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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that he demands a "written protocol" from Israel pledging it will lift the siege over the Gaza Strip as a condition for signing a reconciliation agreement and normalizing relations between the two countries.

Speaking at a press conference in Ankara alongside Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Erdogan said that negotiations with Israel have progressed, but have not ended. He added that Turkey has received an apology from Israel, and that talks over compensation for the families of those killed and wounded on the Mavi Marmara ship in 2010 are ongoing. However, Erdogan said the lifting of the siege over the Gaza Strip – which was one of the conditions set by Turkey for normalizing relations – has not yet transpired. "Nothing will happen without lifting the siege on Gaza," he said.

On Monday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a local television station that Israel and Turkey are closer than ever to normalizing relations between the two countries.

“There has recently been momentum and a new approach in compensation talks,” Davutoglu said. “We could say that most of the differences have been recently removed in these discussions.”

Last week Haaretz reported that Israel has offered to pay $20 million in compensation to the families of the nine people killed during an Israeli commando raid on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in May 2010, as well as to those in the incident.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had authorized his envoys to go as high as $23 million in order to secure an agreement.

In the interview, Davutoglu refused to state how much Israel would pay Turkey in compensation, but said that the families of the victims would be informed as soon as an agreement was reached. Noting that easing the embargo on Gaza was another condition for normalizing ties, Davutoglu said that after a reconciliation agreement is signed, Turkey would send a significant diplomatic contingent to Turkey to “monitor and to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

Last week, a senior Turkish delegation, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Fridon Sinirlioglu, visited Israel meeting with National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s special envoy Joseph Ciechanover and Foreign Ministry Director-General Nissim Ben-Sheetrit. The talks focused on the compensation amount and the steps Turkey would take to normalize relations and put an end to legal action against Israeli soldiers and officers that were involved in the Mavi Marmara raid.

Israel is demanding that as part of the agreement, Turkey pass a law that will void the pending lawsuits and block such actions in the future.


This guy is a man and a hero! :) :smitten:

God bless Turkey! :yahoo::tup:
Whare the Arabs why we don't hear from them about gaza
Whare the Arabs why we don't hear from them about gaza

Let's ask @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa why our Arabic leaders don't put this kind of effort for the Palestinian people ....

This is inspiring....

Davutoglu said that after a reconciliation agreement is signed, Turkey would send a significant diplomatic contingent to Turkey to “monitor and to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

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Lolz, this shouldn't be on news.

We set 3 conditions after the "Mavi Marmara" incident.

1-) Former Apology. (Done)
2-) Compensation for the families of victims. (Pending)
3-) Lift of Gaza blockade. (Pending)

Until Turkey's demands are met we will see no normalization with Israel.
I dare not to speak on all ME countries but KSA.

Turkey was initially an ally of Israel.

We never have developed this level of relations. They're heading in one we, while the Saudis are on the other.

Let's ask @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa why our Arabic leaders don't put this kind of effort for the Palestinian people ....

This is inspiring....

Lolz, this shouldn't be on news.

We set 3 conditions after the "Mavi Marmara" incident.

1-) Former Apology. (Done)
2-) Compensation for the families of victims. (Pending)
3-) Lift of Gaza blockade. (Pending)

Until Turkey's demands are met we will see no normalization with Israel.

This guy is honestly inspiring...couldn't be more thankful for Turkey. :)

I dare not to speak on all ME countries but KSA.

Turkey was initially an ally of Israel.

We never have developed this level of relations. They're heading in one we, while the Saudis are on the other.

I'm not referring to Saudis only, Saudis used to have a private fund going to palestine which the US told them to end. They've sent plenty of aid but I want is aggressive politics like this. Israel is between a rock and a hard place, they have an great opportunity here whilst all three sides gain out of this.

Gaza unemployment has reached 36% I've seen the situation there many families can't travel out their home because they don't have the money.
This guy is honestly inspiring...couldn't be more thankful for Turkey. :)

I'm not referring to Saudis only, Saudis used to have a private fund going to palestine which the US told them to end. They've sent plenty of aid but I want is aggressive politics like this. Israel is between a rock and a hard place, they have an great opportunity here whilst all three sides gain out of this.

Gaza unemployment has reached 36% I've seen the situation there many families can't travel out their home because they don't have the money.

I'm not referring to Saudis only, Saudis used to have a private fund going to palestine which the US told them to end. They've sent plenty of aid but I want is aggressive politics like this. Israel is between a rock and a hard place, they have an great opportunity here whilst all three sides gain out of this.


We still haven't suspend any aid for the Palestinians as of right now. But tbqh, KSA isn't quite happy about the Gov't in the West Bank, and those who run Gaza nowadays.

We still haven't suspend any aid for the Palestinians as of right now. But tbqh, KSA isn't quite happy about the Gov't in the West Bank, and those who run Gaza nowadays.

No Palestinian is happy with the government in the West Bank, do you figures of aid? What kind of aid?

As far as I know KSA never attempted at developing relations with Hamas. If Turkey has ties with the Gaza administration what is KSA hesitant about?
Two days ago i was two faced, troll, softie, stupid, childish for you but today you care about my oppinnion?

Yes you were initially then you admitted to not have been referring to me and we got over it. You can always start a new chapter and hopefully you'll refrain from an attack like that next time. You always have a surprise for me. If you decide not to leave your opinion then head out and don't worry about it.

They don't have relations though, Saudi Arabia sends aid every once in a while as humanitarian aid but the situation needs lots of funding to get in a better state, it's not easy.

I was thinking like cooperation of some kind, there aren't direct relations as far as I'm aware of.
Yes you were initially then you admitted to not have been referring to me and we got over it.
I didnt admit anything, i just clearified something, or i tried it at least.

You can always start a new chapter and hopefully you'll refrain from an attack like that next time.
Your just hilarious i cant find any other words to answer this.

I dont wanna open a new Chapter with you, since i saw that your doing the same with Yzd Khalifa in Arabic thread right now.

You have a problem with people who dont agree with Hamas, sry but im not ok with such a intollerance, who knows you will probably insult me again in future.
I dont wanna open a new Chapter with you, since i saw that your doing the same with Yzd Khalifa in Arabic thread right now.

Ball is in your court, I'm here anytime.

You have a problem with people who dont agree with Hamas, sry but im not ok with such a intollerance, who knows you will probably insult me again in future.

That's not true, otherwise I would hate many people here, I have a problem with arrogant people who are judge-mental against Islamic movements and don't apply facts to the Gaza crisis. Such as ...'Hamas should stop declaring war on Israel' , this is an ignorant statement and implies many things.

1. Hamas has offensive capability to declare war
2. Hamas has economy to declare war
3. Hamas is powerful organization
4. Israel has nothing to do with current situation
5. Israel did not initiate violence

You can't make assertions like this without looking at every single specific detail since 2007 and what lead up to what, after we do that part then we evaluate and decide who's wrong and right and both sides could be wrong and right as well, this is what I want from people here. What you and Yzd do is skip the whole process and make a gross generalization.

My problem isn't about Hamas, I'm arguing for our right to self determination, we are justified to fight against the occupation. I could care less about Hamas, I'm not about the organization, I'm about our right to self determination. Take Hamas out of the picture even if they didn't exist you would condemn every Palestinian movement and deny us our right to self determination. I know your type, I'm arguing for our rights when I defend Hamas, I'm arguing for our cause, I'm not arguing for one organization.
@xenon54 people like you justify the 2009 massacre where 1400 Palestinians were killed in 22 days compared to 6 Israelis(7 IDF troops). You're justifying a war against defenseless people who made small rockets made out of metal and have no warheads and no defensive weapons at all. All they had were rifles and some rockets made out of metal scraps. I can't believe you would justify it....especially against a strip of land which was blockaded and had a humanitarian crisis, bad water, no jobs, lack of nutrition, so much more...

Watch these videos and tell me what threat do these people pose to Israel, here's a policemen walking near a funeral and was targeted in a drone strike. Watch the video and many other videos I will show you here since you think it's right to justify a war and you do so by ridiculing Hamas you give impression they initiated the conflict when Israel had broken the ceasefire in place and this is documented.

Bombed pharmacy in flames:
‫من يوميات العدوان على غزة - Gaza‬‎ - YouTube

Look at all this havoc, all because we wanted the world to lift the siege and allow the Palestinian people to breathe and be able to support theirselves. Hamas wouldn't have took their military wing seriously if it wasn't for this massacre, they had worse than WW2 weapons which have no effect and after this they realized the world is unjust and only reason they seriously improved their military wing over the past 4 years. Because like the Jews, 'never again', they will not see a massacre again. UN even said their facilities were being bombed and Norwegian doctors gave many interviews. There was no mercy against the Palestinian people.

This is my problem with people who don't look at what really happened. @al-Hasani
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