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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Although I'm not the one to support Russia, by far...but..

What happened today was a totally uncalled for and incredible reckless act from Erdogan and the Turkish air force. You simply do not act like that.

Now for the bad:Turkey just handed Russia a golden opportunity to mess with them in any way, shape or form they deem appropriate, short of a direct attack on Turkey itself. Opportunity which will be followed.
You have to be delusional to the extreme, white padded room extreme, to believe that Turkey deterred Russia in any way today.

A masive fck up

R.I.P to the pilots
It is what it is but in the end the Russians were warned before.Over the years they violated Finland ,the Baltics,Romania,Sweden,Bulgarian,Turkish airspace.Sometimes the arogant bastards turn off their transponders which endanger civilian airliners and all you see in forums is the Russian strong crew cheering in actions.

Today someone said enough! Hope Russia learns something from this.

You bring up an interesting point.

Whenever Russians violated any other countries airspace, internet forums were filled with so many people wanting to shoot the jets down.
But now that someone actually did it, the Russians are now suddenly the victims and the good guy.
Damn hypocrisy.
NATO has no choice but to maintain a united front for the world's media. What are they going to do? Publicly chastise a member state? Behind the scenes, though, Obama will be fuming and Erdogan will get a deserved dressing down.

If NATO shows weakness now the Russians will get green light in Ukraine and the Baltic states. There will be more Russian agression and blackmail in Eastern Europe.
Run run run. No place to hide from this big Bear hung . FIRST NATO and US said it's between Turkey and Russia to sort out the solution lol.

Now UN... An organization which will do what? Sanctions :woot:. Russia is no fool to respond so lightly with just few fighters and fighter bombers in Syria. Lesson will be in such a way no NATO will ever do the same mistake again. An simple logic. :wave:

NATO stands by its members

Statement by the NATO Secretary General after the extraordinary NAC meeting
  • 24 Nov. 2015
  • |
  • Press Release (2015) 169
  • Issued on 24 Nov. 2015
  • |
  • Last updated: 24 Nov. 2015 20:00

The North Atlantic Council has just held a meeting, an extraordinary meeting. And we have been updated by the Turkish Ambassador on the recent events. I have also spoken to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.


Turkey informed Allies about the downing of a Russian Air Force plane violating Turkish airspace.

I have previously expressed my concerns about the implications of the military actions of the Russian Federation close to NATO’s borders.

This highlights the importance of having and respecting arrangements to avoid such incidents in the future.

As we have repeatedly made clear, we stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO Ally, Turkey.

We will continue to follow the developments on the South-Eastern borders of NATO very closely.

I look forward to further contacts between Ankara and Moscow and I call for calm and de-escalation.

Diplomacy and de-escalation are important to resolve this situation.

Now I’m ready to take your questions.

Q (CNN): The Russians are saying the plane was shot down over Syrian territory and never went into Turkish territory. Are you convinced that it was shot down indeed over Turkish airspace and that Turkish airspace was indeed violate?

Secretary General: The Allied assessments we have got from several Allies during the day are consistent with information we have been provided with from Turkey. So the information we have from other Allies is consistent with what we have got from Turkey.

Q (Kurdish media): Mr Stoltenberg, how could be the situation and your position if tension between Russia and Turkey raised? You said that you are continue looking at developments. How could be your position if tensions continue to rise between Russia and Turkey? Thank you.

Secretary General: I’ve think I’ve expressed very clearly that we are calling for calm and de-escalation. This is a serious situation. This is a situation which calls on that we all are prudent and that we all contribute to de-escalating the situation.

And that’s also the reason why I welcome further contacts between Moscow and Ankara. There has been contacts and we would welcome even more contacts. To partly to solve this concrete incident, but also to continue to work on the development and also the strengthening of mechanisms to avoid these kinds of situation in the future.

Actually, inside the Alliance we are discussing how we can develop better and improved measures for transparency, for predictability, and for risk reduction. Because we have to avoid this kind of incidents. We have to avoid that situations, incidents, accidents spiral out of control.

And therefore this is a serious situation, but I think that the new security environment we are facing along NATO borders just underlines the importance of focusing more on predictability, transparency, and different measures to reduce risks.

Q (WSJ): What does this say about the ability for Allies to work together with Russia in Syria? Are the tactics just too different? Are the targets just too different?

Secretary General: The common enemy should be ISIL. And I would welcome all efforts to fight ISIL. And it is important that all of us, also Russia, is guided by the overarching goal of defeating ISIL.

What we have seen is that most of the attacks by Russia so far has been targeted towards targets in parts of Syria where ISIL is not present. So we welcome all efforts to fight ISIL. Our common enemy is ISIL, and therefore I would also welcome all efforts to strengthen the fight against SIIL.

Q (Reuters): Wondered if you had any contacts with the Russians or planned any contacts with the Russians over this incident?

Secretary General: There has been contacts between Ankara and Moscow, Turkey and Russia but so far there has been no direct contact between NATO and Russia. But we have been in contact with Turkey, a NATO ally, which has directly been in contact with Russian authorities.

Q (unknown): Do you have any more clarity as to how the plane was actually shot down because that’s disputed, whether it be surface to surface or surface to air or ground to air missile?

Secretary General: I will be careful going too much into specifics and too much into details but what I can confirm is that the assessments we have from allies are consistent with what Turkey briefed us about earlier today.

NATO - News: Statement by the NATO Secretary General after the extraordinary NAC meeting , 24-Nov.-2015
Russia wants top open a corridor and warned Poland not to block the building of a highway from RUSSIA to Kalinograd in the Baltics.
well there is a reason Americans and Europeans esocrted the tu-95s out of or near their airspace and not shoot them down its not bcuz they think their military forces dont stand a chance aginst russian military its just the 7000 nukes in russian arsenal which could level the playing field ,turks brothers and all messed up big time ,even if it had crossed over and enetered back into syrian airspace it should have only be shot down in tukish airspace and not in syria ,rmember the soviet shoot down of a south korean passeneger airliner the jets were scrambled once it enetered the soviet airspace but when they got closer the airliner left the airspace then again when it enetered into soviet airspace it was shot down soviets thought it was a american spy plane camouflaged as a airliner,anyhow hope turkey has a thousand nukes to keep russia from attacking it or violating its airspace again good luck on asking nato allies to lend turks their nukes so they may also face the nuclear holucast that follows ,russia or not ,putin is too much of a egomaniac to play hard ball with if anyone can push the nuclear button he can and russians knowing how mad they are in love with him might approve it even at the cost of their own destruction thats the what happens when u have too much vodka in ur blood stream
Although I'm not the one to support Russia, by far...but..

What happened today was a totally uncalled for and incredible reckless act from Erdogan and the Turkish air force. You simply do not act like that.

Now for the bad:Turkey just handed Russia a golden opportunity to mess with them in any way, shape or form they deem appropriate, short of a direct attack on Turkey itself. Opportunity which will be followed.
You have to be delusional to the extreme, white padded room extreme, to believe that Turkey deterred Russia in any way today.R.I.P to the pilots

Okay! So if someone enters your territory uninvited, don't leave when intimidated, then in such situation the forces people know just one solution: Action! Thats what they are meant for. And yes, Russians will also do the same if you go there that way.
When its matter of Our Home, Our Land and Our people, we don't Wait!
Statement by the NATO Secretary General after the extraordinary NAC meeting

The North Atlantic Council has just held a meeting, an extraordinary meeting. And we have been updated by the Turkish Ambassador on the recent events. I have also spoken to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.


Turkey informed Allies about the downing of a Russian Air Force plane violating Turkish airspace.

I have previously expressed my concerns about the implications of the military actions of the Russian Federation close to NATO’s borders.

This highlights the importance of having and respecting arrangements to avoid such incidents in the future.

As we have repeatedly made clear, we stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO Ally, Turkey.

We will continue to follow the developments on the South-Eastern borders of NATO very closely.

I look forward to further contacts between Ankara and Moscow and I call for calm and de-escalation.

Diplomacy and de-escalation are important to resolve this situation.

Now I’m ready to take your questions.

Q (CNN): The Russians are saying the plane was shot down over Syrian territory and never went into Turkish territory. Are you convinced that it was shot down indeed over Turkish airspace and that Turkish airspace was indeed violate?

Secretary General: TheAllied assessments we have got from several Allies during the day are consistent with information we have been provided with from Turkey. So the information we have from other Allies is consistent with what we have got from Turkey.

Q (Kurdish media): Mr Stoltenberg, how could be the situation and your position if tension between Russia and Turkey raised? You said that you are continue looking at developments. How could be your position if tensions continue to rise between Russia and Turkey? Thank you.

Secretary General: I’ve think I’ve expressed very clearly that we are calling for calm and de-escalation. This is a serious situation. This is a situation which calls on that we all are prudent and that we all contribute to de-escalating the situation.

And that’s also the reason why I welcome further contacts between Moscow and Ankara. There has been contacts and we would welcome even more contacts. To partly to solve this concrete incident, but also to continue to work on the development and also the strengthening of mechanisms to avoid these kinds of situation in the future.

Actually, inside the Alliance we are discussing how we can develop better and improved measures for transparency, for predictability, and for risk reduction. Because we have to avoid this kind of incidents. We have to avoid that situations, incidents, accidents spiral out of control.

And therefore this is a serious situation, but I think that the new security environment we are facing along NATO borders just underlines the importance of focusing more on predictability, transparency, and different measures to reduce risks.

Q (WSJ): What does this say about the ability for Allies to work together with Russia in Syria? Are the tactics just too different? Are the targets just too different?

Secretary General: The common enemy should be ISIL. And I would welcome all efforts to fight ISIL. And it is important that all of us, also Russia, is guided by the overarching goal of defeating ISIL.

What we have seen is that most of the attacks by Russia so far has been targeted towards targets in parts of Syria where ISIL is not present. So we welcome all efforts to fight ISIL. Our common enemy is ISIL, and therefore I would also welcome all efforts to strengthen the fight against SIIL.

Q (Reuters): Wondered if you had any contacts with the Russians or planned any contacts with the Russians over this incident?

Secretary General: There has been contacts between Ankara and Moscow, Turkey and Russia but so far there has been no direct contact between NATO and Russia. But we have been in contact with Turkey, a NATO ally, which has directly been in contact with Russian authorities.

Q (unknown): Do you have any more clarity as to how the plane was actually shot down because that’s disputed, whether it be surface to surface or surface to air or ground to air missile?

Secretary General: I will be careful going too much into specifics and too much into details but what I can confirm is that the assessments we have from allies are consistent with what Turkey briefed us about earlier today.
Okay! So if someone enters your territory uninvited, don't leave when intimidated, then in such situation the forces people know just one solution: Action! Thats what they are meant for. And yes, Russians will also do the same if you go there that way.
When its matter of Our Home, Our Land and Our people, we don't Wait!

No - brief airspace/maritime violations are not meet with deadly force between countries not at war.
If that were the case we would have perpetual wars
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