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Turkey Steps Back From Confrontation at Greek Border

Sorry...they're back in Turkey...given the Corona crisis, they'd probably be shot with live ammunition if they try crossing in Europe now.
Don't worry, they will be back once summer arrives. Many of them already entered Europe. Greece can hide as much as it want but that's the reality.
I still remember you and your kind jumping up and down a few weeks ago saying Europe will be flooded with migrants. The Greeks made you and your sultan swallow the bitter pill of defeat with nothing to show for it....no flood in Europe, no money, no visas, no new trade agreement...nothing, nada,rien

Gypsy, if we want to get them trough we will get them trough, thats just the way it is and we will get them trough.
Gypsy, if we want to get them trough we will get them trough, thats just the way it is and we will get them trough.
You wanted but the Greeks humiliated you....your sultan begged Brussels but came home empty handed. The migrants will stay in Turkey and arabise the land. Deal with it
You wanted but the Greeks humiliated you...

TuRkeY ShoOtiNg OuR TroOpS! HeLb BruSsEls, ahhh :D

your sultan begged Brussels but came home empty handed. The migrants will stay in Turkey and arabise the land. Deal with it

The man went there made it clear that there will be a safe zone or u will receive a fair share of jamal & omars. At the end of day you will receive them because we will make sure that u receive them :D
TuRkeY ShoOtiNg OuR TroOpS! HeLb BruSsEls, ahhh :D

The man went there made it clear that there will be a safe zone or u will receive a fair share of jamal & omars. At the end of day you will receive them because we will make sure that u receive them :D
Meh....that's what you've said 1 month ago.noone cares
Wishful thinking on the part of the Turks. Their plan has backfired. Previously people had sympathy and were labelling these illegals as refugees. Now they are openly called illegal migrants. The current pandemic is going to make things interesting as well.

With the economic downturn due to COVID-19 more and more populist governments will be elected. You can wish your conquering the europeans dream goodbye. The only route these people had was as refugees and now there is increased likely-hood that the HR charter will be updated to close these open migration routes.

Erodgan played his cards too quickly.
Erdo is that type of guy of who threatens 99 times and acts on the 100th time :D

he didnt even play them yet

He has - the cats out of the bag and everyone knows. Even the media has changed its tune. You are in denial my friend.
He has - the cats out of the bag and everyone knows. Even the media has changed its tune. You are in denial my friend.

I wrote already a somewhat lengthy response in site 1.

The media is irrelevant. its not about the EU but about Turkey getting rid of the refugees.
I wrote already a somewhat lengthy response in site 1.

The media is irrelevant. its not about the EU but about Turkey getting rid of the refugees.

Media is not irrelevant, never has been and never will be; in European/western countries. The media narrative has changed. This means that you can say bye bye to the previous soft approach on migrants using boats and floats to cross the Aegean.

Charities that were helping and in some ways enabling the migrants to cross safely are pulling back their operations because the local mood has changed. All governments specially the moderate left wing governments cannot afford to be seen giving way to such mass incursions. They fear that the mood swing in general population will be so radical that Right/Ultra Right parties will gain headway in governing positions.

This is the biggest reason there is such staunch resistance and Erodgan has miscalculated this reaction.
Media is not irrelevant, never has been and never will be; in European/western countries. The media narrative has changed. This means that you can say bye bye to the previous soft approach on migrants using boats and floats to cross the Aegean.

They will cross and if u sink them then u sink them, what ur media says is relevant for u, not for the Turks who dont give a **** what happens with them as long as they pi*ss off.

Charities that were helping and in some ways enabling the migrants to cross safely are pulling back their operations because the local mood has changed. All governments specially the moderate left wing governments cannot afford to be seen giving way to such mass incursions. They fear that the mood swing in general population will be so radical that Right/Ultra Right parties will gain headway in governing positions.

Europe itself will see a massive change in the near future anyway, on one hand there is Brexit, then there is Italy heavily fu*cked and furious about the way it has to handle the corona virus situation. Furthermore there is Erdo who faces the consequence of massive social tensions in Turkey duo to the refugee/illegal migrant situation and out of principle is forced to move against them which means that the refugees will now make their way to europe.
They will cross and if u sink them then u sink them, what ur media says is relevant for u, not for the Turks who dont give a **** what happens with them as long as they pi*ss off.

Europe itself will see a massive change in the near future anyway, on one hand there is Brexit, then there is Italy heavily fu*cked and furious about the way it has to handle the corona virus situation. Furthermore there is Erdo who faces the consequence of massive social tensions in Turkey duo to the refugee/illegal migrant situation and out of principle is forced to move against them which means that the refugees will now make their way to europe.

Then Turkey shouldn't have let them in. Let them stay in Syria.
Why did Turkey let them in? If Turkey doesn't care neither does EU. Remember they are in Turkey not EU. So the onus is on Turkey.
If Turkey is seen as aiding and abetting the migrants then Turkey will pay for this economically/socially.

Brexit has happened already, Italy is too much involved in EU to get out. EU will bail Italy that is a done deal, they cannot afford to let things by, they are the next Greece. As far a Erodgan is concerned he is the fall guy. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

You need to understand that the options Migrants had last year after moving to EU to the options they have now are two very different things. They were able to move and settle and helped by governments now that cannot happen - which means they will suffer, it will be better for them to stay in Turkey than go to mainland EU. The European dream is turning into a catastrophe and Turkey will become a better option then to travel into EU.
Then Turkey shouldn't have let them in. Let them stay in Syria.
Why did Turkey let them in? If Turkey doesn't care neither does EU. Remember they are in Turkey not EU. So the onus is on Turkey.
If Turkey is seen as aiding and abetting the migrants then Turkey will pay for this economically/socially.

The ones right now in Idlib are not allowed in and the ones who are inside will be forced back to Syria or to EU. The Main aim of these migrants are countries like Sweden or Netherlands anyway. Greece and Turkey are mere transit countries.

Brexit has happened already, Italy is too much involved in EU to get out. EU will bail Italy that is a done deal, they cannot afford to let things by, they are the next Greece. As far a Erodgan is concerned he is the fall guy. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

The EU hardly bailed out Greece, how exactly do they want to bail out a 2 trillion $ economy? This will massively fck the EU and good that Brexit happened.

You need to understand that the options Migrants had last year after moving to EU to the options they have now are two very different things. They were able to move and settle and helped by governments now that cannot happen - which means they will suffer, it will be better for them to stay in Turkey than go to mainland EU. The European dream is turning into a catastrophe and Turkey will become a better option then to travel into EU.

You have to understand that it is not our responsibility to take care of these people, they are not Turks and Turkey is not ur personal dumping ground for refugees. They will get removed and its out of question that these people remain in Turkey indefenitely. EU is the way to go. Thats where the Honey is and we will make sure soon enough that they reach their destination.
The ones right now in Idlib are not allowed in and the ones who are inside will be forced back to Syria or to EU. The Main aim of these migrants are countries like Sweden or Netherlands anyway. Greece and Turkey are mere transit countries.

The EU hardly bailed out Greece, how exactly do they want to bail out a 2 trillion $ economy? This will massively fck the EU and good that Brexit happened.

You have to understand that it is not our responsibility to take care of these people, they are not Turks and Turkey is not ur personal dumping ground for refugees. They will get removed and its out of question that these people remain in Turkey indefenitely. EU is the way to go. Thats where the Honey is and we will make sure soon enough that they reach their destination.

I will see when that happens, you have a better chance of sending them to Syria. Sweden and Netherlands have changed their tunes as well.

EU doesn't have a choice, it will be mass privatization in Italy just like in Greece with terms that will start a revolt. Brexit was coming eventually, anybody who thinks not was deluded. If it wasn't Britain some other country would have done it.

I agree it is not your responsibility - but to expect EU to stand aside while you ship them in is pure fantasy. There is no honey in EU - its another fantasy. Good luck in your quest to help them into EU. You do it once, you will have to do it again and again; as they will know this is a viable route. Any soft power you have left in EU will evaporate once and for all.

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