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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Turkey is always support terrorists. Who the hell can tolerate with it? I can tell you Russia will deploy more fighters along the border and more advanced type. Back off is not the way Rusky dealing things. Next time Tu95 carrying nukes will fly along the border and please shoot it down as well.
Turkey Always stand against terrorism a single incident can't be generalize whole Turkish policies there are lot of regional things involved.

If Russian state television is spinning it off as rebels downing the plane, which is what they're doing, talking about surface to air missiles, according to analysts listening to Russian state TV, then it's pretty obvious that even with a dead pilot, they can spin it by just bombing the rebel areas, without any relation to Turkey.

A war with Turkey is not simple, there is NATO, there is the Turkish army, and not sure, maybe @Sinan can confirm but Turkey have a nuclear deterrent from the US as well?
I don't think things would come to that but due to US nuclear sharing policy, TuaF has 60 B-61 Nuclear Bombs in it's disposal.
I hope Turkey is turned into a nuclear wasteland.

I despise that repulsive country. Disgusting terrorist supporting Turkish scum.
One possible is if Russia directly nuke Turkey airbase, How Europe to deal with it ? Whether U.S or Europe willing to a nuclear war with Russia for Turkey ? The Russian has two options to solve this case: 1. Nuke 2. Peace.
So far two things are verified

1) The Turkish flight plan shows that the Russians DID violate their airspace, there is no question of this
2) The jet was downed in Syrian territory after it passed through Turkey

Only someone with proper data of speed, height and where it landed exactly can tell how close to Turkey it was downed. However, Turkey is well within its NATO rights to shoot down the plane which violated its territory. NATO are bound to protect them, unless it can be verified that the plane was far enough away from Turkey after leaving
Turkey is always support terrorists. Who the hell can tolerate with it? I can tell you Russia will deploy more fighters along the border and more advanced type. Back off is not the way Rusky dealing things. Next time Tu95 carrying nukes will fly along the border and please shoot it down as well.

Yah because they sure escalated Ukraine war....after losing so many people there....much more than this plane getting shot down. Whatever happened to taking Kiev? All just talk?

An Indian taking keyboard warrior, what a joke.

When Russia doesn't nuke Turkey, you're going to look very silly and stupid. Just like when you lot were claiming China was going to invade and defeat Vietnam very soon after the anti-Chinese riots there.

All big talk.....rest of the world yawns and rolls its eyes at you.
I don't think things would come to that but due to US nuclear sharing policy, TuaF has 60 B-61 Nuclear Bombs in it's disposal.
True, hopefully it won't, but it is one reason Russia will not want to get involved here. Their plane did violate territory, unless they can somehow prove it was far away from Turkey and no threat at all (Which is hard), they will have no legal reason to attack Turkey, and NATO will respond

Russia is not what it once was, and Putin knows this

Interesting few days ahead though

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