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Turkey’s Defense Industry Has Come A Long Way, But Ankara Still Relies Heavily On Foreign Suppliers

Head of SSB Demir said that "The tests of ALTAY's domestic engine will start in the coming days."

The engine developed by BMC POWER under the name of BATU, 12-cylinder, V-type, water-cooled, turbo diesel, and it has 1500 hp with 4600Nm torque. The company will also develop U connect type transmission, cooling package air filtration system and exhaust system within the scope of the power group

what I see is Iranians trying to score points against Turkey, not knowing that their own defense industry need to import parts as far from the Netherlands .
but MMME said Turkey is a military superpower and makes everything themselves!

Turkey is not a military superpower. Currently an emerging regional actor trying to complete its transformation until the 2030s.
but MMME said Turkey is a military superpower and makes everything themselves!

Nobody makes everything themselves in the World

I said that Turkey develops around 700 military projects to break dependence on Foreign Military Technology in 2030

Turkey is at 67% self-sufficiency now and will be over 95% by 2030

Turkish Weapon Systems to replace American , Israeli , German , French weapons of the Turkish Armed Forces

-- MPT-76 Rifle to replace German G-3 / HK-33 Rifles
-- OMTAS anti Tank Missile to replace American TOW , German MILAN and French ERYX
-- ALTAY Tank to replace American M-60 and German Leopar2A4
-- T-155 STORM Howitzer to replace American M-52T
-- KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile to replace American ATACMS
-- SOM air launched Cruise Missile to replace American SLAM-ER and Israeli POPEYE
-- ATMACA anti ship Missile to replace American HARPOON

-- MIZRAK-U Anti Tank Missile to replace American HELLFIRE
-- HISAR Air Defense System to replace American HAWK XXI
-- BOZDOGAN air to air Missile to replace American AIM-9
-- GOKDOGAN air to air Missile to replace American AIM-120
-- AKBABA anti radiation Missile to replace American HARM
-- 30 km TEMREN Missile to replace Norwegian PENGUIN
-- ORKA lightweight Torpedo to replace American MK-46 and MK-54
-- AKYA heavyweight Torpedo to replace British TIGERFISH and German DM2A4
-- HGK guided Bomb to replace American GBU-31 JDAM
-- TEBER-82 guided Bomb to replace American GBU-38 JDAM

-- TAI T129 Attack Helicopter to replace American AH-1P Cobra and AH-1W Super Cobra
-- TAI T625 Utility Helicopter to replace American Bell UH-1 Iroquois
-- TAI ANKA-S and TAI AKSUNGUR UCAVs to replace Israeli HERON
-- TAI HURKUS Trainer and light attack Aircraft
-- TAI HURJET Jet trainer and air close support Fighter Jet to replace American T-38
-- TAI TFX Fighter Jet to replace American F-16
-- KARGI Anti radiation Drone to replace Israeli HARPY

-- ASELPOD Targeting Pod to replace Israeli LITENING
-- ASELSAN GaN AESA Radar to replace American AN/APG-68(V)9
-- HIZIR LFAS Towed Array Sonar to replace American AN/SQR-19
-- HIZIR Torpedo Countermeasure System to replace American AN/SLQ-25 Nixie
-- ARES-2 Electronic Warfare System to replace American AN / SLQ-32
-- GOKDENIZ 35mm CIWS to replace American PHALANX

-- TEI PD-170 Turboprob Engine to replace Thielert Centurion 2.0
-- TEI TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine to replace American LTECH T800
-- BMC UTKU 1000 hp Engine to replace German MTU-881 KA 500
-- TRMOTOR turbofan Engine

-- TCG UFUK (SIGINT) Intelligence Gathering Ship
-- ADA class Corvette to replace French TypeA69
-- ISTIF class stealth Frigate to replace German MEKO-200
-- TF-2000 class Destroyer to replace American OHP
-- MILDEN class AIP Submarine to replace German Type-209
-- TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship
-- ALEMDAR class Submarine Rescue Mother Ship (MOSHIP)
-- Super Tanker
-- TUZLA class Patrol Boat
-- FAC-55 Fast attack Missile Boat

-- Havelsan Network Enabled Data Integrated (GENESIS ADVENT) Combat Management System
-- Aselsan TAKS Fire Control System
-- Aselsan PIRI Panoramic Infrared Imaging - KATS Infrared Search and Track system
-- Aselsan FERSAH Carina Mounted Sonar System
-- Aselsan ZOKA Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasure Decoy
-- Aselsan ZARGANA Submarine Torpedo Counter Measure System
-- Aselsan TORK Hard-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure System
-- Aselsan KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems
-- Aselsan MİLKAR-3A3 Mobile Electronic Attack System
-- Aselsan MUKAS Communication Jamming System
-- Aselsan TASMUS-II network centric Tactical Area Communications System
-- Aselsan MEHPOD Jamming Pod
-- Aselsan Airborne stand off Jammer
-- Aselsan SPEWSII Self protection Electronic Warfare System
-- HEWS Helicopter electronic warfare system
-- Aselsan Mod5/S long range (friend or foe) Identification System
-- Armelsan ARAS-2023 Portable Diver Detection Sonar
-- Meteksan KEMENT National Tactical Data Link
-- Tubitak-SAGE EHPOD Self Protection Jammer Pod
-- Aselsan AESA SAR Pod

-- MPT-55 and KCR-56 assault Rifles
-- JNG-90 Sniper Rifle
-- MFY-71 fully automatic Machine Gun
-- Next generation APC,,AFV and IFV
-- YAVUZ truck mounted 155mm Howitzer
-- TANOK 120mm Laser Guided Tank Shell
-- MKE 120 mm Mod 300 HE-T and MKE 120 mm Mod 310 HEAT MP-T
-- CIDA Urban Warfare Weapon
-- YATAGAN Laser Guided Miniature Missile
-- KARAOK shoulder-fired Anti Tank Missile
-- MAM-L laser guided smart munition
-- KORKUT 35mm SPAAG ( Airbust ammunition )
-- 25 mm Aselsan STOP Machine Gun Platform
-- 30 mm Aselsan SMASH remote-controlled naval Cannon
-- 40 km TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 8 km CIRIT laser guided Rocket
-- 12 km LGK Laser guided Bomb
-- 28 km NEB Penetrator Bomb
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 100 km SDB Bomb
-- 110 km KUZGUN modular joint ammunition
-- KGK-LR long range glide Bomb with IIR seeker
-- SAPAN Rolling Airframe Missile
-- SAHI-209 and TUFAN hypersonic Electromagnetic Railguns
-- FNSS SAMUR Amphibious Assault Bridge
-- KAPLAN Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot
-- TAMKAR Mine Clearing System
-- Roketsan level 4-5-6 Composite Armor
-- Aselflir 300T targeting sight system
-- AVCI Helmet Mounted Display System
-- TBT-01 Yakamoz Sonar
-- Bayraktar TB-2 tactical UCAV
-- AKINCI strategic UCAV
-- TAI ATAK2 Attack Helicopter
-- TAI 10 tons class Utility Helicopter
-- GOKTURK Military Satellite
-- BURAK Space Probe Rocket and Launch System
-- UMIT Space Launch System

-- 66 km Aselsan ALPER Naval LPI Radar
-- 89 km Aselsan SERDAR Coastal Surveillance LPI Radar
-- 100 km Aselsan MAR-D 3B AESA Naval Radar
-- 100 km Aselsan STR Weapon Locating Long Range Radar
-- 120 km KALKAN II Air search Radar
-- 450 km CAFRAD GaN based AESA Radar
-- 600 km Aselsan EIRS Early Warning Radar
-- MILDAR Helicopter fire control Radar

and many more
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It is a shame about the engines for the T-129, i guess that will be lesson for Turkey to make sure all its programmes are ITAR free for the future.

Engines are the achilles heel of most military programmes and even China at times struggles with engines. It is a complicated issue, but one that Turkey can address.

I suspect, that PA will want to wait for the T-129s. Drones hae changed the equation and PA has bought quite a few of them recently, so i think they can afford to wait.

This is not about the Z-10 not being good enough, it is about military diversity and therefore capability. Standardisation and diversity have their own military benefits and issues. Pakistan "wants" to "develop" Turkey as a military weapons supplier by actively getting involved in procuring some of them.

Yes, China can provide everything, that is not the issue here.

Damn, I knew the helicopter was not developed by Turkey alone, but I thought Turkey at least had its part in the development, but no, nothing, the helicopter is a pure license production from an Italian-British company.
And the Americans don't only provide the engine (which is the most critical part), but also other parts....

And once again we see the massive dependence of Turkey on foreign technology supply!

Turkey is nowhere as advandced as Erdogan wants the world to believe.

From all the military systems that Turkey regularly shows, I wonder how many of them are truely indigineous Turkish systems....I guess most of them (if not all) have a lot of foreign components, and especially the most critical components are always foreign, but normally we are not informed about that, until the foreign supplier stops the supply and the media starts reporting about it....

Turkey has still a very loooooooong way to go!!!

Damn, I knew the helicopter was not developed by Turkey alone, but I thought Turkey at least had its part in the development, but no, nothing, the helicopter is a pure license production from an Italian-British company.
And the Americans don't only provide the engine (which is the most critical part), but also other parts....

And once again we see the massive dependence of Turkey on foreign technology supply!

Turkey is nowhere as advandced as Erdogan wants the world to believe.

From all the military systems that Turkey regularly shows, I wonder how many of them are truely indigineous Turkish systems....I guess most of them (if not all) have a lot of foreign components, and especially the most critical components are always foreign, but normally we are not informed about that, until the foreign supplier stops the supply and the media starts reporting about it....

Turkey has still a very loooooooong way to go!!!

You İranian jealous UCUBE ...
its not secret that T-129 has been developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries in cooperation with AgustaWestland
T-129 use indigenous Turkish mission computer, avionics, weapons systems, self-protection ew warfare suites and the helmet-mounting cuing systems

now Turkey develops 100% indigenous T-629 Attack Helicopter including TS1400 turboshaft Engine
Turkey is only Country in İslamic World that develop and produce Helicopters - Turboshaft Engines

Turkey has its own technological capability to produce the main components of the Helicopters

-- fuselage
-- electronics and avionics
-- mission computer
-- Helicopter electronic warfare system
-- Infrared Counter Measure System
-- HELMET Integrated Display System
-- fire control radar
-- the main and tail landing gear
-- Engine
-- the transmission rotor
-- 20mm and 30 mm Gun with buried munition box
-- guided rocket
-- missiles

Turkey has 3 different Attack Helicopter projects 5 tons class T-129 , 6 tons class T-629 and 10 tons class T-929 ATAK-II
also 5 and 10 tons class Utility Helicopter projects

even Russian KAMOV designed , developed and gave Z-10 Attack Helicopter to China
and China gets Engine technology from Ukraine, Russia and France

Germany has developed TIGER Attack Helicopter with France ( with a multinational engine by German MTU , French Turbomeca and British Rolls Royce )

btw Pakistan should buy 100% İranian Attack Helicopter .. LOL
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And once again we see how deeply dependent Turkey is on foreign military technology supply. Even their most prestigious systems (drones) would be totally worthless without foreign technology.

Turkey has still a very looooooong way to go!

And once again we see how deeply dependent Turkey is on foreign military technology supply. Even their most prestigious systems (drones) would be totally worthless without foreign technology.

Turkey has still a very looooooong way to go!

Keep crying LOSERS

Drone super power Turkey doesnt need Canada who can not develop UCAV

now Turkish ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs are 100% indigenous including TEI PD-170 Engine

and now Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs use indigenous E/O System instead of Canadian E/O System

indigenous TEI PD-170 Turboprop Engine in mass production for ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR and Bayraktar TB-3 UCAVs


Only read but dont cry ok ?

The TEI-PD170 Engine which produces 225 horsepower at the time of take-off and 170 horsepower at a critical altitude of 20.000 feet with its 40.000 feet altitude capability provided by diesel fuel, stands out as the best in its class worldwide.

and Turkish ASELSAN CATS E/O System has more range than Canadian WESCAM E/O System

only in 18 years , the rate of indigenous production in the Turkish defense sector had risen from 20% to over 70% between 2002 and 2020

until 2030 the rate of indigenous production in the Turkish defense sector will rise to over 90%
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