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Turkish airspace closed to Israel, Erdoan says


Dec 27, 2009
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Monday, June 28, 2010
ANKARA — The Associated Press

Turkey's prime minister was quoted as saying Monday that his country closed its airspace to Israeli flights after a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told reporters in Toronto that Turkey imposed the ban after the May 31 raid on a Turkish ship that was part of a six-vessel international aid flotilla, according to Anatolia news agency. The prime minister, who is in Canada to attend a summit of the Group of 20 major industrial and developing nations, did not elaborate.

On Sunday, Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported that Turkey had not allowed a plane carrying Israeli military officers, en route to a tour of memorial sites in Auschwitz, Poland, to fly over Turkish airspace.

The transport plane, with more than 100 commissioned and noncommissioned officers on board, was forced to make a detour, the paper said.

The Israeli military "refrained from responding officially to the event so not to exacerbate the rift in relations," the newspaper added.

Turkish aviation officials were not immediately available for comment.

Eight Turks and a Turkish-American were killed in the raid, which drew Turkish outrage and widespread international condemnation.

The aid ships were sailing to Gaza to break an Israeli blockade imposed on the besieged Strip.

Israel insists troops involved in the deadly raid acted in self defense after being attacked by some of the activists on board.

Turkey, which had a close alliance with Israel until the three-week Gaza war, which ended in early 2009, withdrew its ambassador and canceled joint military drills in response to the raid. It has said it will not return its ambassador and will reduce military and trade ties unless Israel apologizes for the raid. It also wants Israel to return the seized aid ships, agree to an international investigation and offer compensation for the victims.

"Up to now, we have done whatever is necessary within the rules of law — whether national or international — and we will continue to do so," Anatolia quoted Erdoğan as saying, adding that ties with Israel could return to normal if it meets Turkey's demands.

"We are not interested in making a show. We don't desire such a thing, and we have been very patient in the face of these developments," he said, according to Anatolia.

Israel has objected to an international inquiry into the operation and has set up its own investigative commission that includes two foreign observers.
Looks like this Erdogan guy wants to be the next poster boy :D
Looks like he has figured out the best possible way to do that.

By the way, what happened to his going in the next aid ship? still packing his briefcase? A publicity stunt as always.
Absolutely this is a PR stunt. Erdogan is sucking up to the Arabs.
Looks like this Erdogan guy wants to be the next poster boy :D
Looks like he has figured out the best possible way to do that.

By the way, what happened to his going in the next aid ship? still packing his briefcase? A publicity stunt as always.

That was actually never true. Some places started reporting on it and it picked up speed but the government never announced it. It is likely Erdogan will be out of office soon anyway then we can start cleaning up this rift he is causing with the U.S. I don't much care for Israel though.
That was actually never true. Some places started reporting on it and it picked up speed but the government never announced it. It is likely Erdogan will be out of office soon anyway then we can start cleaning up this rift he is causing with the U.S. I don't much care for Israel though.

Does Mr Erdogan has a chance for second term in house? Was all those for local public consumption to get public sympathy?
Does Mr Erdogan has a chance for second term in house? Was all those for local public consumption to get public sympathy?

He has said he wants to run one more time for office but i don't see that happening. He is casuing such a rift that it is making Turkey's number 2 party (CHP) and number 3 (MHP) join ties to get this guy out of office.
nice way to teach lesson to innocent killers..
The guy is too religious for Turkey. He even said "Muslims can not do genocide" this was referring to the Darfur issue. AKP government seems to be seeking a islamic alternative to the west while still trying to keep ties intact. That won't work. We need to stick with the U.S. and keep our Arab ties at arms length. We have nothing to lose with cutting ties with Israel though as they were purely tourism and military.

Another quote by the PM
"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers"

That one earned him prison time in 98.

Secularism must remain strong.
Absolutely this is a PR stunt. Erdogan is sucking up to the Arabs.

Once again your wrong. This is a completely internal issue as to why he has done this. Turkey has a set list of demands of what Israel needs to do and ties will continue to cool till those are met. First one being a apology from the Zionist government.
Once again your wrong. This is a completely internal issue as to why he has done this. Turkey has a set list of demands of what Israel needs to do and ties will continue to cool till those are met. First one being a apology from the Zionist government.
Give me a break...But then again, I do not care...Anyway...It is foolish to ruin this diplomatic tie between the two countries over the foolishness of some Turkish citizens if Turkey itself did not officially sanctioned the so-called 'aid' fleet. This pretentious act by Erdogan gained nothing for Turkey. Really does not lost anything for the long term either. Once Ergogan got a minimum of Arab approval, things will go back to normal again.

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------

Everyone who stands up against the Brutal regime in Til aviv sucks ??
get a life gambit.
And you have one that is better than mine..? :lol:
Turkey must retain it's close relationship with West - The arab's are ******* morons.They fundamentalists would destroy turkey and reverse all it's development - Turkey today is strong and has 700+Billion GDP Because of it's secularism.Turkish People are closest to being good muslims then so called fundamentalists Muslims who have nothing to do except giving fatwas or criticizing west to improve their credentials as good Muslim.
Give me a break...But then again, I do not care...Anyway...It is foolish to ruin this diplomatic tie between the two countries over the foolishness of some Turkish citizens if Turkey itself did not officially sanctioned the so-called 'aid' fleet. This pretentious act by Erdogan gained nothing for Turkey. Really does not lost anything for the long term either. Once Ergogan got a minimum of Arab approval, things will go back to normal again.

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------

And you have one that is better than mine..? :lol:

Give you a break ? Well if you post nonsense without research that is hard for me to do of course :azn:

Since you do not care it is best to avoid responding to posts in the thread don't you think ? It gives people the idea that Gambit is a caring person and we cant have that. :rofl:

Again Israel is of no concern here. The issue was the no vote turkey made on Iran sanctions. The right choice was to not vote at all. As this is the reason for the rift between the U.S. and Turkey. The U.S. is our strong ally while Israel i don't think anyone even the secularist cared for. The U.S. also needs us as we are their walkway to stronger ties with the ME. If Erdogan is not stupid he probably talked to Obama about all of this at the G-20.
☪☪☪☪;959961 said:
Turkey must retain it's close relationship with West - The arab's are ******* morons.They fundamentalists would destroy turkey and reverse all it's development - Turkey today is strong and has 700+Billion GDP Because of it's secularism.Turkish People are closest to being good muslims then so called fundamentalists Muslims who have nothing to do except giving fatwas or criticizing west to improve their credentials as good Muslim.

Exactly and many people can't see that. Secularism is what makes turkey a strong nation. It doesn't mean we are anti religion as 99% of the country is Muslim. Erdogan is trying to reverse this. Something that goes against what Turkey was founded on so this can not occur.

oh and our GDP is 880 billion as of 09 which puts as above all Muslims states so we must be doing something right. 932.199 billion is what is estimated by the end of this year. We will be hitting over a trillion GDP soon.
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