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Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

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without his permission ,nothing will happen

Without uncle sam's permission nothing will happen as far as the Arab sheikhs are concerned. However, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not an Arab sheikh, so there's hope. Turkey has already sent a flotilla to Gaza without uncle sam's permission; Iran never really needed the Great Satan's permission anyway and Pakistan has also done many things(deveopment of its nukes) without uncle sam's permission. So, I don't see why a broad economic and defence understanding between these three states would require uncle sam's permission.
Pakistan and Turkey are brotherly countries.

I remember how Turks came for the help after 2005 earthquake and how efficiently they managed their hospitals and how helpful they were in reconstruction.

I feel proud being Pakistani and friend and well wisher of Turkey.

I pray for their success and betterment.

I love if they come forward and lead the Muslim Ummah. I will follow them even in the jaws of death.
ist das nicht sehr unglaublich?
They love us so much... they go around the world and talk nice of us and black mail foreign nations to cancel our defence contracts... hence, we reciprocate their love on this forum.

Freundlich grüss.

Es ist doch so einfach!:azn:
turkey can play a major role in leading the muslim world towards a image of a modern, plural muslim society.

As a modern, plural muslim society Turkey did not want to lead the muslim world.

Now if they want to, will they remain a modern plural society? That time will tell.

What I mean is, yes they can lead the muslim world to more pluralism, but not by wanting to become the leader.
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but for me, my country leading the world is more important then anything

cant say, but countries like pakistan, turkey, iran, egypt, indonesia are strong candidates

but still if all these equi-potent countries do coperate instead of dreaming of being the leaders, then, this islamic region can become global leader like EU maybe??? guess what... you cnt say one country is leading the europe, but EU!!!!!

pakistan concept of islamic brotherhood is good, for turkey, iran, first they have to solve their "extreme racism and nationalism" problem before they can "lead islamic world"

can islamic union exist???, impossible in present circumstances, but even the differences they are sort of united on some rare things!!!
As a modern, plural muslim society Turkey did not want to lead the muslim world.

Now if they want to, will they remain a modern plural society? That time will tell.

What I mean is, yes they can lead the muslim world to more pluralism, but not by wanting to become the leader.

Your last two sentences contradicts with eachother...

This is an insult to Islam in fact. i advice you to be careful when you talk about muslim world. you talk as if Islam is against modernity. Turkey is Modern, Secular and a Muslim country. our past and our present is enough to be able to carry this identity. and please tell me who are you that you can say such a thing with being so sure in it. Have you ever read even a single passage from Quran in your entire lifetime?
i think an indian cant criticise Islam in such a way. look at your country and then talk about the modernity and plural society. if you know so much about these social parameters and good at applying them, why dont you take care of your country a little bit ??? have you ever been in Turkey? is Tora Bora a mirror for Muslim world?

if you want to define, identify yourself i advice you to look at your enemy. who is it? The pakistan you constantly blame with being uncivilized and extremist. if you werent at the same league, would you be the enemy of Pakistan?
civilizations are like fish. and big fish always eats the small fish. the fate of small societies and civilizations is to be lost, corrupted and destroyed by other civilisations. if indian civilisation was a better one than Pakistan's civilization, would you fight on Keshmir today? would you spend billions on weapon instead of taking care of your slums?

Speak if you know something, if you will be able to defend your point. if you dont have such an ability, capability and cultural background; please dont tire us with your words.

i m sorry for my sharpness but this is what i hate to hear... ''islam is against modernity''...

As a modern, plural muslim society Turkey did not want to lead the muslim world.

Now if they want to, will they remain a modern plural society? That time will tell.

What I mean is, yes they can lead the muslim world to more pluralism, but not by wanting to become the leader.

Your last two sentences contradicts with eachother...

This is an insult to Islam in fact. i advice you to be careful when you talk about muslim world. you talk as if Islam is against modernity. Turkey is Modern, Secular and a Muslim country. our past and our present is enough to be able to carry this identity. and please tell me who are you that you can say such a thing with being so sure in it. Have you ever read even a single passage from Quran in your entire lifetime?
i think an indian cant criticise Islam in such a way. look at your country and then talk about the modernity and plural society. if you know so much about these social parameters and good at applying them, why dont you take care of your country a little bit ??? have you ever been in Turkey? is Tora Bora a mirror for Muslim world?

if you want to define, identify yourself i advice you to look at your enemy. who is it? The pakistan you constantly blame with being uncivilized and extremist. if you werent at the same league, would you be the enemy of Pakistan?
civilizations are like fish. and big fish always eats the small fish. the fate of small societies and civilizations is to be lost, corrupted and destroyed by other civilisations. if indian civilisation was a better one than Pakistan's civilization, would you fight on Keshmir today? would you spend billions on weapon instead of taking care of your slums?

Speak if you know something, if you will be able to defend your point. if you dont have such an ability, capability and cultural background; please dont tire us with your words.

i m sorry for my sharpness but this is what i hate to hear... ''islam is against modernity''...


Bro..I think you are over reacting to what fateh71 said.. he meant plural society.. if Turkey thinks of filling up the S.Arabia's shoes then it will be really interesting to see if it still can be a plural society as it is today... and I dont mean to hurt ur ego or any religion..but its a fact (what ever u might want to call it, a western propaganda or any other thing) that Turkey is what it is today because of its progressive thinking and moderate inclusive Islam..and not many Islamic countries can boast this kind of development with out being fortunate enough to sit on oil wells like Gulf. and to be practical Turkey cannot be a leader of Muslim nations with it's current form as Arabs would outrightly dismiss them by doubting their practicing of religion which will not be "Islamic" enough for them and would do an another "Pakistan" on you..ofcourse all this to make sure that they dont lose their relevance in the Islamic world. but anyways.. I would definitely want country like Turkey to be a leader of Muslim nations rather than a closed monarchy like KSA :cheers:

And one more thing.. theres no difference between Indian Civilisation and Pakistan Civilisation.. both are same.. unless you call a 63 years existence as a separate civilisation...
Mr. PracticalGuy!
KSA, Yemen, the tribal areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and a few other places are the most repressive and repressed people in the world but they are certainly a tiny minority by every count in the over-all picture of the Muslim world. There are plenty of countries with Islamic majority which allow a fair amount of openness and modernity.
The 'Arab Street' has spoken loudly and in favor of Turkey. The Arab League's 20+ foreign ministers recently hailed--yes, officially!-- Erdogan as a hero in a recent conference in Istanbul and yet you are deluding yourself with the notions of 'who is more Muslim and who will judge other as less Muslim' kind of thinking. This is not too dissimilar from the simplistic notions circling around that 'Sunni' states would like to see a 'Shia' Iran being bombed.
Bro..I think you are over reacting to what fateh71 said.. he meant plural society.. if Turkey thinks of filling up the S.Arabia's shoes then it will be really interesting to see if it still can be a plural society as it is today... and I dont mean to hurt ur ego or any religion..but its a fact (what ever u might want to call it, a western propaganda or any other thing) that Turkey is what it is today because of its progressive thinking and moderate inclusive Islam..and not many Islamic countries can boast this kind of development with out being fortunate enough to sit on oil wells like Gulf. and to be practical Turkey cannot be a leader of Muslim nations with it's current form as Arabs would outrightly dismiss them by doubting their practicing of religion which will not be "Islamic" enough for them and would do an another "Pakistan" on you..ofcourse all this to make sure that they dont lose their relevance in the Islamic world. but anyways.. I would definitely want country like Turkey to be a leader of Muslim nations rather than a closed monarchy like KSA :cheers:

And one more thing.. theres no difference between Indian Civilisation and Pakistan Civilisation.. both are same.. unless you call a 63 years existence as a separate civilisation...

Dear PracticalGuy;
Thank you for you kindness. i sometimes may over react but as i said above i m tired of prejudgements. What happened to this muslim world is happened because of our misunderstanding the orders of islam and because of our laziness. i admit this. and i m also aware of our problems. what we need is people who can offer solution after criticising the sickness of the muslim world. we need people who can give us shoulder while we try to carry the burden of this poor world. and orientalists from orient makes me sick... i guess i can express how i feel, what i think about this subject.

i apologize from people i hurt.
Thanks for understanding.

ps: i think pakistan and indian culture is the subject of another thread. even if they seem similar, they are very different in reality. because we are muslims and we have a different understanding of life.
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