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Turkey's war against Smoking !!!


Apr 9, 2018
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Turkey marks a decade of a revolutionary smoking ban, Health Ministry figures show more than 2.5 million people sought to quit smoking through clinics set up for smoking addicts.

Clinics opened in the early 2000s, increased in number in recent years, especially after the 2009 indoors smoking ban. Nicotine addicts sought help in 502 clinics across the country. However, no concrete figures are available on how many people permanently quit smoking after receiving assistance at clinics. Clinics also offer free medication to smokers to kick the habit.

Smoking, among the leading causes of deaths in the world, kills more than 7 million people every year through the diseases it causes. About 1.8 million people are diagnosed with smoking-related lung cancer every year.

Turkey introduced a nationwide indoor smoking ban in 2009 at restaurants, bars and similar establishments and gradually extended its reach to other enclosed spaces over the years. Still, smoking is prevalent in the nation whose habit saw the coining of the infamous phrase "smoking like a Turk." Another source of concern is passive smoking which experts say causes diseases, like leukemia and liver cancer as well as increases the risk of lung cancer

Turkish authorities have stepped up inspections against the violation of the smoking ban in the recent year. Some 1,500 teams of inspectors inspected businesses and public buildings every day around the country against the violation of the smoking ban. The Health Ministry also set up a hotline for citizens to report violations while an app called "Green Detector" allows users to immediately notify authorities against violations. Since 2009, teams carried out more than 22.8 million inspections.

Apart from clinics, the Health Ministry also offers advice to those trying to quit, through a hotline set up in 2010. The hotline receives about 5,000 calls every day from smokers. A ministry website also gives tips on how to quit smoking and allows users to calculate how much money they can save by not buying cigarettes.

Figures indicate that after the smoking ban, the prevalence of smokers decreased. Increased taxes on cigarettes and free medical treatment for smokers also aided a decline in the habit. Still, authorities are determined to stamp out smoking, which still prevails among the young and kills more than 100,000 people every year due to diseases linked to smoking. The smoking rate was 31.6 percent in 2016, according to the latest available data, a decline from 32.5 percent in 2014. Turkey also introduced a new regulation earlier this year for plain packaging to deter would-be smokers in particular. Under the regulation, which will be fully in force next year, packages of tobacco products will no longer bear the oversized logos, symbols or signs belonging to the brands save for fine print for each. Instead, cigarette packs will be largely covered by health warnings about the dangers of smoking.

Unfortunately living in Turkey force you to smoke or drink. The life in Turkey very tough so you are ending up either smoking or drinking.
I lost my grandfather in 2006 to smoking he was such a heavy smoker.

Smoking is part of Turkish culture I hope one day it goes away a lot of people in Turkey start smoking young.

Even my older brother smokes and I hate it.

Let's start with the rampant corruption first. Corruption breeds other filth

Corruption, prostitution, smoking, alcohol and gambling are all ills of society.
I lost my grandfather in 2006 to smoking he was such a heavy smoker.

Smoking is part of Turkish culture I hope one day it goes away a lot of people in Turkey start smoking young.

Even my older brother smokes and I hate it.

Corruption, prostitution, smoking, alcohol and gambling are all ills of society.
Corruption is the gateway to all those. This is a philosophical statement. Think about these words.
I lost my grandfather in 2006 to smoking he was such a heavy smoker.

Smoking is part of Turkish culture I hope one day it goes away a lot of people in Turkey start smoking young.

Even my older brother smokes and I hate it.

Corruption, prostitution, smoking, alcohol and gambling are all ills of society.
And may your grandfather rest in peace.
Good I hope they start a war against alcohol next.

Nah lets start a war on drugs. To be honest alcohol isn't bad in moderation. If you drink it for the wrong reasons and drink too much then it can be bad. However in moderation it has no negative effects unlike cigarettes and most other drugs.

If you meant making people aware of the dangers of too much drinking and drunk driving and what not I could understand. Many people abuse alcohol. However I don't think alcohol should be banned.

Here in Melbourne a massive chunk of the youth population regularly do drugs like MDMA and Ketamine.. These people have weak willpower and can't stand up against peer pressure. Some are able to break out of it however others end up addicted to all sorts of drugs. It's a pretty big problem here and part of it is because drinks at clubs and music festivals are too expensive, so these people end up resorting to drugs. My parents raised me well, their advice helped me avoid cigarettes and drugs.
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Nah lets start a war on drugs. To be honest alcohol isn't bad in moderation. If you drink it for the wrong reasons and drink too much then it can be bad. However in moderation it has no negative effects unlike cigarettes and most other drugs.

If you meant making people aware of the dangers of too much drinking and drunk driving and what not I could understand. Many people abuse alcohol. However I don't think alcohol should be banned.

Here in Melbourne a massive chunk of the youth population regularly do drugs like MDMA and Ketamine.. These people have weak willpower and can't stand up against peer pressure. Some are able to break out of it however others end up addicted to all sorts of drugs. It's a pretty big problem here and part of it is because drinks at clubs and music festivals are too expensive, so these people end up resorting to drugs. My parents raised me well, their advice helped me avoid cigarettes and drugs.

Drugs should also be destroyed. My opposition to alcohol is both personal and religious.

I know central asian Turks drink kimiz. Even some Ottoman sultans drank alcohol.

In short people around the world love their Alcohol lmaoo
Nah lets start a war on drugs. To be honest alcohol isn't bad in moderation. If you drink it for the wrong reasons and drink too much then it can be bad. However in moderation it has no negative effects unlike cigarettes and most other drugs.

If you meant making people aware of the dangers of too much drinking and drunk driving and what not I could understand. Many people abuse alcohol. However I don't think alcohol should be banned.

Here in Melbourne a massive chunk of the youth population regularly do drugs like MDMA and Ketamine.. These people have weak willpower and can't stand up against peer pressure. Some are able to break out of it however others end up addicted to all sorts of drugs. It's a pretty big problem here and part of it is because drinks at clubs and music festivals are too expensive, so these people end up resorting to drugs. My parents raised me well, their advice helped me avoid cigarettes and drugs.

If you ban Alcohol people will be directed to illegal drugs and other stuff... It is already so expensive because of this huge tax... If it was up to me, I would have just sell alcohol with cola price...
Turkish people smoke a lot.... this is good initiative.

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