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Turkey to send another Freedom Flotilla to Gaza

Its said that the organiser has requested Turkish military escort.
Not that it has been granted.

"pointing out that his organisation demanded the government to provide protection for them as Turkish citizens."
@Rafay Jamil
Any links from Turkey/Turkish media saying that military escort approved?

Maybe Israeli media is going into yellow journalism mode.
@Rafay Jamil
Any links from Turkey/Turkish media saying that military escort approved?

Maybe Israeli media is going into yellow journalism mode.
Currently cant find any yet but 2 different sources claiming same thing must be some truth behind it.
In any case we will have to wait and see.

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Turkey to send another jihad flotilla to Gaza, this time with troops
Robert Spencer Jul 26, 2014 at 8:40pm Gaza, Israel, Palestinian jihad, Turkey 64 Comments

The people on the Mavi Marmara flotilla were genocidal Jew-hating jihadis, as you can see in the second video above: they were chanting a jihad war cry recalling Muhammad’s massacre of the Jews of Arabia: “Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.” See the photos here of their weapons.

And now Turkish troops will be accompanying a new jihad flotilla to Gaza. Will they attack Israeli troops?

“Turkey to send another Freedom Flotilla to Gaza,” Middle East Monitor, July 26, 2014:

The Turkish humanitarian relief organisation (IHH) is currently organising a “Freedom Flotilla II” which will carry humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, IHH chairman Bulent Yildrim said Thursday.

In statements to Gulf Online, Yildrim said that his organisation has embarked on legal procedures and paperwork required to obtain a permit for the trip. As soon as a final permit is issued, the IHH along with other international organisations will immediately set up the convoy.

The chairman of IHH, a major organiser of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla I, said that Turkish army troops will accompany the ships to protect it from any potential attack, pointing out that his organisation demanded the government to provide protection for them as Turkish citizens.

Maze Keheil, the president of the European Campaign for Lifting the Siege on Gaza, confirmed his campaign’s intention to take part in the new flotilla, as it did in first one in 2010.
Currently cant find any yet but 2 different sources claiming same thing must be some truth behind it.
In any case we will have to wait and see.

It would be politically bad for Erdogan if he sends a military escort as he is denied a chance of Israeli commando boarding ship, being roughed up then shoot a dozen turkish citizens. Erdogan can go to ICJ and UN.

On the other hand if he does send a strong military escort then the choppers carrying Israeli commandos will be escorted by some F-16 or likewise attack chopper. I don't think turkey can afford such an engagement next to Israeli land and if a firefight does break out and the result being that the escort gets wiped then Erdogan will be called a failure and incompetent.

Win- No escort
Lose- Send escort.

Why will Erdogan let the escort be provided?
It would be politically bad for Erdogan if he sends a military escort as he is denied a chance of Israeli commando boarding ship, being roughed up then shoot a dozen turkish citizens. Erdogan can go to ICJ and UN.

On the other hand if he does send a strong military escort then the choppers carrying Israeli commandos will be escorted by some F-16 or likewise attack chopper. I don't think turkey can afford such an engagement next to Israeli land and if a firefight does break out and the result being that the escort gets wiped then Erdogan will be called a failure and incompetent.

Win- No escort
Lose- Send escort.

Why will Erdogan let the escort be provided?
We have to be very cautious in speculating the end game here as this will be a totally unprecedented event atleast in middle east since creation of Israel and Palestinian issue.
We have to be very cautious in speculating the end game here as this will be a totally unprecedented event atleast in middle east since creation of Israel and Palestinian issue.

Turkey is a NATO member.

Israel will have to attack NATO troops to stop the flotilla.
This is funny, scary and outright mind boggling.

Maybe Turkey military escort will withdraw before the Gaza/Palestine water boundary starts i think is 20km or 12km.

Israeli commandos would strike then.
In the end the ship is not reaching Gaza.
The same aid can be sent through land crossing in Israel.
Turkey is a NATO member.

Israel will have to attack NATO troops to stop the flotilla.
This is funny, scary and outright mind boggling.

Maybe Turkey military escort will withdraw before the Gaza/Palestine water boundary starts i think is 20km or 12km.

Israeli commandos would strike then.
In the end the ship is not reaching Gaza.
The same aid can be sent through land crossing in Israel.
Maybe Turkish want to settle old scores from 2011. :azn:

@Hazzy997 do you have any update on this?
Pakistan should join, just like the last time. Stand with Turks, the only Muslim nation that doesn't stand down!
Why is that as long as they can send whatever they want through Jordan and Egypt. I would understand it if there was a complete blockade on Gaza but there is not actually. Aids have been going in with no problem. Now, I'm worried about Turks on this flotilla.
Maybe Turkish want to settle old scores from 2011. :azn:

Political posturing is 1 thing.
Attacking a nuclear armed state is another.

Maybe Turkey will send unarmed military escort.

Its's fellow NATO members have either supported Israel outright or stayed away from condemning Israel while ALL have strongly condemned Hamas in some way to the other.
Pakistan should join, just like the last time. Stand with Turks, the only Muslim nation that doesn't stand down!

And what exactly did Pakistan do last time other than condemning the raid?
Political posturing is 1 thing.
Attacking a nuclear armed state is another.

Maybe Turkey will send unarmed military escort.

Its's fellow NATO members have either supported Israel outright or stayed away from condemning Israel while ALL have strongly condemned Hamas in some way to the other.
Its not an outright attack they are tryin to enter another country which Israel is blockading so technically it can backfire for Israel like last time.
Its not an outright attack they are tryin to enter another country which Israel is blockading so technically it can backfire for Israel like last time.
Diplomatically Israel suffered.

But it dosent matter to them NOW. Heck whole UN just passed a resolution accusing them of war crimes. What matters to Israel is only suppressing Hamas so I don't see a situation where this flotilla gets its goods to Gaza via Sea.

Turkish military not like political conservative government. It knows Israel capability and wont engage in a firefight and neither will Israel provoke.

Also NATO can object to a military presence being sent to Israel resulting in last minute cancellation.
There is nothing about this in the turkish media so far.
What is Pakistan doing ?

Fighting war of words on social media. :D

Exactly opposite to what india and indians are doing - standing with Palestine and standing with morality.
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