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Turkey President Erdogan backs India's UNSC bid

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We dont like radical Islamists or other extremists.
In my country you can believe(or not believe) whatever you want,nobody cares as long as you abide by the law.
I always think Turkey is a secular Muslim State.

If you had read or listened to it carefully,he said India and Pakistan(as the representative of the Muslim world) should both be in the UNSC.
Pakistan is the only Muslim country besides Indonesia where the other contenders(KSA,Iran,Turkiye(Erdogan)) would not object to as the representative of the Muslim world.
China only support Pakistan's bid for UNSC. As Muslim account for 25% of the polulation on this planet, they shall have a representative.
Turkey will definitely support India. But the key members are still the permanent 5 and none of them will support expansion of UNSC. It has nothing to do with India per se. It's just that P5 will never dilute their power in UNSC.
I'm now having mutton barbecue in my neighboring Uyghers food store, you guys want some? My Uygher brother is cooking.....barbecue time
The boss said he can earn 80 thousands USD per year! That's hell of business there!

I need to find a Uyghers partner to start up my own Barbecue business, now!
The boss said he can earn 80 thousands USD per year! That's hell of business there!

I need to find a Uyghers partner to start up my own Barbecue business, now!

Well sound a lot ...but you have to understand that's around 6K per month... without paying those few workers/taxes/loan etc... and then you have your cut. But it can get aorund 1-2K per month in his pocket... In EU it's not a lot... but in China I think it is quite interesting... even tho' this guy not gonna get extra rich any time soon... if he stays with one shop ofc...
View attachment 395678 View attachment 395677 I'm now having mutton barbecue in my neighboring Uyghers food store, you guys want some? My Uygher brother is cooking.....barbecue time

Remind me of the time when I visited Shanghai. I was at Nanjing walk way and there were a few stalls selling them just outside of the walk way, this was 12-13 years ago.
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