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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

and Russia is not coward, if Turkey hit Russian jet within Syrian airspace, then rain is coming down on Turkey and Erogan is going to cry foul to NATO

If Turkey proves with radar lock records that the jet was violationg its airspace than NATO must back Turkey up.

Russian GLONASS always has "a few glitches" when it's about Ukraine,Syria,Georgia.
Two F16 were involved in the downing of SU 24, which was shot at after repeated warnings. Russian MOD. Source CNN
Defensive action by Turkey. Russia is the aggressor. World should blame the Russians for violating the airspace of Turkey. :angry:

I don't see any mistake from Turkey. The Russians have been playing dangerous games and they got the response.

Neither Russians nor anybody can do a harm Turkey, just relax with a cup of hot tea and laugh on the retarded Russians while they're searching for their pilots.:lol:

Well done brother.

lol everyone is going to laugh at your comment, don't you realize where you from by the way?
ANKARA: Turkey confirmed that it shot down a Russian warplane Tuesday, claiming it had violated Turkish airspace and ignored repeated warnings. Russia denied that the plane crossed the Syrian border into Turkish skies.

“We are looking into the circumstances of the crash of the Russian jet,” Russia's Defence Ministry said. “The Ministry of Defence would like to stress that the plane was over the Syrian territory throughout the flight. “

Russia said the Su-24 was downed by artillery fire, but Turkey claimed that its F-16s fired on the Russian plane after it ignored several warnings.

The ministry said the pilots parachuted but added that Moscow had no further contact with them.

One of the pilots of the warplane was in the hands of Turkmen forces in Syria who were searching for the other pilot, broadcaster CNN Turk reported, citing local sources.

A Turkish military statement said the plane entered Turkish airspace over town of Yaylidag, in Hatay province. It said the plane was warned 10 times within the space of 5 minutes.

Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the warplane crashed in the Turkmen Mountains region in the coastal province of Latakia.

The Turkomen Mountains region has been subjected to a government offensive in recent days under the cover of Russian airstrikes.

Last month, Turkish jets shot down an unidentified drone that it said had violated Turkey's airspace

Footage from private broadcaster Haberturk TV showed a warplane going down in flames in a woodland area, a long plume of smoke trailing behind it. The plane went down in area known by Turks as “Turkmen Mountain” in northern Syria near the Turkish border, Haberturk said.

Separate footage from Turkey's Anadolu Agency showed two pilots parachuting out of the jet before it crashed.

Russia has repeatedly carried out air strikes in Syria in defence of President Bashar al-Assad. Russia's defence ministry was not immediately available for comment.

Turkey called this week for a UN Security Council meeting to discuss attacks on Turkmens in neighbouring Syria, and last week Ankara summoned the Russian ambassador to protest the bombing of their villages.

Ankara has traditionally expressed solidarity with Syrian Turkmens, who are Syrians of Turkish descent.

The warplane shot down by Turkey near the Syrian border on Tuesday was a Russian-made SU-24, Turkish presidential sources said, adding it was downed in line with Turkey's rules of engagement after violating Ankara's airspace.

President Tayyip Erdogan has been briefed by the head of the military and will talk to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the sources said.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has spoken with the chief of military staff and the foreign minister about the developments on the Syrian border, the prime minister's office said in a statement, without mentioning the downed jet.

He has ordered the foreign ministry to consult with Nato, the United Nations and related countries on the latest developments, his office said.
Even Indonesia is dare to have their jet fighter (F-16) get a long dog fight with 5 USA F 18 near Bawean island during Bush jr administration. We even shot down US plane during Soekarno time.

So it is a norm already that any big country like Indonesia and Turkey has always had a gut to fight even when it has to deal with country like USA or Russia.

So, nothing serious should come up with this event. Turkey and Russia should talk over this and since there is no serious casualties over this incident so it should be handled in peaceful way.

agree this is unfortunate turn of events
after Paris tragedy there was hope that world forces will join against the death cult but this seems going down the drain
Agreed with you i will seriously hampered the efforts to eliminate ISIS, i believe Muslims countries preferring their internal interests more than ISIS eradication, i am sad that from now ISIS will grew more powerful since the countries have power to eliminate ISIS will start fighting each other and let the ISIS unintended.
Let's hope we will see F16 vs Su30 action too.........
you think and write like a Dodo ( a bird that became extinct due to its limited mental grasp of things).
what you are hoping for is a disaster with very big consequences


I pray that it never happens and this unfortunate event doesn't escalate the hostilities into direct and intense military confrontation.

here on one hand we had Russians supporting French in targeting ISIS and now a NATO member decides to shoot down its plane.. for whatever reasons.. it could have been escorted out by Turkish Jets (if indeed it was in Turkish airspace) instead of blowing it up.

this event has just given a new lease of life to the ISIS death cult and its supporters must be celebrating in their palaces now.
These are the days of war, first of all Russians are not stupid to violate the Turkish Air space , infect they don't have to, and for instance if we accept Russia did, than Turkey should have shown a maturity, a political solution is best way to avoid any big conflict between the two Nations.

Russian infect destroyed a massive oil filed in Syria couple of days ago and that has caused a permanent pause on Oil supply to several Countries, should we say that this was the reaction from Turkey?
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