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Turkey Send Tanks to Syria Border, Threatens Attacks


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Clashes on Outskirts of Damascus as Rebels Escalate Fighting
The Turkish military has deployed tanks to its border with Syria today, and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that Syria is a “clear and present threat” to the Turkish government’s security, vowing attacks on any Syrian troops that are perceived as being too close to their mutual border.

The threat comes by way of retaliation against Syria for shooting down a Turkish warplane that had violated Syrian airspace and was speeding toward Latakia Province. Syria insists they didn’t know what the warplane was when they fired at it.

The threat of attacks along the border is very real, as Turkey has allowed the Free Syrian Army to base itself out of Turkish territory and Syria’s military has been bolstering border patrols in an attempt to keep rebels entering the country with impunity.

Beyond the threat of Turkish (and by extension NATO) attacks on Syria, fighting is escalating inside the country, with rebels launching attacks on the outskirts of the capital city of Damascus today, and Bashar Assad terming the situation a “real state of war from all angles.”

Turkey Send Tanks to Syria Border, Threatens Attacks -- News from Antiwar.com
It seems there are just a few tanks and they are not the new model
It seems there are just a few tanks and they are not the new model

Any which way it shall increase the pressure on Syria .

The next stage could be minor incursions under the garb of hot pursuit / border patrols having crossed over.
Now Syria will be forced to divert some resources to the Turkey front which would be used to fight the rebels. I would say Turkey should not attack Syria. PSYOP is the best approach for Turkey - maximum win at a minimum effort. Turkey should mobilize the troops on the Syria border in a massive way but hold off on attacking Syria. Rebels are having a fight at the outskirts of Damascus and Assad is in a very vulnerable situation.

For umpteenth time - Stupid stupid Assad for shooting down the Turkish plane.
next syria move: turkey tanks entered the borders and boom ! 2 tanks were destroyed ,
we will have something like this :
Everything Started with a shot downed phantom
next syria move: turkey tanks entered the borders and boom ! 2 tanks were destroyed ,
we will have something like this :
Everything Started with a shot downed phantom

Do not get much excited by downing of one jet , this Turkish reaction may be PHYOPS but the end of A-Assad is certain sooner or later.
Sign of war??There is already small war going in syria.Syria can destroy turiskh tank in frustration.
I hope turkish tank will stay away from unstable Syria. War is not in the turky interest. Economy is well stable and increasing. Turkish should avoid from war unless they create misadventure in Turkey.
think , if even one turkey cobra car be destroyed , another 49 page topic will start :)
With out the NATO green signal Turkey cannot fight the Syrian.the Putin has order couple of division of its troops ready to send to Syria . i have lost the news source but it also mention about the spatnaz troops. :undecided: :
well , maybe we are going to see new Anti tank system capability in near future .... but I rather to see Yakhoont in action , I want know if Russian are saying truth about Yakhoont or it is another propaganda ...

beginning of a war is easy task but finishing it is another matter .... I advise turks to spend much more time to make decision about it ... for sure Turkey army is stronger than Syria but with new partisani tactics , everything get changed ....
if Russia as promised stand by Syria then no one can harm Syria

If Turkey starts a war then big problem
if Russia as promised stand by Syria then no one can harm Syria

If Turkey starts a war then big problem

Russian bear turned into a teddy after dissolution of Soviets and it can't stand against NATO in a rightfull war only thing it can do is make propaganda with their media and everyone knows that in media propaganda West by far outweights Russia...
Russia can cannot stay the downfall of Al-Assad she can only prolong it.......Period
It seems there are just a few tanks and they are not the new model

I think these tanks enough against Syria... :smokin:

Assad is a chicken and hides behind Russia. he knows that his army cant match with TSK that's why he hides behind Russia otherwise TSK can wipe Syria from maps in a few hours. :lol:
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