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Turkey to send another Freedom Flotilla to Gaza

Aaahh guess what Erdogan? How can you rely on the Turkish Armed Forces that you and your exes have recently purged it together..and there's no officer "eligible" to command any of 4 branches.

and there's no officer "eligible" to command any of 4 branches

Relaxed there is no such thing dont watch to much Halktv.
What is Pakistan doing ?

Fighting war of words on social media. :D
What is Pakistan doing ?

Fighting war of words on social media. :D
Our PM already announced Aid for Palestinians.... We should also send aid workers there... Civilians are injured , lack of food ,...No water.....no shelter, poor health of children etc
Turkey will have to send a couple of frigates and scores of F-16s to deter the Jews from attacking the ship.

Let us see if Turkey has the guts to call the Jews bluff.
Israel will take this ship like they did the others. And who are these 'Palestinians' everyone is talking about ? There is no such 'people'. Never has been.:enjoy:
whats the point ? Does turkey have balls to confront israel ? Nope !
Fantastic , good move ...

Turkish Troops will acompany the humanitarian mission.

Pakistan should have also sent forth a small humanitarian boat to help our Turkish brothers pass out the necessary food and blankets and first aid

Send in that DEHSHAT class boat to help out
Nothing to be found in turkish media seems like a bs story.
Marmara 2? Turkish flotilla heading to Gaza

Aid flotilla due to leave from Turkey to Gaza today


Navy raid on Marmara, 2010

The organizers of the Marmara Flotilla are due to take out an aiding flotilla today from Turkey to the Gaza shore, in attempt to break the oceanic blockage held on Gaza. Turkish navy forces are due to escort the Turkish flotilla, after the government in Ankara accepted demands of providing security for the Turkish citizens.

The Turkish organization which initiated the Marmara Flotilla four years ago is planning to take out an additional flotilla today, heading for the Gaza shoreline. According to the organizers, the boat will be carrying humanitarian supplies, food and medicine to aid the Palestinians in Gaza.

Fehmi Bülent Yıldırım, head of the IHH Organization, who initiated the Marmara Flotilla as well as the current one, told local media in his country that "the active members will leave for flotilla after receiving permission from the government in Ankara; therefore Turkish navy forces are due to secure the flotilla and its participants".

Reports of the Turkish flotilla instantly call to mind the Marmara Flotilla in May of 2010, when the Turkish IHH Organization was planning to arrive in Gaza and break the oceanic blockage bestowed upon The Strip. In the dead of the night Israeli Shayetet 13 naval commandos boarded the ships, however due to severe violence of the members on board against the soldiers the latter opened fire killing nine Turkish citizens.

The incident was condemned by many throughout the world and was a central cause of the deterioration of the Israeli-Turkish relations. The Marmara participants were received as heroes in Istanbul and the Chief of General Staff of the time, Gabi Ashkenazi, along with additional Israeli soldiers were put on "trial" in Turkey were they were sentenced to hundreds of years in prison.

Attempts of Gaza blockage breakage did not end with the Marmara Flotilla – a year after the incident Israel blocked what was called "Flotilla of Freedom", when Israeli navy forces raided two boats as they were making their way to Gaza. This decision was made on the political echelon level, because of the sensitivity of the subject, and after all other means were taken in attempt to avoid the boat from reaching Gaza.

A year later, in 2012, Israeli navy forces raided the boat "Astell" with 17 Pro-Palestinian on board who were participating in a flotilla from Sweden to Gaza, with intentions of violating the oceanic blockage on Gaza. Navy sea crafts escorted the boat to Ashdod to harbor, after diplomatic attempts to prevent its arrival were unsuccessful.

Israel News - Marmara 2? Turkish flotilla heading to Gaza - JerusalemOnline
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Any timeframe for this flotilla reaching Gaza?

Would be interesting to see the outcome now that there is armed escort.
Ahahahahah that was funny

Turkish military leadership dates back BC 209. Sisi cant be even the nails of the "worst" officer we had.

how dare you insult the officer corps of the nation that has gifted us one of the greatest civilization known to Man :mad::mad:

Yeah, Egyptian military is pretty effete, even with American aid :/

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