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Turkey to stage maritime exercise under Iran supervision

where we are talking about two powerfull countries dont bring yourself there.ok?

on topic...
we should learn alot from turkish navy there.

Oh yes I am sorry you guys have the super awesome 1500 ton "DESTROYER" what will our poor 2500 ton corvettes do in front of that :( or our 5500 Ton frigates... After all it is a freaking 1500 ton DESTROYER right??? :lol:

Oh man this mentality is going to guarantee us victory keep it up :tup:
Oh yes I am sorry you guys have the super awesome 1500 ton "DESTROYER" what will our poor 2500 ton corvettes do in front of that :( or our 5500 Ton frigates... After all it is a freaking 1500 ton DESTROYER right??? :lol:

Oh man this mentality is going to guarantee us victory keep it up :tup:
you have not enough grew up to have such a feeling.first make a homemade boat then come back.ok?
also that toys wont do anything against our HOME MADE frigate which is equipped with AESA radar and one of the best anti ship missiles.
Its good news that we are holding Joint excercises. Start rebuilding the relationship that has been breaking down recently. :tup:

However I don't understand what they mean by 'supervising' :what:.

dude you should read the title properly,its iranian supervision :lol:
so let me inform you.AESA radars are not knife at all.

dont forget that your avatar is a symbol of dependence not power.

What "AESA" radar are you talking about?
No, not that..Please someone tell me seriously..I am 21 years old law student and am clueless about this..Do you guys have some land disputes or is it shia-sunni thing? or sth else?? I want to know, seriously, no sarcasm..
No, not that..Please someone tell me seriously..I am 21 years old law student and am clueless about this..Do you guys have some land disputes or is it shia-sunni thing? or sth else?? I want to know, seriously, no sarcasm..

To the best of my knowledge : Its a mixture of Sunni-Shi'ite and Arab-Persian rivalry !
These are few individuals mostly claiming to be Saudis who starts these wars of words and derail the threads most of the time.
I you are Muslims -which I strongly doubt- then shame on you.
Everyone must notice and realise that there are foreigners living in SA too.
So these can be some professional false flags with the sole intention of creating conflict.
Beware everyone.
To the best of my knowledge : Its a mixture of Sunni-Shi'ite and Arab-Persian rivalry !
There is no arab/persian rivalry. There is however a persian-wahabi rivalry. Wahabis hate everything about Iran and they hate shia Islam even more. Saudis also have a problem with their shia arab cousins. Talk to Iraqis and Lebanese people and they will describe saudis with the most colourful adjectives possible. Iranians and arabs are okay with each other for the most part.

Also, these saudis send suicide bombers all over the place and kill innocent people. 3/4 of suicide bombers in Iraq have been Saudi citizens and the rest have been sunni muslims who have been radicalized by the wahabi sect practiced in SA. The 9/11 hijackers, fighters in Russia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan (Al Quida) are other examples. As a Pakistani you know the mayhem they have caused in your country.
There is no arab/persian rivalry. There is however a persian-wahabi rivalry. Wahabis hate everything about Iran and they hate shia Islam even more. Saudis also have a problem with their shia arab cousins. Talk to Iraqis and Lebanese people and they will describe saudis with the most colourful adjectives possible. Iranians and arabs are okay with each other for the most part.

Also, these saudis send suicide bombers all over the place and kill innocent people. 3/4 of suicide bombers in Iraq have been Saudi citizens and the rest have been sunni muslims who have been radicalized by the wahabi sect practiced in SA. The 9/11 hijackers, fighters in Russia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan (Al Quida) are other examples. As a Pakistani you know the mayhem they have caused in your country.

Hmmn....! Perhaps you're right but I had always thought that because of the conquest of the Sassanid Empire by the Arabs and the subsequent Arabization of Persia (though certainly not to the extent of North Africa) there existed a certain lingering resentment against the Arabs. I got an impression of that when reading a few verses of the Shahnameh ! But...because I'm neither an Arab nor a Persian...so maybe you're right !

As for 'these Saudis sending suicide bombers all over...' - I think you're giving too much credit to them ! The Pakistanis, the Iraqis, the Afghans and the Saudis, who engage in such barbarity, follow a very perverted dogma of Islam one which is neither Sunni nor Shi'ite...neither Wahhabi nor anything else....! Besides if you were to read the works of 'Abdul Wahab', the intention was pretty good and no where could I find anything but condemnation of the killings of innocent civilians, in his works ! And yes...I've met some really nasty fellows coming out of the Iranian Cultural Centres too....in fact, just today, I met a couple of them who'd call themselves as 'Momin' and myself, a Sunni, as a 'Kafir'....so my friend we all have bad people within our ranks and none of their actions should be taken to be representative of the peace-loving and decent majority ! I wouldn't for a second think that the Iranians are bad, just because some of the guys who came out of their Cultural Centre held extremist views and I believe you should extend the same courtesy to the Saudis too ! Osama Bin Laden was as much a Saudi, as Hitler was a German....would it be fair to condemn an entire Nation for the acts of One Insane Person ?
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