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Turkey Threatens to Close Bosphorus for Russian Ships -


May 2, 2013
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Turkey will close the Bosphorus for Russian ships, if there is violence against the Crimean Tatars, said Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan.

In a phone conversation with Russian president Vladimir Putin, quoted by a diplomatic source, Erdogan also said that Turkey will not recognize the referendum in Crimea in which 97% of the voters cast their ballots in favour of joining the Russian Federation.

Turkey wants Ukraine to keep its territorial integrity, Erdogan said. If NATO takes a decision on the matter, we will certainly stick with it.

Earlier Erdogan had a phone conversation with the leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev in which they discussed the threats against the Tatars in connection to the factual annexation of Crimea

Turkey and west should not so any thing which will give Russian excuses to harm Crimean tatar community . i think Tatar have to realize the reality and take judicious discussion and should not make them any western tool against Russian .
Turkey should better not make situation worse with neighbors
Yanks will only use you as tissue paper
Turkey has to choose side in this new cold war. It can't stay out of it. If Russia gets their old sphere of influence our gas and oil pipelines may come in danger and it will energize Armenians who occupy Karabakh.

This referendum is unlawfully and Russia shouldn't be trying to brake up Ukriane. They did the same in Karabakh after they massacred Azeri. They held so called refenendum afer all the muslims were massacred. I can't believe some "muslims" are supporting Russia.
Turkey has to choose side in this new cold war. It can't stay out of it. If Russia gets their old sphere of influence our gas and oil pipelines may come in danger and it will energize Armenians who occupy Karabakh.

This referendum is unlawfully and Russia shouldn't be trying to brake up Ukriane. They did the same in Karabakh after they massacred Azeri. They held so called refenendum afer all the muslims were massacred. I can't believe some "muslims" are supporting Russia.

Ukraine is a turning Point for Russia as well the US in the game the "New World Order", we can only weight out which one will be a less more evil for the Muslims !
Save Tatars and risk higher gas prices maybe even no gas at all from Russia or be quiet like always?
I know what Ecevit would do if he still was alive (of course this is not Cyprus)
Turkey has to choose side in this new cold war. It can't stay out of it. If Russia gets their old sphere of influence our gas and oil pipelines may come in danger and it will energize Armenians who occupy Karabakh.

This referendum is unlawfully and Russia shouldn't be trying to brake up Ukriane. They did the same in Karabakh after they massacred Azeri. They held so called refenendum afer all the muslims were massacred. I can't believe some "muslims" are supporting Russia.

Very well said.

We are not a self-sufficient nation and I am not even talking about military here. It is just a sad fact that we have to follow the lead of a superpower. I know hating on US is cool and everything but they are actually a much more reasonable ally than Russians can ever be for Turkey.
I know hating on US is cool and everything but they are actually a much more reasonable ally than Russians can ever be for Turkey.
Thats what im trying to say all the time but its much easier to blame West and US on everything thats going wrong in our country, as if we would do everything right, its allways the foreign powers to blame for the miserys in our country.
Lol , what does this crimea thing has to do with turkey ?
People might get suspicious ! why is turkey hurting its national interests by getting in argument with russia ?
US pressure ? EU membership ?
IMHO turkey should mind its own business and shouldn't hurt itself by getting involved with things like syrian crisis or crimea
We all want the best for our brother nation , we have so much in common
Good initiative by erdogan. Turkey is doing the right thing here. Its pretty amusing that many muslims are supporting the russians and putin here whereas crimea may be russian majority now but it used to be tartar majority and muslims were ethnically cleansed from that land by these russians. We should be worried abt the muslims of crimea more than anything else......even rather than acting cool by criticising US. US is looking after its interest but if in the process the interest of safeguarding muslims in crimea is look after then why not we support the US here? Like it or not its russia who is the real aggressor here. Ukaranians kicked out a despotic russian dalal regime and justifiably so.
Lol , what does this crimea thing has to do with turkey ?
People might get suspicious ! why is turkey hurting its national interests by getting in argument with russia ?
US pressure ? EU membership ?
IMHO turkey should mind its own business and shouldn't hurt itself by getting involved with things like syrian crisis or crimea
We all want the best for our brother nation , we have so much in common

IMHO quite a few things force us to be involved:
  • There is considerable Tatar and Turkic population
  • Showing that expansionism is no longer tolerated in this day of age. Who says they will not go for caucasus next? This would also energize Armenians about the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
  • See Crimean War and Russo - Turkish war
I say there is more than enough moral, strategical and historical reasons for us to get involved.
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IMHO quite a few things force us to be involved:
  • There is considerable Tatar and Turkic population
  • Showing that expansionism is no longer tolerated in this day of age. Who says they will not go for caucasus next? This would also energize Armenians about the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
  • See Crimean War and Russo - Turkish war
I say there is more than enough moral, strategical and historical reasons for us to get involved.
Suite yourself , i am just worried about turkey .
Trying to look like a power house doesnt make you one ! being tolerant and making smart moves , does !
Turkey has to choose side in this new cold war. It can't stay out of it. If Russia gets their old sphere of influence our gas and oil pipelines may come in danger and it will energize Armenians who occupy Karabakh.

This referendum is unlawfully and Russia shouldn't be trying to brake up Ukriane. They did the same in Karabakh after they massacred Azeri. They held so called refenendum afer all the muslims were massacred. I can't believe some "muslims" are supporting Russia.

Why do you care who "Muslims" support, you follow Tengri lol.

Good initiative by erdogan. Turkey is doing the right thing here. Its pretty amusing that many muslims are supporting the russians and putin here whereas crimea may be russian majority now but it used to be tartar majority and muslims were ethnically cleansed from that land by these russians. We should be worried abt the muslims of crimea more than anything else......even rather than acting cool by criticising US. US is looking after its interest but if in the process the interest of safeguarding muslims in crimea is look after then why not we support the US here? Like it or not its russia who is the real aggressor here. Ukaranians kicked out a despotic russian dalal regime and justifiably so.

Who supporting Russians? We are all worried about Tatars but Tatars should not get emotional and start something that gives Russian reason to wipe them out either.
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