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Turkish - Armenian issues


Dec 25, 2011
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Go on ..please.
I really have nothing else to say on the AG, it has all been said.

I think what would be interesting is a conversation on Turkish Armenian relations as they relate to the Artsakh conflict.
I really have nothing else to say on the AG, it has all been said.

I think what would be interesting is a conversation on Turkish Armenian relations as they relate to the Artsakh conflict.
OK..tell us about of Artsakh conflict.. what is it?
I don't see any sincere move from the Armenian government or people. This discussion has no end.
how can it be that there was 1.5 milion armenians that was "killed" when the population that time generally in Turkey isn't that big (according to the turkish soruces there was 13-14 million people in Turkey (date: 1927)

Turkiye should and will never accept such a big lie. :)
During the Russian-Turkish war the Russians backed Armenian thugs and gave them weapons and money; There are documents proving this. These thugs started killing village people, and the Armenians in the Ottoman army started to revolt. Most of the massacres happened in Kurdish villages. As a result the authorities of the time attacked these armed groups and killed them. If the Ottomans wanted to kill all the Armenians, they would have.

There are documents proving there was no Genocide in the archives of the Turkey, Armenia, Russia and the Vatican.

When people start to study history through the internet, they find so many untrue stuff.
Well, if you want to know about its background, then I would advice you to read the Wikipedia entry.

My belief is that this is in fact a frozen conflict. On the one side, Armenia will act only with green light from Russia. This is very possible, 1. Russia is very annoyed with the Azeri pipelines that bypass its territory and could encourage Armenia to shell them 2. because overall relations could take a nosedive if Gabala lease does not extend and 3. because Azerbaijan is siding with the West. Iran as well as Russia could confront Azerbaijan for the last reason (not to mention that in Iran's case, relations are only a couple of steps away from all out hostility with Azerbaijan.)

On the other hand, Azerbaijan will not invade for a number of reasons.. Before all the Turks on this forum make a huge fuss, I'm saying this because 1. if they were strong enough then they would have attacked within the last 20 . In fact, the territory of Armenian NK grows every yearas Armed forces push back Azeris in certain places. 2. An invasion will illicit a response from Russia and possibly Iran.

So, what I think is that Turkey will eventually drop its precondition and establish relations with Armenia. There is increasing international pressure to do so.

If the Ottomans wanted to kill all the Armenians, they would have.

They practically did, along with Pontic Greeks, Assyrians, and Chaldeans. But again, nobody on this thread is a historian. Besides no matter what "compelling" argument you make, I will not be changing my perspective about history (and vice versa).

The OP agreed to discuss the NK conflict, so let's do that.
There are documents proving there was no Genocide in the archives of the Turkey, Armenia, Russia and the Vatican.

Not sure about this. Both Armenia and Russia have recognized the Genocide, so obviously those "documents" were not very convincing. The Vatican contains both pro and con with regards to the AG.
Well, if you want to know about its background, then I would advice you to read the Wikipedia entry.

So, what I think is that Turkey will eventually drop its precondition and establish relations with Armenia. There is increasing international pressure to do so.

They practically did, along with Pontic Greeks, Assyrians, and Chaldeans. But again, nobody on this thread is a historian. Besides no matter what "compelling" argument you make, I will not be changing my perspective about history (and vice versa).

The OP agreed to discuss the NK conflict, so let's do that.

'I would advice you to read the Wikipedia entry'- I see you have learn you're facts from Wikipedia; the most reliable source on the world.

If we 'practically did' kill all Armenians, why are you still talking to me? I am no Historian but i am a researcher; And i am not stupid enough to get my information for Wikipedia. If you don't believe me, i can give you the archive codes of the documents from archives from Turkey and England. The reason i could not get in to the Armenian archives is because they are censoring their documents; I wonder why??

Armenians were displaced all over the world, because the of the Turkish attacks, i know that for sure.

What makes you so 'sure'?

What is the meaning of "Genocide" term ?

What is the meaning of *the term 'Troll-ism'?
On the other hand, Azerbaijan will not invade for a number of reasons.. Before all the Turks on this forum make a huge fuss, I'm saying this because 1. if they were strong enough then they would have attacked within the last 20 . In fact, the territory of Armenian NK grows every yearas Armed forces push back Azeris in certain places. 2. An invasion will illicit a response from Russia and possibly Iran.

How does that fit any kind logic when Azerbaijan's military budget are double the amount of whole Armenian state budget? With regards to military parity, Azerbaijan has both quality and quantity advantage in every field, and this is only going to increase. And please feel free to provide a source for your second claim.

Over the last 2 years your ally Russia has sold Azerbaijan 3 battalions of S-300PMU2, 36 Mi-35M, 60 Mi-17 and the two countries prepares to sign a contract for T-90 and BMP-3.

So please get out of your imagination world.
Relations with Armenia should stay as it is and I would encourage more voilent tactics but thanks to our foreing policy we already have too many areas to focus on so no Armenian front for us in near times.

And for Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan can easily take back its lost territories but ''thanks'' Russian Caucasian policy it simply can't and if Russian support for Armenia continues this conflict will stay as it is. Russia already profits hell a lot from this conflict so I don't think they would be willing to do anything about it other than playing status quo for Armenian side.

Iran isn't that important when it comes to Caucasian politics... Russia is the top dog and everybody know that so anything Iran can do for its own good would be support Russia and Armenia but this already takes its toll on Turkish-Persian relations in Iran's domestic life so they are at bad stuation with either choice.

Turkey should stay put for now, like I said, we already have too many probems to deal with and Turkey's decision would be irrevelant unless we got US to support us on this subject and US strategicly supports Azerbaijan while at the same time supports Armenia on domestic policy because of ther religious conncetion and strenght of Armenian diaspora.
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