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Turkey will never recognize annexation of Crimea – Erdoğan

Yikes! Another stab in the back. This one doesn't even have anything to do with Turkey in the first place.
Chine statement on Crimea:

"China, meanwhile, is trying to tread a fine line on the issue. When asked at a press conference if China would recognize Crimea as part of Russia, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei gave a carefully noncommittal response: “China always respects all countries’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. The Crimean issue should be resolved politically under a framework of law and order. All parties should exercise restraint and refrain from raising the tension.”

China doesn't like it either... So is it a stabbing too? or maybe you didn't know about it...

As if this ikhwanjie have saying in the matter
Everyone does. Even more when taking into account TR position with UKR and RU currently.
it's called diplomacy.

Buying the best ads in the world on the market does not mean you are a puppet of the said nation. If you can buy the S-400s and spit in the eye of Putin, you are doing something correct.

Only idiot zionists who want to enslave the world thought Turkey's purchase of S-400s meant Erdogan was the new toy of Putin. That is how the idiots of the world think, everyone is a slave of zionist Putin or zionist trump, both who work for zionist Netanyahu.

Erdogan is forging a Turkey independent of zionist slavers. A Turkey for Turks. A nation who puts the citizens first, not the zionist handlers. The neo-nazis Natanyahu supporters in Europe and Amerika think and push the idea, the nationalists around the world must lick the boots of Netanyahu, Putin and Trump or else you are "jew hating fascist" or in Turkey's case a "Sultan".

You are dealing with mentally ill zionists who want to enslave or genocide any opposition.

Erdogan knows their little game and thus the zionists try to get all hell against him.
If Putin supports the ability of Crimeans to choose to leave Ukraine, why doesn't Putin allow a vote in Chechnya and Crimea to leave Russia and become independent.
Well I think that Chechnya was given some sort of option after the wars and they decided to be part of the Russian Federation.

Crimea did vote to become part of Russian Federation and Russia gladly accepted it.
Well I think that Chechnya was given some sort of option after the wars and they decided to be part of the Russian Federation.

Crimea did vote to become part of Russian Federation and Russia gladly accepted it.


Putin's referendum was not for independence, it was a constitutional referendum after 5 years of an illegal criminal war waged by the zionist Russians on the Muslim people that genocided 25% of the Muslim population. The voters were not given the choice to leave the Russian zionist Empire, they were given the option of be occupied/continue fighting or accept the new constitution of Chechnya. The whole point was to force the Chechens to obey Moscow.

A Sham Referendum in Chechnya
JAN. 14, 2003

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Two brutal wars have devastated Chechnya over the past decade without resolving the essential issue of the status of the secession-minded republic within the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin's plan to hold a referendum on a proposed new constitution in March, followed by new presidential and parliamentary elections, is superficially appealing, but falls short of the steps needed to bring the conflict to a democratic resolution.

Yikes! Another stab in the back. This one doesn't even have anything to do with Turkey in the first place.

The natives of Crimea, the Crimean Tatars who were displaced and dispossessed by both Ukrainians and Russians, are Turks.

You cannot expect Turkey to abandon them, just like Uyghurs who are also Turks.

Naturally Turkey wants a unified Turkish/Turkic bloc. Nothing wrong with that.
The natives of Crimea, the Crimean Tatars who were displaced and dispossessed by both Ukrainians and Russians, are Turks.

You cannot expect Turkey to abandon them, just like Uyghurs who are also Turks.

Naturally Turkey wants a unified Turkish/Turkic bloc. Nothing wrong with that.

You can't expect anything less from a Chinese. After seeing how they treat Uyghurs it's pretty normal that these trolls are all over any Turkish related thread. Just saw a Turkish Youtuber visiting Uyghur province where they guy asked for 5-6 hotels and not one of them accepted him after seeing his passport, one of them even called the police without any reason. They're all busy building concentration camps while these paid trolls are bashing Turkish threads all over the forum. I say just ban them all.
I would say Russia respects the right of Turkey to have its own opinion on any issue of world politics and to express it freely.
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You can't expect anything less from a Chinese. After seeing how they treat Uyghurs it's pretty normal that these trolls are all over any Turkish related thread. Just saw a Turkish Youtuber visiting Uyghur province where they guy asked for 5-6 hotels and not one of them accepted him after seeing his passport, one of them even called the police without any reason. They're all busy building concentration camps while these paid trolls are bashing Turkish threads all over the forum. I say just ban them all.

if this the real story then this is very shameful.

You must treat all law-abiding visitors with hospitality, even if they are from an "enemy" country.
if this the real story then this is very shameful.

You must treat all law-abiding visitors with hospitality, even if they are from an "enemy" country.

This is why Muslim majority regions should not be ruled by Non-Muslim nations. They are incapable of showing basic respect and decency, especially when world police (US) is looking away and encouraging it.
This is why Muslim majority regions should not be ruled by Non-Muslim nations. They are incapable of showing basic respect and decency, especially when world police (US) is looking away and encouraging it.

I have changed my mind on the Chinese attitude to Muslims after seeing their disgraceful behaviour over both the
Uyghurs and the Rohingyas. They seem to be just as much if not more anti-Muslim than the West. At least the Western countries treat their own Muslims with decency - the same cannot be said of the appalling Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs.

Hopefully as the Muslim world(Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, BD etc) rises in prosperity and power, then these non-Muslim countries will be forced to treat their Muslim minorities better.
if this the real story then this is very shameful.

You must treat all law-abiding visitors with hospitality, even if they are from an "enemy" country.

This is Turkish but here: Before this video, I didn't think much of China but this one really annoyed me. The guy in the video is just chill and probably doesn't even believe in god so you can imagine how they treat when you believe in one.

These are just racist minded spoiled people who think they can get away with everything.

The natives of Crimea, the Crimean Tatars who were displaced and dispossessed by both Ukrainians and Russians, are Turks.

You cannot expect Turkey to abandon them, just like Uyghurs who are also Turks.

Naturally Turkey wants a unified Turkish/Turkic bloc. Nothing wrong with that.

Yeah? This is why Turkey is so desperate in supporting neonazi terrorist state that discriminates minorities, bans the use of any language except Ukrainian, that blown off electricity supply lines to Crimea in the middle of winter, organized food blockade, cut off water supply, that inflicted catastrophic economical damage to tens of thousands Crimean Tatar farmers? And never objected to anything of these? Because they cannt abandon natives of Crimea? Ok, sure.
Yeah? This is why Turkey is so desperate in supporting neonazi terrorist state that discriminates minorities, bans the use of any language except Ukrainian, that blown off electricity supply lines to Crimea in the middle of winter, organized food blockade, cut off water supply, that inflicted catastrophic economical damage to tens of thousands Crimean Tatar farmers? And never objected to anything of these? Because they cannt abandon natives of Crimea? Ok, sure.

About these claims, Turkey prefers to listen Crimea Tatar people and aims to solve problems between Tatars and UKR govt. within political solutions. UKR MP and head of Crimean Tatars Abdulcemil Kırımlıoğlu has full support of Turkish state.


Do not worry, Turkey knows whats happening on the field, what UKR did and what Russia did to Crimean Tatar identity.
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