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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

Naah, We are fighting naxals since 60s and it has remained like that I.e low level threat confined to forests of 2-3 states mainly and still we grew strong. We crushed Khalistan completely from India especially Sikhs theme selves crushed it so do I need to say more? about Indian mujahidin, They are damaged beyond repair now. you will get an Idea about it when you see that IMs chief is forced to do operations himself(says a lot about their manpower) and still caught and now Indian agencies are grilling him everyday.

I say this. In India of course it is a different ball game that you don't understand. Naxals never come out of their forests and deserts. They do and get arrested or shot. Indian Taliban? Keep dreaming. Sikhs comprise as one of the major force to Indian army. They will never go against India. They are hard-core Indians. These are all your dreams that are never going to come true.

I am also sure that if 10 talibans armed with Kalashnikovs hit enclosed buildings of Karachi or Islamabad, same thing or worse will happen as compared to cowardly Mumbai attacks.

Modi's attitude is exactly the thing that is helping Indian muslims to understand that Muslims are happier in India than any other non-muslim majority country. And the muslims in India are definitely happier than muslims in Pakistan.

It is matter of utilization of time & oppurtunity, NAXALS may seem loosing ground but may be they are waiting for right time. And why not now, a hardliner HINDU who has manged to concentrate HINDU vote bank (Like MP Asad said in Parliament) has started to test the nerves of minorities like LOVE JIHAD in UP. Due to this LOVE JIHAD, i am sure every INDIAN MUSLIMS would be feeling like TOM CRUISE who can make a hindu girl mad with his looks..and they have got every reason to be happy...;)

So may be it's a wake up call with ISIS recruiting INDIAN Muslims and ALQAEDA entering the region, they (NAXALS) may join hands with their common enemy (same like SYRIA).

It might not require any fueling as it will be done by RSS, BJP but just the right event may cause all of them to join hands..... may be?? What will you say on this??
It is matter of utilization of time & oppurtunity, NAXALS may seem loosing ground but may be they are waiting for right time. And why not now, a hardliner HINDU who has manged to concentrate HINDU vote bank (Like MP Asad said in Parliament) has started to test the nerves of minorities like LOVE JIHAD in UP. Due to this LOVE JIHAD, i am sure every INDIAN MUSLIMS would be feeling like TOM CRUISE who can make a hindu girl mad with his looks..and they have got every reason to be happy...

That is the difference my friend. Like what Taliban did in Pakistan, Naxals are not capable to do that in India.

Harliner Hindu? Dude, he got massive concentrations of votes from muslims and other minorities as well. His campaign was full of secularity.

Love Jihad, is a term started by some other BJP minister, not Modi.

So may be it's a wake up call with ISIS recruiting INDIAN Muslims and ALQAEDA entering the region, they (NAXALS) may join hands with their common enemy (same like SYRIA).

I know you will love to see that happen. But again, that's not happening.

It might not require any fueling as it will be done by RSS, BJP but just the right event may cause all of them to join hands..... may be?? What will you say on this??

I don't think so. All of them cannot join hands because all of their agenda is different.
Help to;

1. Palestine - Haalat dekh lo wahan ki.
2. Kashmir - It is still in India.
3. Syria - Raided and partially captured by Islamic terrorists.
4. Egypt - Was under a couple of years long revolution recently.

I don't see this Turkish help being a big deal.
Remember the time when turkey apologised to India for talking kashmir issue in UN general assembly back in 2011.why are they all suddenly vocal now?
It is matter of utilization of time & oppurtunity, NAXALS may seem loosing ground but may be they are waiting for right time. And why not now, a hardliner HINDU who has manged to concentrate HINDU vote bank (Like MP Asad said in Parliament) has started to test the nerves of minorities like LOVE JIHAD in UP. Due to this LOVE JIHAD, i am sure every INDIAN MUSLIMS would be feeling like TOM CRUISE who can make a hindu girl mad with his looks..and they have got every reason to be happy...;)

So may be it's a wake up call with ISIS recruiting INDIAN Muslims and ALQAEDA entering the region, they (NAXALS) may join hands with their common enemy (same like SYRIA).

It might not require any fueling as it will be done by RSS, BJP but just the right event may cause all of them to join hands..... may be?? What will you say on this??
You have no Idea of what are you talking. Again I am saying this, Naxals have been there since 60s and all these years they are confined to forests. At best they are dacoits in good number which is why Indian govt thinks that police is enough to hold them and yes they are doing exactly. And no Naxals are not minorties .
As far as naxal loves to Jihadis goes, This link would be suffice.
If Taliban attack India, we’ll fight them, say Maoists - Hindustan Times
Love Jihad, is a term started by some other BJP minister, not Modi.

So you are saying in MODI SARKAR, ab ki baar ministers are more powerful than PM...:o:

LOVE JIHAD? The sad thing is these brutish BJP,RSS animals really believe this is a thing. Their delusions know no limits.

I don't have any issue with the delusion except that they have associated JIHAD word with it. I expect more attraction would be diverted to Muslim males in INDIA after this FUNDA.....8-)

You have no Idea of what are you talking. Again I am saying this, Naxals have been there since 60s and all these years they are confined to forests. At best they are dacoits in good number which is why Indian govt thinks that police is enough to hold them and yes they are doing exactly. And no Naxals are not minorties .
As far as naxal loves to Jihadis goes, This link would be suffice.

Ohhoooo.... Taliban on our side say the same thing.... If INDIA attacked us we will fight against them... these are tactics to hold ground and gain popularity.... Didn't expect the response from you.....:p:
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Remember the time when turkey apologised to India for talking kashmir issue in UN general assembly back in 2011.why are they all suddenly vocal now?

LOL.. yes. I don't know why. All I do know is that it isn't going to make any significant difference to the current situation.

So you are saying in MODI SARKAR, ab ki baar ministers are more powerful than PM...

No, I am saying that we have a democracy and people are free to speak their opinions unlike Pakistan where journalists and others get assassinated.

I don't have any issue with the delusion except that they have associated JIHAD word with it. I expect more attraction would be diverted to Muslim males in INDIA after this FUNDA.....

Yes, true. I agree with you on this. But you have to understand that the words of a couple of ministers does not reflect the entire party. BJP and Modi are still committed to solving all problems irrespective of the religions. And the muslims here know that.
just back from a lunch engagement with some good friends of mine, Kashmiris.. we were discussing the level of massive brainwashing thru insane propaganda in Pakistan, they wish the Pakistanis would just get a visa and come see for themselves what the reality is
Ohhoooo.... Taliban on our side say the same thing.... If INDIA attacked us we will fight against them... these are tactics to hold ground and gain popularity.... Didn't expect the response from you.....

Your comment here shows that you are in no way ready to listen to reason. No matter what evidence we show, you will stick to your thinking about naxals. Well, good luck with that. But naxals are not going to change a thing here. India is too strong and stable a country for them to disintegrate.
So you are saying in MODI SARKAR, ab ki baar ministers are more powerful than PM...:o:

I don't have any issue with the delusion except that they have associated JIHAD word with it. I expect more attraction would be diverted to Muslim males in INDIA after this FUNDA.....8-)

Ohhoooo.... Taliban on our side say the same thing.... If INDIA attacked us we will fight against them... these are tactics to hold ground and gain popularity.... Didn't expect the response from you.....:p:
Well last time I checked they are surrendering in great numbers and casualties have been bought down to ~ 100 per year in last few years. Now compare this to Karachi alone where casualties are around 20 times of that related to Naxals. But these is a difference, Naxals hardly affect our growth while insurgencies in Pakistan do. About gainging grounds, better be concerned about Taliban's and al-queda, remembers even they have infiltrated in your navy and recent frigate attack says all.
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Well last time I checked they are surrendering in great numbers and casualties have been bought down to ~ 100 per year in last few years. Now compare this to Karachi where casualties are around 20 times of that related to Naxals. But these is a difference, Naxals hardly affect our growth while insurgencies in Pakistan do.

LOL, dude not just insurgencies. The silly protests led by Imran khan himself caused a substantial amount of economic fall to Pakistan.
just back from a lunch engagement with some good friends of mine, Kashmiris.. we were discussing the level of massive brainwashing thru insane propaganda in Pakistan, they wish the Pakistanis would just get a visa and come see for themselves what the reality is

Exactly. I have friends from Kashmir and Jammu as well. Their thinking is a lot different and smarter as compared to what Pakistanis think. And the problem is that even if we prove it, Pakistanis still stick to their thinking and live in denial.
Indian fanatics with Kashmiri friends. How lively. How was your evening tea with Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Yasin Malik?

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