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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

india truly is a dictatorship.

they are aggressors and wants war with everyone.

india steals land from china, pakistan, sri lanka, bangladesh, etc.
now india is trying to steal the south china sea.

these indians are the neo-nazis.
war mongers.

Have you ever looked in to mirror.
Pakistan ceded some Kashmir area's to China and Fully recognizes Aksai Chin as a part of China however India doesn't india Wants Aksai Chin and the whole kashmir.


Did you ask your government permission before you typed that msg.
Hahaha most of the people wouldn't even have heard the name 'Turkey' = fact.

Ignorant? Mate, believe me majority of the world doesnt even know that there is a country called Turkey somewhere in the world but you can't find a literate person who hasn't heard the name India. In fact even in alphabet phonetics I stands for India have you ever heard someone say T for Turkey? looooooooooooooooooooool :D And who cares what does Hindustan means in Turkey?? lool

Turkish people ruled India? looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! If you prove that to me, I swear I'll eat my hat. LITERALLY! hahaha Turkey itself was invaded by Monglos! And the only foreign rulers who have ruled over India have been Mongols (mughals). But then Mongols are known for their invasion and fighting and not just India they have ruled over, China, Vietnam, Korea, India, Persia, Arabia (including turkey) Apart from mongols maybe some Afghans controlled parts of India. But Turkish people? Like really? I'm sure even your Pakistani friends are laughing on you right now.

Turkish people have never invaded any country EVER! :P The only country they've invaded is weak and small country of Cyprus in 1974. Turkey is just some European wannabe. Nothing more. :) Turkey is immature kid on the block trying to make a statement. Even hardcore muslim powers like Saudi and Iran choose not to talk on this issue so Turkey as a "SECULAR" state shouldnt comment on it. Because it simply isn't Muslim world's issue. It's Indian-Pakistani issue.

What a complete disaster you are. Every single sentence that you have written are historically wrong. Why should i even answer to a complete moron like you? Saudi Arabia and Iran is "hardcore muslim powers" while Turkey is a wannabe country? Have you ever in your pitiful white-wannabe life heard of the Ottoman empire which stretched from Africa into Wien? Or the Delhi sultanate which lasted 3 centuries that ruled India? Even more disastrous is that you think Turkey is a part of "arabia". You must either be a kid (8-10) year old, or mentally challenged.

EDIT: if you are a man of your words you should be eating you hat now. Send a picture so we can have a good laugh
Exactly, in reality indians are very passive, non threatening, they get to play warrior on the web. :azn:

And in reality the Pakistanis are the uber cool machos who get arrested and deported in Canada and US
so silly to change the subject to arrests/deportations....really man?

many many indians are arrested and deported everyday -- even in the U.S. and Canada. Who can forget about the 'fake schools' fake degrees. Even your New York-based consul's daughter wasn't spared.

so dont take cheap shots to prove a point

as for Turkiye -- well they did used to be the Ottoman Empire. It's an old and proud society. Geo-strategically speaking, i think they are in an enviable position. Turkiye is where east meets west; it's a good role model and a progressive country. I appreciate their rising assertiveness and in fact, I wish our leaders had even half the balls that theirs do.

God knows, we all wish that.
@ article

I dont see what the big fuss is. It is not as if Turkey has taken sides on either sides of the issue. India is just concerned at making this an international issue rather than a bilateral issue. And those concerns have been sufficiently conveyed. Anyway there doesnt seem to me any malicious intent in the comments on Kashmir IMHO.
Delhi Sultanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn your history instead of cleaning toilets in UK.

Cleaning toilets in the UK pays way more than making filafels and shawarmas in the the middle east. Why are you talking about the past anyway? Many countries ruled india in the past not to forget that there was no concept of India at that time. Live in the present , probably 1-2 battalions of our army can wipe out your whole country. We saw what hapenned to your ottoman empire during world war one when you tried taking on someone who was actually powerful. Now just shut up about kashmir before i start ranting about the Armenian genocide and all the **** you people did. Hardly anything good has come out of your country except perhaps filafels.
Ok guys, every one needs to calm down.

Haters gonna hate. And that goes for everyone.
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