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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Breaking News : Worst case scenario!!!! Terror rebels funded by US and Turkey in Syria have shot down Russian Helicopter which was on search mission to find its missing pilot. Worst is it was shot by American supplied missiles.

Shame if Russia don't retaliate???

Double Blow : Syrian Rebels Destroy Russian Rescue Helicopter With US-Supplied Anti-Tank Missile |

A month ago when i've said the Russians might become actors in beheading videos if they get involved in Syria many posters laughed at the statement.What did you expect ? Safe zones so they can freely operate their helicopters ?
Now its clear that Turkey supports ISIS and other islamic movements. NATO should kick turkey out since it behaves too agressive and improvident and against NATO. Typical turkish behavior. Its a big security issue.
If its not a big issue for Russia to consistently violate airspace rules then why is she reacting this way now and crying like a baby? Show the same casual style now! If you expect others to ignore your faults then you also do the same now. big deal?
has the isis respected any rule,law or border? have turkey, america,west and middle east monachies respect any other soveriegnty?

Source: Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border | Page 85

Now its clear that Turkey supports ISIS and other islamic movements.
yes that is just right
Brother, my dear turk brother, please try to understand your rules of engagement will mean zilch when you will be at the receiving end of Russian retaliation. They might not attack now but Putin has been pushed into such a corner by your AAM that he has to do damage to Turkey to show strength inside Russia.

Had it been a fiji's jet , yes you can hold your ROE dear but why to stir Putin's Russia?

What can Turkey do if Russia rains down missiles on Pro Turkey rebels?
What can Turkey do if Russia heavily arms KURDS for a greater Kurdistan?

The Russians have now too many options to retaliate. My point is why did you guys put yourself in this mess in the first place because of a few seconds of violations (lets say even repeated violations)?

PS:- I wish Turkey to grow further economically and militarily without getting itself bogged down in regional mess like Pakistan got entangled in the 80's.

Brother! Why are you thinking that way? We are Here and we don't fear Any Putin's father! Courage runs in the blood of Turks and Pakistanis! I appreciate this courageous move of turks! They simply repeated their Great forefathers history!
As much as I disagree with literally everything Putin stands for, I'd love to see Russia teach these terrorist sympathising Turks a lesson.

Bear in mind these are the same people who were booing Paris victims last week and now they wanna invoke the 'NATO' card.

@mike2000 is back @FrenchPilot @flamer84

Well, to be honest i don't really agree with you. Geo politics has nothing much to do with how some fringe elements of a country's population feels towards another. If that was the case then we wont be allies with Turkey, neither will Turkey be part of NATO, Saudi Arabia will never be one of our main allies in the region, The U.S will never be allies with many gulf/Muslim countries etc etc. So a fringe of the public feelings has nothing to with Geo-politics or how big powers go about their business/interests. Its all about how each country interests matches. Turkey is a major ally for major western powers like U.S , U.K, Germany and France and it also plays a crucial role for NATO/western powers in the region and has acted as a bulwark against Russia in the black sea/region for decades. So some minor fringe of Turkish population is insignificant when you look at the big picture Geo politically.

So even if Russia was to attack/invade Turkey(which we all know wont happen), It would be not be a matter of obligation but a duty or responsibility of the NATO to protect Turkey in case of an offensive from Russia.
Turkey is a staunch ally of the West(regardless of the little issues we might sometimes have with them) and an important member of NATO and protecting it from any kind of foreign attack is of paramount importance to NATO as it acts as a stabilising force in the troubled Middle East and is a front for the US/U.K/France and Germany and its allies to protect their interests in the Middle East.:bunny:
Brother, my dear turk brother, please try to understand your rules of engagement will mean zilch when you will be at the receiving end of Russian retaliation. They might not attack now but Putin has been pushed into such a corner by your AAM that he has to do damage to Turkey to show strength inside Russia.

Had it been a fiji's jet , yes you can hold your ROE dear but why to stir Putin's Russia?

What can Turkey do if Russia rains down missiles on Pro Turkey rebels?
What can Turkey do if Russia heavily arms KURDS for a greater Kurdistan?

The Russians have now too many options to retaliate. My point is why did you guys put yourself in this mess in the first place because of a few seconds of violations (lets say even repeated violations)?

PS:- I wish Turkey to grow further economically and militarily without getting itself bogged down in regional mess like Pakistan got entangled in the 80's.

If all or a majority of Turkish Kurds wanted an independant state you would have a point.
But in reality Turkish Kurds simply just want recognition as a minority which I also support.
If Armenians, Jewish Turks & Greeks are recognised as a minority then why not also Kurds?

The pkk only have a couple thousand members at most which nothing compared to millions of Turkish Kurds.

So Russia arming Kurds to carve up Turkey is not a possibility.
Now its clear that Turkey supports ISIS and other islamic movements.
Now its clear that Turkey supports ISIS and other islamic movements. NATO should kick turkey out since it behaves too agressive and improvident and against NATO. Typical turkish behavior. Its a big security issue.

No doubt US NATO Saudi Turkey Qatar are the creator of ISIS and that too armed with full force in Syria to throw out Asad regime. More and more evidence. So it's quite Natural for NATO to go for war
You are wrong. Any attack on Turkey by Russia will be considered an attack on NATO itself.
Well that's so scary but what will happen then more than blaming turkey of shooting the plane on the Syrian space sir this is Russia not the tiny uk with all due respect.
A lot of B.S accounts with Pakistani flags trying to derail Turkey-Pakistan friendship.

sir whats your take on this?, how the events will unfold in next few months?, because currently the situation is very fluid, both sides are in war of words, but once the dust settles how will it go ahead, because this surely will not go down easily with the russians. No matter what both sides do to make sure these type of things does not repeat again.
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