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After a pro-PKK/YPG terrorist rally in today's geography called ''Iran'', Some 40.000 Turks of South Azerbaijan expressed solidarity with Turk soldiers in Olive Branch Operation, and chanted the famous words of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk during the Turk Tractor Sazi soccer team's match for Asian championship in 13 march 2018, which is 'Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene'...means "How happy is the one who says i am a Turk" .
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After a pro-PKK/YPG terrorist rally in today's geography called ''Iran'', Some 40.000 Turks of South Azerbaijan expressed solidarity with Turk soldiers in Olive Branch Operation, and chanted the famous words of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk during the Turk Tractor Sazi soccer team's match for Asian championship in 13 march 2018, which is 'Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene'...means "How happy is the one who says i am a Turk" .

Tractor Sazi FC made an official statement, and said that As Red Wolves of Tebriz Football Club, in Asian championship match we resounded the stadium with "How happy is the one who says i am a Turk" and showed solidarity with Turk soldiers because of pro-PKK supporters' protest against Olive Branch Operation.
I dont know, these people seem to be interpreting too much into the manuscript since there is zero evidence that it has even remotely anything to do with Turkic, neither the alphabet nor the history of the book.
Its typical European letters and depictions and the most widely accepted theory is that the manuscript was written in 15th century renaissance northern Italy.
Also look at the timeline of the ownership dating back to 1600's all of them are from Central Europe.

Too bad though it would be really interesting to know whats written in the book, what its purpose is and most importantly why its written in an unknown language.
The source: http://i.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/590x332/57b07888eb10bb1a58d92a30.jpg

18 March Canakkale Victory and Martyrs' Day

In minds... hearts... with respect.

İşte bu sorunun yanıtı Macar boylarının Orta Avrupa'ya geldiği yıllarda bu kavmi yöneten ve daha sonra da ülkenin ilk kralı olan Arpad hanedanından III. Bela'nın kemik örneklerinden alınan DNA'larda arandı.


Ve bu araştırmanın sonucu o dönem Macarların genlerinin Asya kökenli olduğunu ortaya koyuyordu.

Aynı araştırma bin yıl önce bu topraklara yerleşen ilk Macar boylarından bir grup insanın yeni bulunan mezarlarındaki kalıntılar üzerinde de yapıldı.
Sonuç aynıydı: İlk Macarlar Asya kökenliydi ve hatta genleri yüzde 25-30 oranında Asya Türklerinin genleriyle benzeşiyordu.
The source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/dunya/bir-ulke-bu-soruyu-soruyor-turklerle-akraba-miyiz-40776802

A DNA-research on the skeleton of 3.Bela the first king shows that DNAs of then population in Hungary came from Central Asia, as another DNA-research on one of first Hungarian clans had the same result.
The crafty Ibrahim Kalin, the Presidential speaker, comes up with a slow song dedicated to the Ottoman's.

@Vord the presidential speaker you didn't approve, has a side we didn't know of... It's crafty, creative and patriotic, well done to him.

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'Kazakhstan's new alphabet good for Turkic literature'

View attachment 457115

Under President Nursultan Nazarbayev's decree, country is set to switch from Cyrillic to Roman-based script by 2025

By Aliia Raimbekova

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AA) - A move by Kazakhstan to change its alphabet to the Roman script would contribute to Turkic literature, an academic said Thursday.

The country is set to switch from Cyrillic to a Roman-based script by 2025.

Darkhan Kydyrali, president of the International Turkic Academy, said they were working on a literary canon book aimed at promoting the classics of Turkic literature.

The book, which will be written in Kazakh in the Latin alphabet, will mainly cover folklore, tales and epics from all Turkic cultures and is due to come out this year, he said.

"As an academy, we would like to popularize literary works and develop a familiarity with literary heritage by translating collective works into other branches of Turkic languages,"

Kydyrali is also overseeing a project for a common alphabet of 34 letters for Turkic languages in order to build bridges between literature. He said writing works in a common alphabet would bring people closer together.

Kazakh, with its three dialects – Western Kazakh, Northeastern Kazakh and Southern Kazakh -- is a Turkic language. It is very close to Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Turkmen -- the languages of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan -- and is spoken by many ethnic Kazakhs throughout the former Soviet Union

Under Nazarbayev's decree, the country is set to switch from the Kazakh alphabet, which is Cyrillic, to a Roman-based script by 2025.

Nazarbayev said on April 12 last year that by 2025, Kazakhstan will start publishing workflows, periodicals, textbooks and everything else in the Roman alphabet.

He said Kazakhstan previously used a Roman alphabet from 1929 to 1940 but later replaced it with the Russian-based Cyrillic one.

In a speech last October, Nazarbayev said the transition to a new alphabet will make learning the Kazakh language easier.

He added that the transition would not affect the rights of the Russian-speaking people or Russian and other languages.


I doubt Azerbaijan would do such a thing :lol:
Azerbeycan had already changed before
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