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Featured Turkey sends medical aid to India to help ease COVID-19

Grateful for all help....however, is that all turkey could help with?

You guys (pakistanis) are having a great time posting such posts, when India is in an unfortunate crisis.

Pakistan (read pakistanis) will never be of any help / use to india.

Not sure why pak army did not attack India. Definitely not because of any humanitarian reasons.
You guys think everyone is as hateful as you guys who celebrated deaths of passenger when PIA plane crashed or when worshipper were killed in New Zealand. If only you had two working eyes, you would have seen dozens of Pakistanis praying and wishing India strength to deal with this human tragedy.
You guys think everyone is as hateful as you guys

Yes, when I read the posts from pakistanis here, I understand the pak (pakistanis) are so sweet & sugar to India.....I get it.....thanks.

Last post from me on this topic.
Yes, when I read the posts from pakistanis here, I understand the pak (pakistanis) are so sweet & sugar to India.....I get it.....thanks.

Last post from me on this topic.
Hope you will leave this forum now.
Hope you will leave this forum now.

Trust me, I wanted get out of this forum many many times....there is nothing but hatred in this forum....but owing to my distractions end up anyway (my mind like periodic distractions) . That is my own fault. I am myself to blame.

Maybe, moderators help me by banning me.
Lol, by 2021 India would take China economically and then challenge US - LOl by Subarmanine Swamy

And in reality - The shit hole it is that every single country is sending them AID

if we have source of that tall claim, would like to see and share further. i searched but didnt find any.
Grateful for all help....however, is that all turkey could help with?

At the time of need it is not the cost but the gesture which matters the most. A widow aged poor woman in India donated Rs 7500 whereas Bill Gates donated a million, which for you is to applause ?
Hope your wish becomes True....

Thanks again for your wishes
Modi is pakistans man in Delhi...no one can screw up India like the rss and bjp. Remember it was their man who killed gandhi
Again Muslim helping India....

5 more years for modi
nothing of much value from muslims
we have given shelter to 20 crore muslims , they are eating our resources from last 70 years . they should have gone to their muslim lands of pakistan .
You guys think everyone is as hateful as you guys who celebrated deaths of passenger when PIA plane crashed or when worshipper were killed in New Zealand. If only you had two working eyes, you would have seen dozens of Pakistanis praying and wishing India strength to deal with this human tragedy.

Feelings are mutual actually. We all know how your countrymen are enjoying the covid effect in India. This is a recent case I am quoting otherwise there are many.
Modi is pakistans man in Delhi...no one can screw up India like the rss and bjp. Remember it was their man who killed gandhi

Actually, Gandhi did more harm than good to India. Many Indians will not accept that. I can write a lot on this, but no energy. Let's leave it there.

Godse's arguments in killing Gandhi are so persuasive. If you have time, energy & interest find it in internet.

Curious: why are Pakistanis so concerned about a man who Jinnah never trusted?

PS: about 20 years back, Vir Sanghvi (then famous journalist) conducted a debste at my company. Many eminent people (not from my company) debated, and one of them did not give enough credit to Gandhi. I got so angry about him, and what he spoke. After 20 years, and having acquired knowledge and experience, I believe he is correct. Funny how experience & knowledge makes one change opinion.
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nothing of much value from muslims
we have given shelter to 20 crore muslims , they are eating our resources from last 70 years . they should have gone to their muslim lands of pakistan .
Of course muslims cannot find anything of substance in cow dung to cure 101 diseases that plague India at the moment. The much value, of course, comes from likes of Baba Ramdev and People who believe corona can be cured by drinking cow urine. Muslims are useless i agree
Of course muslims cannot find anything of substance in cow dung to cure 101 diseases that plague India at the moment. The much value, of course, comes from likes of Baba Ramdev and People who believe corona can be cured by drinking cow urine. Muslims are useless i agree

don't talk shit
i simply stated fact , you got butthurt .
we are spending our precious resources on muslims while they got their own lands of pakistan and bangladesh .
Actually, Gandhi did more harm than good to India. Many Indians will not accept that. I can write a lot on this, but no energy. Let's leave it there.

Godse's arguments in killing Gandhi are so persuasive. If you have time, energy & interest find it in internet.

Curious: why are Pakistanis so concerned about a man who Jinnah never trusted?

PS: about 20 years back, Vir Sanghvi (then famous journalist) conducted a debste at my company. Many eminent people (not from my company) debated, and one of them did not give enough credit to Gandhi. I got so angry about him, and what he spoke. After 20 years, and having acquired knowledge and experience, I believe he is correct.
So u r rss bjp mindset??

Its not that jinnah didn't trust Gandhi. Its just our destiny wasn't with India. Jinnah was correct. Look at the mess India is now
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