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Turkey Steps Back From Confrontation at Greek Border

Instead of arguing let’s wait for the summer we will see who’s right
Some idiots talk about sanctions on turkish economy forgetting that refugees will also cause 10x worse effect on EU stability
By they way applying sanctions on Turkey means losing money for EU as well so bring it on at least TAF will massacre your favorite terorists hahahahah
Instead of arguing let’s wait for the summer we will see who’s right
Some idiots talk about sanctions on turkish economy forgetting that refugees will also cause 10x worse effect on EU stability
By they way applying sanctions on Turkey means losing money for EU as well so bring it on at least TAF will massacre your favorite terorists hahahahah

Exactly... 10x worst for EU. If Turkey played its card right they could have got whatever they wanted. EU will never sanction Turkey they have too many eggs in Turkish baskets. My only wish is Turkey to be more cunning. Erodgan (in my opinion) has not played this right. He could have made the EU bend over, now its just a stalemate.
I will see when that happens, you have a better chance of sending them to Syria. Sweden and Netherlands have changed their tunes as well.

If we dont find a common ground with the Euros regarding the safe zone in Syria then these Syrians and other ethnicites will move to the EU. Its just the way it is. Dont underestimate the situation.

EU doesn't have a choice, it will be mass privatization in Italy just like in Greece with terms that will start a revolt. Brexit was coming eventually, anybody who thinks not was deluded. If it wasn't Britain some other country would have done it.

I dont know if the EU has the financial means to bail out Italy, especially since Spain and Greece remain fragile with corona also mounting there, its already certain that the crysis will reach drastic levels in the immediate future.

I agree it is not your responsibility - but to expect EU to stand aside while you ship them in is pure fantasy. There is no honey in EU - its another fantasy. Good luck in your quest to help them into EU. You do it once, you will have to do it again and again; as they will know this is a viable route. Any soft power you have left in EU will evaporate once and for all.

You are simply underestimating the situation and thats where the problem is, Turkey didnt help these people in 2019 yet 60k alone reached the islands.

If now a systematic push comes (which it will since social tensions in Turkey are reaching new heights every month because the illegals) then this number could Quadruple if not Quintupel.

And thats just the aegan. The land border is also there and if we add 5-10k there then... if ur able to think rationally support the safe zone plans because there is no way around it. Either they will move to the EU or they will move back to their home countries.
If we dont find a common ground with the Euros regarding the safe zone in Syria then these Syrians and other ethnicites will move to the EU. Its just the way it is. Dont underestimate the situation.

I dont know if the EU has the financial means to bail out Italy, especially since Spain and Greece remain fragile with corona also mounting there, its already certain that the crysis will reach drastic levels in the immediate future.

You are simply underestimating the situation and thats where the problem is, Turkey didnt help these people in 2019 yet 60k alone reached the islands.

If now a systematic push comes (which it will since social tensions in Turkey are reaching new heights every month because the illegals) then this number could Quadruple if not Quintupel.

And thats just the aegan. The land border is also there and if we add 5-10k there then... if ur able to think rationally support the safe zone plans because there is no way around it. Either they will move to the EU or they will move back to their home countries.

I support the safe zone plan. I understand your point if view regarding the earlier crossings. However the humanitarian efforts have been blocked locally. Which means many more will die crossing before they reach the border. The media will lay the blame square on Turkey damaging Turkey's social standing.

EU (Germany/France) are able to provide enough financial support to Italy and Spain. However the terms are going to sting Italians/Spanish are not going to like it. Also France itself is one strike away from imploding.

My only disappointment has been Erodgan and his leadership in this scenario. EU has backed him in a corner and will make him look like a bad guy. Imagine if Turkey did what Turkey is doing now but without all the fuss they are creating and the unnecessary statements by Turkish officials.
Exactly... 10x worst for EU. If Turkey played its card right they could have got whatever they wanted. EU will never sanction Turkey they have too many eggs in Turkish baskets. My only wish is Turkey to be more cunning. Erodgan (in my opinion) has not played this right. He could have made the EU bend over, now its just a stalemate.
He has some mistakes but also we shouldn’t forget that davutoglu was also guilty for the stupid deal
Anyway if we talk about now if i was erdogan I would stop the migration until June giving false hope to europeans and then start once again
Problem with EU is that migration is chronic problem they always think that if they delay things everything will be ok
It’s not about Turkey as you know migration could happen from other areas...
They need win win approach for both sides
But EU is bussy with condemning Turkey’s operation against narco communist ethno terrorist group in northern syria

I support the safe zone plan. I understand your point if view regarding the earlier crossings. However the humanitarian efforts have been blocked locally. Which means many more will die crossing before they reach the border. The media will lay the blame square on Turkey damaging Turkey's social standing.

EU (Germany/France) are able to provide enough financial support to Italy and Spain. However the terms are going to sting Italians/Spanish are not going to like it. Also France itself is one strike away from imploding.

My only disappointment has been Erodgan and his leadership in this scenario. EU has backed him in a corner and will make him look like a bad guy. Imagine if Turkey did what Turkey is doing now but without all the fuss they are creating and the unnecessary statements by Turkish officials.
Turkey is already demonized by western media since 2013 but intensified from 2015 yet still every year people from UK and EU are coming more and more to turkish beaches so it’s not a big deal if we will see another episode of fake news media bashing turks
He has some mistakes but also we shouldn’t forget that davutoglu was also guilty for the stupid deal
Anyway if we talk about now if i was erdogan I would stop the migration until June giving false hope to europeans and then start once again
Problem with EU is that migration is chronic problem they always think that if they delay things everything will be ok
It’s not about Turkey as you know migration could happen from other areas...
They need win win approach for both sides
But EU is bussy with condemning Turkey’s operation against narco communist ethno terrorist group in northern syria

Turkey is already demonized by western media since 2013 but intensified from 2015 yet still every year people from UK and EU are coming more and more to turkish beaches so it’s not a big deal if we will see another episode of fake news media bashing turks

Exactly my point stop it now and when things calm down just let the migrants cross. If you arrange farewell parties for them with all the media invited it will draw a response from the EU.

Turkey has been demonized but not to the extents seen recently and that needs to stop. What is not helping is Turkeys attitude to this which I hope changes.
I support the safe zone plan. I understand your point if view regarding the earlier crossings. However the humanitarian efforts have been blocked locally. Which means many more will die crossing before they reach the border. The media will lay the blame square on Turkey damaging Turkey's social standing.

EU (Germany/France) are able to provide enough financial support to Italy and Spain. However the terms are going to sting Italians/Spanish are not going to like it. Also France itself is one strike away from imploding.

My only disappointment has been Erodgan and his leadership in this scenario. EU has backed him in a corner and will make him look like a bad guy. Imagine if Turkey did what Turkey is doing now but without all the fuss they are creating and the unnecessary statements by Turkish officials.

Ur views are very eurocentric, most Turks have nowadays a negative opinion of the EU/West/Nato so thats rather irrelevant how ur media wants to portray erdogan or Turkey- most Turks by now simply dont care about ur opinion.

And as I wrote in the beginning already, its not Turkey which lectures other countries on human rights,values and freedoms- its the EU and what some of the EU nations are doing to the refugees is something which has damaged the reputation of these countries and their union alltogether. Im pretty sure that diplomats from all over the world will have their briefcases ready in case the Euros try to lecture their countries on human rights again so alltogether a massive soft power loss for the euros. I also dont think that the EU is a strong entity anyway and Italy is the best example for that.

When it comes to refugees both gov. supporters and opposition are united and I think such statements are there for domestic purposes since everyone wants to get rid of them. I think ur right however with simply being quite about it while letting them trough in the hundreds of thousands which might happen very soon tho. Summer is comming.
Ur views are very eurocentric, most Turks have nowadays a negative opinion of the EU/West/Nato so thats rather irrelevant how ur media wants to portray erdogan or Turkey- most Turks by now simply dont care about ur opinion.

And as I wrote in the beginning already, its not Turkey which lectures other countries on human rights,values and freedoms- its the EU and what some of the EU nations are doing to the refugees is something which has damaged the reputation of these countries and their union alltogether. Im pretty sure that diplomats from all over the world will have their briefcases ready in case the Euros try to lecture their countries on human rights again so alltogether a massive soft power loss for the euros. I also dont think that the EU is a strong entity anyway and Italy is the best example for that.

When it comes to refugees both gov. supporters and opposition are united and I think such statements are there for domestic purposes since everyone wants to get rid of them. I think ur right however with simply being quite about it while letting them trough in the hundreds of thousands which might happen very soon tho. Summer is comming.
Stop rehearsing your script over and over again. The EU has not done anything to the so called refugees which are actually economic illegal migrants. The law was upheld and national borders protected...that's it.
EU has closed all boarders... at the moment there is not a single way migrants could get through europe undetected... if they get detected they went straight back were they had come from...

Erdogan has played a risky game and lost completely and in the next years Turkey will pay a very high price in return for Erdogans gambling ...

Erdogan lost the last bit of credit as a politican in Europe and no one will make any "fair" deals with Turkey in the future... all upcoming deals between EU and Turkey will be a very bitter pill for Turkey and Erdogan to swallow...

Turkey has no friends in the world and EU is their most important trade partner... if EU pull the trigger all lights in Turkey go off....

The only way to change this situation would be the turkish citizen get rid of Erdogan and vote for a more moderate leader with no Sultan behaivor... as long as Erdogan stay in power Turkey will get punished by EU
@ Glass we talk in one year again .... turkish gypsy
Turkey has lost on all fronts....The Russians duped them in Syria, the EU blocked their migrants blackmail giving them nothing, they lost the F35 and billions in revenue. We saw Erdogan frantically running to Moscow and then Brussels, only to come home empty handed and humiliated from everywhere.

It's hard to see a country whose on a such long loosing streak.
Turkey has lost on all fronts....The Russians duped them in Syria, the EU blocked their migrants blackmail giving them nothing, they lost the F35 and billions in revenue. We saw Erdogan frantically running to Moscow and then Brussels, only to come home empty handed and humiliated from everywhere.

It's hard to see a country whose on a such long loosing streak.

you can tell Glass what ever you want this dude is filled up with Erdogan propaganda shit that he cant see the truth even if it is only 5cm away from his nose
EU has closed all boarders... at the moment there is not a single way migrants could get through europe undetected... if they get detected they went straight back were they had come from...

Erdogan has played a risky game and lost completely and in the next years Turkey will pay a very high price in return for Erdogans gambling ...

Erdogan lost the last bit of credit as a politican in Europe and no one will make any "fair" deals with Turkey in the future... all upcoming deals between EU and Turkey will be a very bitter pill for Turkey and Erdogan to swallow...

Turkey has no friends in the world and EU is their most important trade partner... if EU pull the trigger all lights in Turkey go off....

The only way to change this situation would be the turkish citizen get rid of Erdogan and vote for a more moderate leader with no Sultan behaivor... as long as Erdogan stay in power Turkey will get punished by EU
Who do you think is giving financial aid to Turkey to run its economy? Yes, it is the Arabs. Arabs are playing good cop - bad cop and helping Turkey cow Qatar and pretending that Qatar has split from GCC to avoid taking responsibility when questioned by EU or USA.

EU needs Arab oil and hence will not be able to punish Turkey in any way. Turkey by itself is pretty useless and weak. But with backing from oil and gas barons, it is impervious to EU sanctions. Last time USA tried to meddle in currency of Turkey and immediately Qatar came to rescue. Only way EU can sanction Turkey is when it gets energy independence. Till then EU will have to keep quiet

EU has closed all boarders... at the moment there is not a single way migrants could get through europe undetected... if they get detected they went straight back were they had come from...

Erdogan has played a risky game and lost completely and in the next years Turkey will pay a very high price in return for Erdogans gambling ...

Erdogan lost the last bit of credit as a politican in Europe and no one will make any "fair" deals with Turkey in the future... all upcoming deals between EU and Turkey will be a very bitter pill for Turkey and Erdogan to swallow...

Turkey has no friends in the world and EU is their most important trade partner... if EU pull the trigger all lights in Turkey go off....

The only way to change this situation would be the turkish citizen get rid of Erdogan and vote for a more moderate leader with no Sultan behaivor... as long as Erdogan stay in power Turkey will get punished by EU
Who do you think is giving financial aid to Turkey to run its economy? Yes, it is the Arabs. Arabs are playing good cop - bad cop and helping Turkey cow Qatar and pretending that Qatar has split from GCC to avoid taking responsibility when questioned by EU or USA.

EU needs Arab oil and hence will not be able to punish Turkey in any way. Turkey by itself is pretty useless and weak. But with backing from oil and gas barons, it is impervious to EU sanctions. Last time USA tried to meddle in currency of Turkey and immediately Qatar came to rescue. Only way EU can sanction Turkey is when it gets energy independence. Till then EU will have to keep quiet

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