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Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

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The Middle East should try to pull off some sort of Arabian Union or something like the European Union and Turkey can be the leader of it all since they got tired of trying to join the EU.

I heard West Africa is trying to pull off a small scale EU.
Its time for Turkey to realize that EU is not their place , its time for an Islamic Alliance & they can lead since they have a person like Ardogan.

Pakistan & Turkey when put together can change alot of hearts and minds.
You got to be kidding!! Maybe Erdogan fits that mold, but the others are nutcase megalomaniacs. They are ruining their "own" people.

yeah and considering the fact that you and your country voted a nutcase into office twice i don't see how your any different from them!
As the official spokesperson for the United States of America here on this forum, I hereby give our (America's) permission for Turkey to lead the Muslim world

Sorry, but Turkey doesn't need your permission for Sh!t:no:! we would appreciate it if you keep your nose out:agree:

our subtle and very helpful advice and wisdom as to how to improve the Muslim world....call me redneck :yahoo: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

lol, you want to improve the Muslims world by giving us advice? After you bombed Iraq to the stone age and didn't even condemn israel for its barbarity you want to give us good advice for our improvement? your a sad joke.
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As the official spokesperson for the United States of America here on this forum, I hereby give our (America's) permission for Turkey to lead the Muslim world. Obviously whoever leads it today is so totally screwed up that we don't even know who it is. At least if Turkey led the Muslim world we would have a well defined point at which to concentrate our subtle and very helpful advice and wisdom as to how to improve the Muslim world. :yahoo: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

seriously laughed a lot :rolleyes:
well there's some truth in ur insulting joke
but middle east is confused because of u americans
but muslim world is improving
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