somalia appreciates the gesture of turkey,less than 4 years,we have transformed into politically stable country.we have exported a record of 4.8 million livestock to middle east in 2015 and another 5 million in 2015 that is almost 800 million dollars injected into the economy,investment in agriculture is underway,we have the longest coastline in africa meaning we have surplus to export to japan,south korea and even turkey.our capital is experiencing the highest construction boom in recent history,we also hope to become tourist nation inshalah since kenya-well known tourist country is next door.the only thing we are dealing is a declining/waning shabab terrorists,these outdated APC and tanks will help local stability.
pictures speak louder.
somalia today is beauty to be experience from war torn to this in just 4 years
tourism has picked up.i will be singing istiklal marsi .