they need active fronts and it doesn't even matter against who they believe it is Ibadah (A place of worship) the war itself
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Its illogical to argue with a nationlist turk about a refugee issue. One day they will curse on how israel is masacring palestnians on a daily basis the next day they will be discussing how can israel upgrade their obselete F16 fleet and m60 tanks and deepen economic ties. one day they will be cursing on how arabs are clients of zionism and how morsi was an angel, the next day emirates is doing a currency exchange with turkey to save their falling economy and taking the chance to invest in turkey to buy their weapon's industry and controlling their economy at will as no one else is willing to invest in turkey. Iam not going to even mention them hiring these refugees to fight as mercanaries in libya and syria and iraq for turkish intrests like its squid game. or using refugees to pressure the eu by sending them to belarussian polish border
Well said man! Well said!
Its illogical to argue with a nationlist turk about a refugee issue. One day they will curse on how israel is masacring palestnians on a daily basis the next day they will be discussing how can israel upgrade their obselete F16 fleet and m60 tanks and deepen economic ties. one day they will be cursing on how arabs are clients of zionism and how morsi was an angel, the next day emirates is doing a currency exchange with turkey to save their falling economy and taking the chance to invest in turkey to buy their weapon's industry and controlling their economy at will as no one else is willing to invest in turkey. Iam not going to even mention them hiring these refugees to fight as mercanaries in libya and syria and iraq for turkish intrests like its squid game. or using refugees to pressure the eu by sending them to belarussian polish border

You are right. Today he says he has greek family. Yesterday he said he want see all greeks dead.

They are enemy with evry single neighbor. Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq...all are against them. And they dont wonder why. Its always the others fault.

They are completly unable to question their own behavior. Unable to see their actions lead to reactions.
This is retardation.. You don't know anything about TJ or any of the people or groups you mentioned. TJ is a pacifist group. They were even kicked out of Gaza because they were pacifist hence they didn't play into Hamas' wishes:lol:

Yes they are very pacifist, from the point of coming around to my house every Thursday evening on their "gasht" and irritating me to extremes with their nonsense talk, to the point of them being involved in the recent Kazakhstan crisis by getting supported by CIA to overthrow the Kazakh government so that a NATO-friendly mullah government is installed. Very pacifist indeed. :rolleyes:

There is also nothing to called Wahabism? It is fictional entirely but there is something called salafi but make no mistake and try to include all salafists as ppl who wanna form insurgency or Jihad or AQ etc etc no that is not true.. It is a small minority portion within the Salafi community that is nostalgic and wanna re-create ancient times.

It is exactly like the Mandalorian ''Children of the watch'' which is inspired from them in that series they wanna re-create the ancient mandolarian society and they are a group of over-zealots who broke away fromt the Mandalorian society.. They are called nowadays Salafi-Jihadi they wanna wage wars and believe in the way of Jihad period in order to recreate the ancient Islamic society.. Salafi itself means the way of the ancients.

They are not exactly Salafis but Salafis itself has sub-branches there is Madkhali Salafis which majority of GCC belong to and then there is normal Salafis and then there is the 3rd group which is a small break-away group called Salafi-Jihadi this guys take war as religion.. Win or lose doesn't matter to them but they need active fronts and it doesn't even matter against who they believe it is Ibadah (A place of worship) the war itself

I have no interest in Star Wars so I don't know about its stories. I am a Dune person. But about Wahabis or Salafis there is no need to put effort into seeing their various layers. It is enough to know incidents in Saudia from years ago like the notorious Muttawain once coming across girls running away from their burning hostel and forcing the girls to run into the burning building because the girls weren't covered up into burqa. Some girls died there. Though Saudia is now changing which is alarming the Indian mullahs. :lol:
Yes they are very pacifist, from the point of coming around to my house every Thursday evening on their "gasht" and irritating me to extremes with their nonsense talk, to the point of them being involved in the recent Kazakhstan crisis by getting supported by CIA to overthrow the Kazakh government so that a NATO-friendly mullah government is installed. Very pacifist indeed. :rolleyes:

I have no interest in Star Wars so I don't know about its stories. I am a Dune person. But about Wahabis or Salafis there is no need to put effort into seeing their various layers. It is enough to know incidents in Saudia from years ago like the notorious Muttawain once coming across girls running away from their burning hostel and forcing the girls to run into the burning building because the girls weren't covered up into burqa. Some girls died there. Though Saudia is now changing which is alarming the Indian mullahs. :lol:

I wasted my time in taking a trolling indian serious in starting a serious convo.. The Indian IQ is absolutely low you guys don't understand when you are in serious grown up convo and when you are in troll fest.. You shitted allover the convo

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I wasted my time in taking a trolling indian serious in starting a serious convo.. The Indian IQ is absolutely low you guys don't understand when you are in serious grown up convo and when you are in troll fest

OK, I shall behold the high IQ Mr. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak in the highest regards that have ever be given to a human.
Its not the fault of Turkish or Greeks borders police finally losing patience with a endless tide of economic migrants on there borders, migrants convoys are forcing themselves to be let in like it’s there right to walk in to any European states they want to live in
Look,the thing is that blaming Greece of brutality against immigrants and refugees is a part of the AKP government's hypocritical policies. They always have double standards.

For example,Akar says on TV that Greeks love arms races,because we try to upgrade our Armed Forces which had been neglected for more than a decade because of the economic crisis. He nags about Greece ordering 3 FDI frigates when the last time we ordered a new frigate was 33 years ago. He nags about Greece getting Rafale,but at the same time Turkey has been arming like crazy.

You hear them say that Greece is no match for Turkey and that they can destroy Greece easily in a war,but at the same time,they demand that we remove the small garissons we have on the islands,because they say "they're a threat to Turkey".

You hear Akar and Cavusoglu talk about international law,but then they tell us "Let's solve our problems together,we don't have to involve the UN or EU or go to Hague or others". They talk about Greece not abiding by international law,but they haven't signed the UNCLOS.

Then you hear them say Greece is constantly provoking. But it's actually their jet fighters and now UAVs that fly over our islands and over our air space,almost daily.

They mock and insult the Americans and the EU and then get angry when they don't sell them F-16s or support them.

They nag about a Dutch leftist reporter who was rude to our Prime Minister,but they don't say anything about all these people in their country:

They talk about Greece being "inhuman" to refugees and immigrants,but they don't comment on their own videos of the Turkish Coast Guard beating them up,trying to ram their boats or escort them to our waters.

It's Turkey's double standards. It's just like what India is making propaganda and fake news and lies about Pakistan.

I don't blame all of the Turks. I blame the AKP government and those who support it.

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