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Turkey’s not-so-free speech and journalists

She is living in Cali, USA. Her parents are probably political refugees. And she has the guts critizing Turkey, the pearl of the Muslim world and middle-east compared to Iran.

I'm NOT personally critizing Turkey, i posted an article that stated facts about Turkey's current affairs. you took to baseless personal attacks. I can post 100 negative things about Turks living in Europe. But I won't stoop to your level of disrespect, b/c i have respect for alot of Turkish people, and alot of them are my friends. More importantly, Why are you deflecting from the main point which was the article posted?
Im not the one critizing Turkey, I posted an article that stated facts., I dont know why you want to defelct attention from the article that was posted , to personal attacks.

Im not the one critizing Turkey, I posted an article that stated facts., I dont know why you want to defelct attention from the article that was posted , to personal attacks.

I'm NOT personally critizing Turkey, i posted a article that stated facts about Turkey's current affairs. you resorted to baseless personal attacks. Why are you deflecting from the main point which was the article posted?

iranian sister, everybody knows that there is no full democracy in turkey the first aim should be industry and economic develpment not democracy already economic development brings properly a democracy but this works inversely in turkey :eek:
I'm NOT personally critizing Turkey, i posted an article that stated facts about Turkey's current affairs. you took to baseless personal attacks. I can post 100 negative things about Turks living in Europe. But I won't stoop to your level of disrespect, b/c i have respect for alot of Turkish people, and alot of them are my friends. More importantly, Why are you deflecting from the main point which was the article posted?

I like your style, you're different from many of the male Iranian here (though most of them are educated, logical people).

As for the topic title, let's just say that for Muslim nations Pakistan leads in democracy in some places, Lebanon in some places, Bangaldesh and Indonesia in some places, Malaysia in some places, Turkey in a lot of places, and even Iran in some places! Not one of our country is fully democratic though.
Its just a beginning, as long as Islamists continue to gain more power, things will get even worse, do not be suprised if you see male and female students seperated in schools in few years.

They can't even stand religious people with more modern thoughts,
I won't be raising my childeren in Turkey so I'm cool.

They can try and make imams out of ten years olds, they can raise a "religious" youth I don't give a flying fvck.

As long as my retarded country keeps voting for these basterds and Pamukoğlu gets %1 they deserve this.
Where are you planning to raise your children? İn Europe? Or in Asia? Or in Australia? Would they become happier if raised in a foreign environment? Or would they lose their identity? Think twice.
Where are you planning to raise your children? İn Europe? Or in Asia? Or in Australia? Would they become happier if raised in a foreign environment? Or would they lose their identity? Think twice.
Wherever i find most suitable, certainly not in this political sh*thole.

They are fvcking with education system for the sake of their political ideology and people say nothing about it.

I am as much ashamed of my government as im proud of Turkish Armed Forces.

It came to my attention, We often compare ourselves to muslim countries and take comfort in that... yeah we are still -by a wide margin- the most democratic country between muslim nations. Apperantly it's not enough for me. It's not enough for the vision that built this country in 1920s. It's not enough for memories of those who fought and fell for this country.

We have to(or had to, I don't know how reallistic it is today) bring this country to most developed countries' level (muhasır medeniyetler seviyesi) so far we couldn't achieve that. And those who govern us are constantly trying to destroy our national values and doing it in bare daylight. We didn't come all this way for THIS. Again assimilated to retarded medieval Ottoman ideology.
how can iranians critise us its funny , and their not even journalists

Please, you don't understand, we have a high degree of free speech in Iran.

To reach the level of modern age / developed civilizations (medeniyye i muassyr) you need higher income per capita.

Lets consider you got enough money to raise your children in a foreign country, instead of being Islamicized, you ll make him Americanized. You would be No different.
F.ck the higher income, all you guys know is this, what do you have in your mind ? a rich sh.thole like Saudi Arabia ? one of the worst arguments but I'm still hearing this everywhere, its like cutting the right arm while working out left arm.
all those terrorists hiding behind journalism should be jailed forever
Then how will you dare to say you're are modern and developed country ? who will believe you ? you can't even stand "thoughts" and are you comparing yoursel to modern and developed countries ?
currently, tayyip try to bring presidential system instead of parliamentary system ...
new sultanic regime :partay:

chairman of the constitutional commission prof dr burhan kuzu is one of the top AKP officials

his new book: presidential system in details

F.ck the higher income, all you guys know is this, what do you have in your mind ? a rich sh.thole like Saudi Arabia ? one of the worst arguments but I'm still hearing this everywhere, its like cutting the right arm while working out left arm.

Without monies, or higher income, you cant make paradise out of Turkey.

While trying to escape Islamism, some people throw themselves into the arms of Americanism. Thats sure not what M.Kemal had in his mind. :azn:
Without monies, or higher income, you cant make paradise out of Turkey.

While trying to escape Islamism, some people throw themselves into the arms of Americanism. Thats sure not what M.Kemal had in his mind. :azn:

and European Union ;)
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