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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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For months Turkish authorities claimed that the S-400 was chosen because of ToT. Now for the first time an official source confirms that there is no ToT agreement between Turkey and Russia whatsoever.

It is becoming clearer day by day that the S-400 system was purchased not because it benefits Turkey but as a payback for downing the Russian jet...

For months Turkish authorities claimed that the S-400 was chosen because of ToT. Now for the first time an official source confirms that there is no ToT agreement between Turkey and Russia whatsoever.

It is becoming clearer day by day that the S-400 system was purchased not because it benefits Turkey but as a payback for downing the Russian jet...

Honestly, as I expected and even feared: It was a pure political deal with a very high cost, a lot of damage to other nation's relationship. I actually still don't understand it especially now with this becoming clear.
It is quite normal, nobody gives anyone the knowhow so easily. It does not mean that we have done badly by choosing s400.

As far as I can remember, there would be some knowhow sharing in the second party, not with the first party. Even if it not happen, it is still okay because wr need these defense systems urgently.

For months Turkish authorities claimed that the S-400 was chosen because of ToT. Now for the first time an official source confirms that there is no ToT agreement between Turkey and Russia whatsoever.

It is becoming clearer day by day that the S-400 system was purchased not because it benefits Turkey but as a payback for downing the Russian jet...
OBAMA ( The US ) did not sale PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkiye

France also doesnt sell anything to Turkiye , because of the Turkish Armed Forces kicked American-French backed Pkk/Ypg Terrorists in Syria and Turkish military action in the Eastern Mediterranean

on the other hand Turkiye has received two S-400 battalions, more than 120 missiles in a short time

and S400 will be operational by 2020 to protect Turkish national interests in the Eastern Mediterranean against Greece , France , Egypt , Israel

also S400 will protect AKKUYU Nuclear Power Plant in Turkiye
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For months Turkish authorities claimed that the S-400 was chosen because of ToT. Now for the first time an official source confirms that there is no ToT agreement between Turkey and Russia whatsoever.

It is becoming clearer day by day that the S-400 system was purchased not because it benefits Turkey but as a payback for downing the Russian jet...
I’ve said it before and I’ll ay it again. **** Putin. **** Russia.
We knew akp was lying about this technology transfer thing. Russia never and ever share it's technologies with someone never...
Well we are right on something again. Akp's existence based on lies and this is one of 'em.
I really wonder what's gonna tayyip say? I bet he will say that " Putin fooled me" again.

For months Turkish authorities claimed that the S-400 was chosen because of ToT. Now for the first time an official source confirms that there is no ToT agreement between Turkey and Russia whatsoever.

It is becoming clearer day by day that the S-400 system was purchased not because it benefits Turkey but as a payback for downing the Russian jet...

It doesn't changes the fact we have urgent needs. People who talks about SAMP are the most dumbest people amount us. Ther was before the first system build a schedule of 54 months, that was the reason why we didn't chosen the samp. And lately France is doing shit about ToT because we are not acting like a pupet:-).

Our sea is boiling and people are crying about ToT, we need protect our Agean sea and we don't have. If you ask me should buy another system from Russia. No tot no problem untill our Hisar-U is ready can be used.
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We knew akp was lying about this technology transfer thing. Russia never and ever share it's technologies with someone never...
Well we are right on something again. Akp's existence based on lies and this is one of 'em.
I really wonder what's gonna tayyip say? I bet he will say that " Putin fooled me" again.
Muahahaha :D you obsessed with Erdoğan. Go on .... ..... :) what a enjoyfull watching maniacs like you :D
S400 deal didnt heppen in a vacuum, and came about after US pulled its Patriots from Turkey after russian jet incident and after refusing a sell of Patriots to Turkey; which Turkey led to conclude that they cant relly on US in time of crisis. Esspecially cause Turkey in upcoming New translatelal World Order is in on collision curse with Grecce and its E Medditerain neigbours ( Egypt, Israel, Greece, Cyprus) which accendently are more or less dependent on US and their intereststs (see Exon ) are align/ opposed of Turkey interests. EU too. SO... By Turkey insisting on ToT for patriots and EU systems was priority to ensure that if conflict between one of those does heppen Turkey would have its own productrion capabilities of missiles and commponents for those systems etc... so embargo would have less of impact and would speed up indiginius AD programs. As that didnt heppen, S400 is more then adaquete stop gap. Its more capable/versitile system then a Patriot. We also arent aware if US offered its latelst versions of said Systems... Those Saudi ones havent had much succes against crude Houthi balistic systems, cause they are not suit for such engagments. Even PAC 3 isnt much of improvment, thats why US devoleped THAAD.

Then there is a geopolitical angle, US did left Turkey alone to deal with russian crisis over the jet, but they also at the same time against whishes of their NATO ally deepened its inv0olvemnt in proping up YPG in Syria, along side of France.. and lunch all out media campaign against Turkey. Of course they focused on Erdogan, but make no mistake it aim is against Turkey and its ambitions of aserting itself in the region. One of the reasons why they didnt hit Assad, famouse red line, but kept their involvemnt minimal in ensuring that regime doesnt fall but to made them negotiate is firmly held notion that if that would have heppen that Turkey would be a winner and became ME kingmaker, and hegemone. Israelis didnt want it to heppen, UAE and Saudis eather all with greate lobbying influence in DC circles.. So, by going with S400, Turkey was also sending a msg to its NATO frienemies; you better take us seriously, cause you may loose us, and if you do Mediterian will cease to be a NATO lake. It was a geopolitical headge move by Turkey as much as it was about defence.
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S400 deal didnt heppen in a vacuum, and came about after US pulled its Patriots from Turkey after russian jet incident and after refusing a sell of Patriots to Turkey; which Turkey led to conclude that they cant relly on US in time of crisis. Esspecially cause Turkey in upcoming New translatelal World Order is in on collision curse with Grecce and its E Medditerain neigbours ( Egypt, Israel, Greece, Cyprus) which accendently are more or less dependent on US and their intereststs (see Exon ) are align/ opposed of Turkey interests. EU too. SO... By Turkey insisting on ToT for patriots and EU systems was priority to ensure that if conflict between one of those does heppen Turkey would have its own productrion capabilities of missiles and commponents for those systems etc... so embargo would have less of impact and would speed up indiginius AD programs. As that didnt heppen, S400 is more then adaquete stop gap. Its more capable/versitile system then a Patriot. We also arent aware if US offered its latelst versions of said Systems... Those Saudi ones havent had much succes against crude Houthi balistic systems, cause they are not suit for such engagments. Even PAC 3 isnt much of improvment, thats why US devoleped THAAD.

Then there is a geopolitical angle, US did left Turkey alone to deal with russian crisis over the jet, but they also at the same time against whishes of their NATO ally deepened its inv0olvemnt in proping up YPG in Syria, along side of France.. and lunch all out media campaign against Turkey. Of course they focused on Erdogan, but make no mistake it aim is against Turkey and its ambitions of aserting itself in the region. One of the reasons why they didnt hit Assad, famouse red line, but kept their involvemnt minimal in ensuring that regime doesnt fall but to made them negotiate is firmly held notion that if that would have heppen that Turkey would be a winner and became ME kingmaker, and hegemone. Israelis didnt want it to heppen, UAE and Saudis eather all with greate lobbying influence in DC circles.. So, by going with S400, Turkey was also sending a msg to its NATO frienemies; you better take us seriously, cause you may loose us, and if you do Mediterian will cease to be a NATO lake. It was a geopolitical headge move by Turkey as much as it was about defence.

Can we be sure the Americans were gonna give the F35???

Anything that Turkiye does that is the opposite of the Americans no doubt the Americans would easily pull the plug on the F35 for Turkiye.

Lets be honest as much as we want TOTs i highly doubt Americans, Europeans and the Russians or even the Chinese will give it.

Turkey has to go alone on ita air defence systems they will take long but I feel like the sacrifice is worth it. Turkiye was willing to buy Patriots or European ones what they did was put the middle finger.

Turkey does not get the respect and treatment it deserves in Nato. Because of religious, political and racial factors. Turks will always be treated as outsiders due to us being Muslim and being the so called brown race which Turks are not because Turks exhibit a wide range of colours.

Turkiye is going its own destiny hence why the Americans dont like it. The American rule is either play by our rules and kiss our *** if not be prepared to suffer the consequences. Russia hates us they dont need to hide it at all. Usa is a snake while the Russians are a bear.
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Who is most likely to be a target for Indonesian AIMs???

Potential conflict is with Malaysia in Ambalat block which is a disputed oil and gas block between Indonesia and Malaysia but is in Indonesia control. As long as Indonesia keep its military superiority over Malaysia, the chance for military conflict is minimal though. The next potential one is with China in North Natuna Sea since our EEZ is enroached by Chinese nine dash line claim.

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