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Well, not much Turks wrote, not a distint feature of Seljuks :D
basmachi was the movement against russians. at the beginning it was just and needed. but after a while it lost its momentum and degenerated. that'd be very short intro :D
i wait for 10 min to see full answer gimme name of your leaders battles and military force u got :D
i went to school during soviet era, so we learnt that "basmachi are bad, very bad" :D but after soviet collapse, that changed :)

What about Enver ? what is thought of him ?(non-Soviet)
Only the Seljuk rulers were Persianized. The nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkmen could still speak their native tongue and they didn't loose it till today. The Turkmen refugees fled from they Mongol invasion and the Seljuks allowed the fleeing Turkmens to settle in Anatolia. Besides that the Seljuks could still speak Turkish. This is well documented

The Mughals were another story because Babur himself was bilingual in Persian and he also had Persian ancestry as Timurs son Sharukh Khan had a Tajik mother. So they were never purely Turkic at the beginning unlike Seljuks, Ottomans

I'm not a Muslim myself but we must admit that Turkic peoples had their Golden Age with Islam and the Islamic superpowers like Ottomans, Safavids or Mughals, Seljuks, Timurids. Delhi Sultanates... which were all of Turkic origin. Seriously how big would be the Ummah if the Turks hadn't mass converted? The Balkan peninsula, Anatolia and the Indian subcontinent wouldn't have had a significant Muslim population. Turks were the biggest spreaders and supporters of Islam after Arabs. That's a historical truth

While Avars, Bulgars, Cumans, Pechenegs..., got linguistically assimilated by Slavs, who also Christianized them and they were forever forgotten ecxept in history books
Probably today's Bulgarians, Romanians , Hungarians have large amount of cuman, vulgar and pecheneg blood but unfortunately they all became Christian and lost. Now that part of the world which was Turkic domain's people became known for pornstars and prostitution to west Europe :/
LOL i know english and russian, therefore i'm not pure turkic? :crazy:

göktürks and huns have everything to do with seljuks and early periods of ottomans. oğuz states are the continuation of steppe empire culture and civilization. göktürks shaped the very essense of turks. and ottomans and seljuks ruled over persian and arabic population, while mughals ruled over god knows what. their impact was next to zero on turkics, unlike other turkic states out there. you don't think that seljuks were brought to earth by aliens, right? oğuz can be traced to tiele, who were the very building stones of göktürks. and btw i don't mean european huns, but asian. i felt the urge to point that out because i don't want you to copy-paste wikipedia pages, again LOL
lastly, all turks are connected with european huns. they emerged as late as second half of 4.century AD. you think they fell from the sky?

naah, before islam turks were a bunch of barbarians :rofl:

the problem of succession was the greatest enemy of turks for like forever. wei of china tried to solve this problem by introducing chinese style aristocracy, but the notion among steppe people that only the capable and talented can rule over people prevented that from happening. tribes revolted and wei kingdom collapsed. in this context, ottomans' success is really worth admiration.

P.S. it is estimated that around 700-800k oğuz turks entered anatolia after malazgirt. at that time, population of anatolia was approx. 9-10 million. after mongol invasions, another 1.4-1.6 million oğuz entered anatolia.

LOL i know english and russian, therefore i'm not pure turkic? :crazy:

göktürks and huns have everything to do with seljuks and early periods of ottomans. oğuz states are the continuation of steppe empire culture and civilization. göktürks shaped the very essense of turks. and ottomans and seljuks ruled over persian and arabic population, while mughals ruled over god knows what. their impact was next to zero on turkics, unlike other turkic states out there. you don't think that seljuks were brought to earth by aliens, right? oğuz can be traced to tiele, who were the very building stones of göktürks. and btw i don't mean european huns, but asian. i felt the urge to point that out because i don't want you to copy-paste wikipedia pages, again LOL
lastly, all turks are connected with european huns. they emerged as late as second half of 4.century AD. you think they fell from the sky?

naah, before islam turks were a bunch of barbarians :rofl:

the problem of succession was the greatest enemy of turks for like forever. wei of china tried to solve this problem by introducing chinese style aristocracy, but the notion among steppe people that only the capable and talented can rule over people prevented that from happening. tribes revolted and wei kingdom collapsed. in this context, ottomans' success is really worth admiration.

P.S. it is estimated that around 700-800k oğuz turks entered anatolia after malazgirt. at that time, population of anatolia was approx. 9-10 million. after mongol invasions, another 1.4-1.6 million oğuz entered anatolia.

If Gökturks shaped the culture and essence of Turkics why are the vast majority of Turkic peoples Muslim? The Gökturks were Tengrist nature worshipers a religion which had nothing to do with Islam don't matter if Pan-Turanists try to find desperately any connections between Islam with Tengrism.

The Old Turkic language which was spoken by the Gökturks belongs to the Siberian Turkic branch and is closely related to the modern Altay, Tuvan and Western Yugur languages. Anatolian Turks speak an Oghuz language a different branch than the Old Turkic language of Gökturks.

Seljuks and Ottomans are the continuation of the Islamic culture and civilization which was startet by the Umayyad Caliphate. They had nothing to do with nomadic Tengrist empires.
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