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Turkey's Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely on the streets' if diplomatic row continues

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They are owners of their countries,their words are law.
Than this will happen vice versa to europeons in turkey, this isnt an issue worth it to raise enimosity, europe is denying turkey the right to launch democratic campaign for its referendum to turkish citizens in europe which to me is facism and contrary to the freedom of speech and human rights blah blah that europe is always hiding behind, the blunt explanation of it all is that europe is opposing the centrao power of erdogan because he is an islamic leader, turkey is a majority muslim country so its their right to live their lives according to their religion, europe has no buisiness trying to impose its secular ideologies on other nations, they can keep that shit to themselves, the utter hate that europe harbours for islam and muslims is bieng exposed now,...
Than this will happen vice versa to europeons in turkey, this isnt an issue worth it to raise enimosity, europe is denying turkey the right to launch democratic campaign for its referendum to turkish citizens in europe which to me is facism and contrary to the freedom of speech and human rights blah blah that europe is always hiding behind, the blunt explanation of it all is that europe is opposing the centrao power of erdogan because he is an islamic leader, turkey is a majority muslim country so its their right to live their lives according to their religion, europe has no buisiness trying to impose its secular ideologies on other nations, they can keep that shit to themselves, the utter hate that europe harbours for islam and muslims is bieng exposed now,...
Its pretty hard to find an actual adult here who might have a 2 bit iq to atleast debate an issue inpartially, trolling is for teenagers, comeback once ur past those raging harmones and trying out new drugs...
Its pretty hard to find an actual adult here who might have a 2 bit iq to atleast debate an issue inpartially, trolling is for teenagers, comeback once ur past those raging harmones and trying out new drugs...
There's nothing to debate,sovereign nations can decide who is allowed to do political propaganda on their lands,there s no God given right for Turkish politicians to campaign in Europe.
Its a blatant open threat of terrorism against europe. I dont know how NATO still has turkey as a member.
He also has the gall to accuse others of nazism while he is becoming a hitler in his own country.
The world should just label turkey a state sponsor of terrorism already and ban all travel to and from turkey
And what trouble might that be my hungry little indian friend with a foriegn name (probably because ur ashamed of the one ur parents gave u), the sissies in europe can do jack squat to turkey...
Helly Sissy,

Here's 2 things to consider:
The Netherlands provides 1/5th of all foreign investment in Turkey
Thatles Netherlands equipment is used on most combat ships of the Turkish navy (Main search radars, fire control radars, command management systems etc)
What if that is all no longer supported?
Its europe that needs to take its meds and come to its senses about there being other ways than the europen way and the will of the people in turkey, who the hell are they to deny the truks campaigns in europe based on their hypcorissy, this will have reprecussions..
We have no problem with the will of the people in Turkey. Question is whether Erdogan represents it. Also, Erdogan or the Turkish government has no business with people from Turkish descent that were born and raised in the Netherlands (fancy us meddeling in Turkey that way). Did you know that the people doing the preaching in some 140 mosques in the Netherlands are all in Turkish government service (i.e. civil servants) and - guess what - what is preached in many places is identical (and I do mean VERBATIM identical) and directed from outside the Netherlands. That's just one example of 'the long arm' of Erdogan, and how we experience inteference here. Although it is a free country here, many Turks are afraid to express what they really believe and think because of this 'long arm' and so are not actually free (but not because of the Dutch). Incidentally, Turks in the Netherlands are often indicated as the least integrated (Having experience with living abroad for many, many years, I would personally prefer to use the term 'adjusted') group if immigrants. How do you think that happened?

In short, fancy the Dutch doing the same in Turkey: you'ld all be screaming bloody murder.

Than this will happen vice versa to europeons in turkey, this isnt an issue worth it to raise enimosity, europe is denying turkey the right to launch democratic campaign for its referendum to turkish citizens in europe which to me is facism and contrary to the freedom of speech and human rights blah blah that europe is always hiding behind, the blunt explanation of it all is that europe is opposing the centrao power of erdogan because he is an islamic leader, turkey is a majority muslim country so its their right to live their lives according to their religion, europe has no buisiness trying to impose its secular ideologies on other nations, they can keep that shit to themselves, the utter hate that europe harbours for islam and muslims is bieng exposed now,...
Clearly, you have no idea what you are on about. It is Erdogan who has deliberately sought conflict here.

Its pretty hard to find an actual adult here who might have a 2 bit iq to atleast debate an issue inpartially, trolling is for teenagers, comeback once ur past those raging harmones and trying out new drugs...
I'm twice your age, "dude".

There's nothing to debate,sovereign nations can decide who is allowed to do political propaganda on their lands,there s no God given right for Turkish politicians to campaign in Europe.
... although they think so because the Turkish State pushes a Turkish passport on to anyone of Turkish descent (including those not born there and who may not ever have set foot in Turkey), much like the Moroccan state does on people of Moroccan descent. Again, how about "we" (Europeans) would all do the same and then take our elections campaigns to Turkey....? Besides, what Erdogan attempted to do (namely: using diplomatic sites for political campaigning) is forbidden ... BY TURKISH ELECTORAL LAW (so he broke his own country's laws) !
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Indians hate MUslims in general not just Pakistanis. Make no mistake about that.

Oh but the Arab countries and Iranians would disagree with you.

The world should just label turkey a state sponsor of terrorism already and ban all travel to and from turkey
That'd be an extreme measure.

Turkey isn't some loony tinpot kleptocracy.

Sure it has political instability but it is far away from being a terrorist state.

You'd be surprised how stable and level-headed the are if you visited their country.
With each passing day Erdogan demonstrates symptoms of increasing mania. I thought Trump was a motormouth but even he pales in comparison with Erdogan.

The entire saga with the Netherlands and Germany was quite avoidable - and now this foolish statement. Net result will be a reduction in EU-Turkey cooperation and trust that will mostly hurt Turks.
With each passing day Erdogan demonstrates symptoms of increasing mania. I thought Trump was a motormouth but even he pales in comparison with Erdogan.

The entire saga with the Netherlands and Germany was quite avoidable - and now this foolish statement. Net result will be a reduction in EU-Turkey cooperation and trust that will mostly hurt Turks.

Erdogan might propose a withdrawal from the NATO at this rate. That's pretty serious if you ask me.
This man is a legend.i like him when he stands for a purpose.unlike our rulers
Pdf and its Turkey experts :)
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