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Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

Mate, just 1 advice.

I wanted to open a thread regarding Turkish engines, but some other guy opened it before me and it filled with non-info posts in an instant before i could replied.

So, before posting, prepare all of your post and post them immediately. Before anyone can reply.
Loool hahahaha yam sorry but it was funny
Kartal i cant see the picture but somehow others can. Maybe because im on mobile defencepk app or something. Can you post the link also? Tnx in advance
Yeah tnx . It was the last 2 i couldnt see and i was curious about the danger board :D their afraidness is my pleasure
Do you have any information about the camouflage Erdoğan wears? I hope it was not the last decision..
Do you have any information about the camouflage Erdoğan wears? I hope it was not the last decision..
For now we don't have any information that its wide spread. I think no unit received it yet. Maybe they realized its total fail. But on the good side I see much more units that are receiving a newer design uniforms like these.

It would be sooo good if they make a version of ATACS IX camouflage for the Turkish army but a little bit brighter. Look at that beauty!






This is a youtube channel intended to tell the history of WW1 day by day. But it is sided agaisnt Turks and insist calling Istanbul constantinapol despite the messages i have send them. They dont always tell the full truth with accuricy but nontheless channel is very informative. This one i am sharing is about prerepublic ottoman army uniforms. I quit watching every episode out of anger but still i am dying to see part they will inform about Turkish war of indepedence. Enjoy.

The Arab soldiers look solid and sharp with their kufis
RIP Grandfathers

I always dreaming of looking for their graves and honoring them where they rest but this suppose to be done in a national level.
The Arab soldiers look solid and sharp with their kufis
RIP Grandfathers

I always dreaming of looking for their graves and honoring them where they rest but this suppose to be done in a national level.

I feel sorry for you.

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