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Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

Apr 14, 2015
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Ankara: October 10, 2016

Turkey has reaffirmed its traditional and strong support for the cause of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. On the first day of their visit to Turkey, Prime Minister’s Special Envoys, Muhammad Pervez Malik and Mohsin Shah Nawaz Ranjha, met a cross-section of the Turkish parliamentary leadership, media, civil society and think-tanks to apprise them of the gross and systematic violations of human rights being perpetrated by the security forces in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOK).

The Special Envoys called on the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), Ismail Kahraman, and briefed him in detail about the atrocities being committed against the defenseless Kashmiri people — demanding their legitimate and inalienable right to self-determination. They highlighted that the death of the young Kashmiri leader, Burhan Wani, had re-ignited an intense phase of the popular uprising in the IOK, also being characterized as the Kashmiri Intifada.

Drawing attention towards the use of arbitrary force, live ammunition and pellet-guns by the occupying forces to quell the recent peaceful protests in IOK, the Envoys underlined the need for an urgent and meaningful intervention by the international community to bring an end to the brutalization of the Kashmiri people; conduct a fair, independent and transparent inquiry under the UN auspices to hold the perpetrators of these heinous acts responsible; and, above all, ensure the realization of the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions, and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The Special Envoys also briefed the Speaker of the TGNA on the latest security.

situation in the region, including escalation of tensions through highly provocative rhetoric and incessant violations of the Line of Control (LoC) by the Indian side, in order to divert international attention from the grave human rights situation in the IOK.

The Envoys thanked Turkey for its principled position on the Jammu & Kashmir dispute and its consistent support for the Kashmiri people. Lauding Turkey’s active role in the OIC Contact Group on Jammu & Kashmir, the Special Envoys underlined the high importance of its proposal to send an OIC Fact Finding Mission to Jammu and Kashmir. The Special Envoys expressed the confidence that this strong support by the Turkish government and people would continue until a just and lasting solution of Kashmir was found.

Extending a warm welcome to the Envoys, the Honourable Speaker Ismail Kahraman underlined the unique and unprecedentedly cordial relationship between Pakistan and Turkey; thanked Pakistan and its people for their strong support and solidarity for Turkey against the attempted coup of 15 July 2016; reiterated support for Pakistan in its fight against terrorism; and underlined that Pakistan and Turkey had always supported each other on their respective national causes, i.e. Kashmir and Cyprus.

The TGNA Speaker thanked the Envoys for the detailed briefing on the situation in Occupied Kashmir and stated that the recent developments were being followed closely. Turkey was concerned at the unresolved nature of the Kashmir dispute as it negatively impacted peace and stability in the region, besides undermining prospects for the well-being and development of its people. In the current phase, Turkey had called for restraint and use of peaceful means to resolve the Kashmir dispute. He reaffirmed Turkey’s consistent support for a negotiated solution within the framework of relevant UN resolutions and taking into account the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Separately, the Special Envoys met with the Chairman of Pakistan-Turkey Parliamentary Friendship Group; visited the prominent Turkish think-tank, Economic and Social Research Center (ESAM); and interacted with prominent media outlets. During these engagements, the Special Envoys informed their respective interlocutors that more than 110 innocent Kashmiri protestors had so far lost their lives, and another 12,000 injured since 8 July 2016 as a result of unbridled use of force by the occupying forces. Over 150 – primarily among Kashmiri youth – had been blinded permanently, while the eyesight of over 700 had been seriously affected.

The Special Envoys emphasized that Pakistan expected the international community to fulfill its moral responsibility towards the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by calling for an immediate end to such reprehensible actions, and by ensuring that the people of Jammu & Kashmir exercised their inalienable right to self-determination in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

They also called on the media representatives to highlight the unprecedented brutality of the security forces in IOK, especially through the use of pellet guns, that had permanently blinded and crippled a large number of Kashmiris, predominantly women and children.

The Turkish interlocutors reiterated their grave concern over the prevailing situation, affirmed their solidarity with the Kashmiri people during this difficult hour, and reiterated their commitment to support their cause every where, and at all platforms.


OIC meet on Kashmir finds support from Turkey, Azerbaijan

The OIC contact group on Jammu and Kashmir which held a special meet at New York, did not take note of the attack in Uri. Official sources however told The Hindu that they have noted the strong support that Turkey and Azerbaijan extended to Pakistan during the meet which called for “cessation of violence” in Kashmir.

The meeting was attended by the member countries of OIC where Pakistan was represented by Sartaj Aziz, Advisor on Foreign Affairs of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The Ministry of External Affairs is yet to formally respond to the staunch support extended by Turkey and Azerbaijan to Pakistan during the meet which criticised India.

“The Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey expressed grave concern at the deteriorating situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. They also expressed serious concern at the serious human rights violations perpetrated by India against the innocent Kashmiris. The Foreign Minister of Turkey emphasized the urgency of resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, especially in the wake of the recent events,” (sic) said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan and added, “The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan stated that OIC should think of innovative means to highlight the human rights violations happening in the Indian occupied Kashmir”.

Turkey’s support to Pakistan’s high decibel campaign is a surprise especially since Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu paid a visit to India in August and held extensive discussion on common areas of concern. Turkey had asked India to close down several schools and institutions with ties with the Gulenist movement that Turkey holds responsible for the July 16 failed coup attempt.

Azerbaijan’s support to Pakistan’s position has also raised eyebrows as India maintained regular diplomatic contact with the country and sent out the Secretary (West) Sujata Mehta to the oil rich country in July.

Always together, never apart.
India and pakistan are not going to fight again for kashmir thats for sure.

Every action have its reaction. Its 6 30 am in india and I am sure modi is reading this news and laughing. :D ;)
We support you against China, that is fair. lol
That's good after all turkey is western nation(part of western bloc) while India slowly but surely becoming part of same bloc as well. (Thanks to our good ole North eastern neighbours).

Anyway India can help your oppressed brothers of east turkstan if you guys want. After all friendship is two way street ;)

(Just kidding we always supported turks of east turkstan)
That's good after all turkey is western nation(part of western bloc) while India slowly but surely becoming part of same bloc as well. (Thanks to our good ole North eastern neighbours).

Anyway India can help your oppressed brothers of east turkstan if you guys want. After all friendship is two way street ;)

(Just kidding we always supported turks of east turkstan)
That is good bro :cheers:
Every action have its reaction. Its 6 30 am in india and I am sure modi is reading this news and laughing. :D ;)

What reaction? The article in the "Hindu" is from last month & the other is concerning the visit by the Pakistani envoys on Kashmir. Considering that Pakistan & Turkey are close, this is about as much of an watered down position as we can expect. Generalities like this are meaningless, Indian relations with Turkey can best be considered as "non-interesting". The present government in Turkey is an Islamist one & which almost blew away a relationship with Russia which is far more important to Turkey economically, this is as good as India can expect. Turkey doesn't occupy much space in the Indian mind (except as a holiday destination, pre the troubles) and I think the same holds good for Turkey.
What reaction? The article in the "Hindu" is from last month & the other is concerning the visit by the Pakistani envoys on Kashmir. Considering that Pakistan & Turkey are close, this is about as much of an watered down position as we can expect. Generalities like this are meaningless, Indian relations with Turkey can best be considered as "non-interesting". The present government in Turkey is an Islamist one & which almost blew away a relationship with Russia which is far more important to Turkey economically, this is as good as India can expect. Turkey doesn't occupy much space in the Indian mind (except as a holiday destination, pre the troubles) and I think the same holds good for Turkey.

1. Present gov of turkey is tryingg to revive roots of turkey by promoting Islam and Ottoman arabic. Turks were secular even in empire days. Bening islamic Clothing and lifestlye in 99% Muslim nation was foolish and idiotic decision. no wonder they are removing it now.

Its not their fault that india is not dharmic republic with hindi as national language. Not everyone is wannabe anglo like south asians. :)

2) Turkey apologised for that fighter plan saga and both countrieshave normal relationship now. Thats to their Army.;)
Turkish support to paksitan is logical due to several reason both of them have many commonality since both are sunni states, both were part of US led treaty organizations like CENTO focused on containing the Soviet Union. Thus, they were under a common camp, shared common missions and even shared common weapon systems.

The tie is not just religion, but with culture, history and geography. Culturally Pakistan has more things to share with Turkey. Undivided India was roughly made of 4 major cultures - Indus culture, Gangetic culture, Deccan/Dravidian culture and Tibeto-Burmese culture. Historically Indus culture was more closer to West Asia and Turks.
Turks are getting closer to China and Russia after recent failed coup attempt. Turks will never go against China or Russia for the sake of US....

Pakistan is too very close to Turks. Highly unlikely, Turks will favor India over Pakistan...

Turkey was a NATO member and still is. Who do you think NATO was against ??
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