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Turkish air force lacks air to air?

why we paid for block 52 then?? it would have been more better if we would had trusted europe then america to provide us typhoon rather then ameirca for block 52 and those are on certain conditions.. :azn:

Ya we paid for BLK 52 because they are almost 4 times cheaper than Typhoon.:azn:
what is the cost of block 52 per plane which we are receiving i read here it quite high..

exact is unkown due to the fact that Package includes AMRAAMs and other things.But estimated cost is between 30-35 million dollars.While your typhoon easily crosses the 100 million dollar mark.
what is the cost of block 52 per plane which we are receiving i read here it quite high..

For PAF including weapons, spares and trainin around $80 millions, but 36 EF would clearly cost twice as much if not more.
For PAF including weapons, spares and trainin around $80 millions, but 36 EF would clearly cost twice as much if not more.

this what i was trying to say.. 80 million is no less and we have paid i blv 3 billion for this 18 fighters..
The biggest advantage of F16 Block52 is AMRAAM.Plus F-16 is one of the best dogfighters.
And is it possible for pakistan to get f35 through turkey?
Because if i remember turkey can sell f35 to other countries right?
Turkey is a production member, but at the end F35 is a US fighter and only they can sell it to other nations. So F35 for PAF will have nothing to do with Turkey!
5.1B Proposed in Sales, Upgrades, Weapons for Pakistan’s F-16s
23-May-2010 16:43 EDT

Related Stories: Alliances, Americas - USA, Asia - Central, Asia - India, Avionics, BAE, Boeing, Bombs - General, Bombs - Smart, Contracts - Awards, Contracts - Intent, ECM, Fighters & Attack, Issues - International, Issues - Political, Lockheed Martin, Missiles - Air-Air, Northrop-Grumman, Other Corporation, Radars, Raytheon, Sensors & Guidance, Spotlight articles, Support & Maintenance, Support Functions - Other, United Technologies

PAF F-16A drops Mk.82s
(click to view full)Major purchase of 53 upgrade kits. (May 21/10)

On June 28/06, the US DSCA notified Congress via a series of releases of its intention to provide Pakistan with a $5.1 billion Foreign Military Sales package to upgrade the F-16s that serve as the PAF’s top of the line fighters. Some of these items had been put on hold following the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan & Kashmir, but the request for 36 new F-16 Block 50/52s is now going ahead, along with new weapons, engine modifications, and upgrade kits for Pakistan’s older F-16 A/Bs.

These items are detailed below, along with controversies the proposed sales have created, and some of the conditions attached to the sale by the US government…

Item 1: 36 New F-16 Block 50/52s – $3 billion
Item 2: Weapons for the New F-16s – $650 Million
Item 3: F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification Kits – $1.3 billion
Item 4: F-16A/B Engine Modifications & UP/STAR – $151 Million
Deal Updates and Progress [updated]
Potential Controversies (July 5, 2006)
Displaying 169 of 3,986 words (about 10 pages)

copy pasted from another thread its from i blv some usa defense website if we see the ite no 1 it says 36 block 52 for 3 billion .. this is not cheap its a big amount
Wait a Minute can anyone in the world give me a reliable source on how does Block 52 costs 80 Million.The deal Includes everything from AMRAAMs to spare parts.and mind you AMRAAMs are not cheap practically they cost around a million dollars per missile.
The titile is "Turkish air force lacks air to air? "

The THK has acquired a number of state-of-the art weapon systems for its F-16s, including AGM-65A/B Maverick TV-guided missiles and AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. On October 9th, 1997, the US Department of Defense announced the possible sale to the government of Turkey of an additional 138 AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM), 120 LAU-129A/A launchers, containers, spare and repair parts, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $62 million.

The TUAF has recently purchased POPEYE attack missiles from Israel to be used by both the F-16s and F-4E's upgraded by Israel.

Together with the signing of the CCIP contract in April of 2005, a number of new weapon systems are to be installed on the Turkish vipers, including AGM-84H (SLAM-ER), AIM-120C, AGM-154A/B, AIM-9X and CBU-103/105. A further number of other weapon systems will be integrated in the mission software of the F-16s, including IRIS-T, Python 5, Derby and Penguin.


I dont think Turkey lacks in Air to Air weaponary
Wait a Minute can anyone in the world give me a reliable source on how does Block 52 costs 80 Million.The deal Includes everything from AMRAAMs to spare parts.and mind you AMRAAMs are not cheap practically they cost around a million dollars per missile.

Check thunder rules post:
Item 1: 36 New F-16 Block 50/52s – $3 billion

3 billion dividet by 36 fighter = around 83 million each
the 3 billion deal for 36 f-16 also include many spare parts like extra engine,about 7 APG-68 radar.andmany other things

and For pakistan Without weapons f-16 per cost is around 69Mn USD.

if we diivide 36 f-16 by 2.5billion..(500 million for the spare parts)
The lack of air to air in turkish air force.. is by i mean..
an aircraft that only made for air to air.
just an air superiotity fighter.
like f18 or such..
or maybe f22 or eurofighter typhoons..
i know f16 and f35 are beasts in air to air.
but the airplanes of the russians are better in air to air due to manoevrebility.
the weapons of the turks are the most advanced and the best.
Not made by turkey but still turkey owns them.
They can manu fracture it. and rocketsan developed best rockets and missiles for navy and attack helicopters.
but still..

and btw typhoons are offered to Turkey.
Turkey has no interests.
They want to get a couple squadrons after they received the f35's.
and maybe they will get it before f35 to fullfill the gap.

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