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Featured Turkey may suspend ties with UAE over Israel deal, Erdogan says

They were destroyed by Iran and Russia. Israel nothing to do with it.

do you think we Turks are stupid ?

We Turks very well knows about your zionist-evangelist plan to change borders of 22 muslim countries from Marocco to Pakistan and including Turkiye,Egypt,S.Arabia

since 1991 , Iraq,Syria,Libya divided as defacto by the US ........ and Turks fight the US-Israel backed PKK and FETO terrorism to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity

even the US support the insurgency in Balochistan to divide Pakistan

tiny Israel uses proxies including the US to fight Islamic World

He is not puppet, he has support in Egypt.

The US-Israel used puppet S.Arabia to find another puppet SISI to make military coup against muslim leader MOURSI ........ now Israel is so happy with puppet SISI
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Turkey should do it if it's serious about this. Why making just statement
This was perhaps the objective of UAE all along, nothing to do with the Palestinians but rather, to outflank Turkey with regards to Israeli relations. Crafty. Erdogan has made a mistake by not approaching Israel in the last two months. They're on the same side in Syria and could easily have worked together to isolate the regime and their backers. Poor diplomatic planning. Even if Turkey has a strong ideological position regarding the Palestinians, they should have remained on friendlier terms with the Israelis for two reasons: (a) to stop GCC getting chummy with them, and (b) to exert pressure on Israel to stop supporting PKK/YPG.

Publishing date:
Aug 14, 2020 • Last Updated 14 minutes ago • < 1 minute read

ISTANBUL — President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Turkey was considering closing its embassy in Abu Dhabi and suspending diplomatic ties with the United Arab Emirates over its accord to normalize ties with Israel.

Erdogan was speaking to reporters in Istanbul after the Turkish Foreign Ministry said history will never forgive the “hypocritical behavior” of the UAE in agreeing such a deal.

Turkey may recall ambassador in UAE, suspend diplomatic ties, Erdoğan says
Turkey may suspend its diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates, or recall its ambassador, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Friday, in response to the UAE's recent deal with Israel.

Erdoğan told reporters that the UAE’s controversial deal with Israel is problematic and that Turkey stands in solidarity with Palestinian people.

“I have given the necessary instructions to my Foreign Minister. We may either suspend diplomatic ties or recall our ambassador because we stand with the Palestinian people. We have not let Palestine be defeated, or let it be defeated,” Erdoğan said.

The president continued by saying that Saudi Arabia has also been taking wrong steps in the region, as he also criticized Egypt for cooperating with Israel and Greece.


Good decision, Pakistan should atleast say something.
do you think we Turks are stupid ?

We Turks very well knows about your zionist-evangelist plan to change borders of 22 muslim countries from Marocco to Pakistan and including Turkiye,Egypt,S.Arabia

since 1991 , Iraq,Syria,Libya divided as defacto by the US ........ and Turks fight the US-Israel backed PKK and FETO terrorism to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity

even the US support the insurgency in Balochistan to divide Pakistan

tiny Israel uses proxies including the US to fight Islamic World
U are reading too much conspiracy theories.

First of all you dont represent all Turks.
Secondly everyone can see how Syrian towns were leveled to ground by Russia and Iran one by one.

The US-Israel used puppet S.Arabia to find another puppet SISI to make military coup against muslim leader MOURSI ........ now Israel is so happy with puppet SISI
If Mursi is US Israel puppet, then why he is buying Russian weapons now, just like ur idol Erdogan? LOL.
U are reading too much conspiracy theories.

typical Israeli tactic to say conspiracy theories

Condoleezza Rice: that the regime, borders and maps of state of 22 countries will be changed
It is the plan stated by the former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in her article published in the Washington Post in 2003. (transforming the middle east)

First of all you dont represent all Turks.
Secondly everyone can see how Syrian towns were leveled to ground by Russia and Iran one by one.

I and my Country dont attack Israel , Israel attack my Country

Firstly we dont care about your lapdogs in Turkiye including FETO
Secondly the US and the UK invaded Iraq to divide Iraq into 3 pieces and the West started civil war in Syria and turned supporting Pkk/Ypg terrorists to destroy Syria's territorial integrity ... ( Russia-Iran just want to protect Assad Regime , not to destroy Syria's territorial integrity )

in Libya same plan to destroy Libya's territorial integrity over Tripoli and Benghazi )

If Mursi is US Israel puppet, then why he is buying Russian weapons now, just like ur idol Erdogan? LOL.

because of The US/Israel use Egypt,Russia to stop Turkiye in Libya and in the region .... puppet SISI buys Russian weapons to fight against Turkiye , not against Israel
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Meanwhile - The entirety of Turkish defense industry, military training and so forth that has benefited so much from its ties with Israel should also be boycotted.

This zero sum game is purely the realm of strongmen and not those looking at longer term gains.
Meanwhile - The entirety of Turkish defense industry, military training and so forth that has benefited so much from its ties with Israel should also be boycotted.

Turkish Defense Industry TAI , TEI , ASELSAN , HAVELSAN , ROKETSAN , STM are nothing to do with Israel who doesnt have technologies to develop Fighter Jets , Engines , Helicopters , Corvettes , Frigates , Destroyers , Submarines , etc

Turkiye has much more bigger defense industry than Israel who is nothing without American technology

and Turkiye kicked Israeli Airforce out of Anatolian Eagle Exercise in 2010
Turkiye doesnt need Israel ........... Israel needs Turkiye for security of Israel and gas pipeline projects
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sounds all pretty wrong this. trump recognise Jerusalem as Israeli capital

more West Bank for tel Aviv

now we have UAE jumping in , with its public endorsement of Israel’s occupation. Got nothing in return only diplomatic fall out

rumours here of Qatar and Saudis? Doing same

Are thee any arab speakers here to give us a better picture. Why this is now happening
now we have UAE jumping in , with its public endorsement of Israel’s occupation. Got nothing in return only diplomatic fall out

rumours here of Qatar and Saudis? Doing same

S.Arabia,Bahreyn,Egypt will do same to support the deal of the century led by son-in-law of TRUMP jewish KUSHNER for stealing Palestinian lands ....... Qatar and Turkiye support Palestine
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so now Hollywood movies wont be showing arubs on camels, arubs with turbans and A rubs with shitty food?
Good deal
Turkey, Azerbaijan and almost all Central Asian states have ties with Israel.

You are simply in no position to play this against UAE unless Turkey cut ties with Israel.
Reality is that u have no brains or any senses to understand anything. The thread is abt Turkey cutting off diplomatic relations with UAE because UAE normalized relations with israel. If UAE israel ties dont matter then what r u doing here uttering useless crap and making no sense?? Keep side stepping from the real question as to why not Turkey cutoff diplomatic relations with israel first, ur only making urself look bad. I said it in my very first post that if Turkey cutts off relations with UAE due to Libya, then it makes more sense. Seems useless to argue with braindead blind followers.
The rest am no supporter of israel, infact i oppose any muslim country having any relations with israel.
Also go and study and find the real reason why ottoman empire perished. U have more to blame urself than others.

Pakistan's severing of all ties with India would not serve Pakistan's interests, would it?

India is illegally annexing(or usurping previously granted rights) the Jammu-Kashmir region in defiance of UN resolutions. Tragedies against muslim communities, similar to Nazi Germany are happening in many regions of there. There are images of unjust arrests, lynchings and torture. Why does Pakistan trade with India? Why is Pakistan appointing an embassy charge d'affaires to India?

Of course, a diplomatic relationship can be established between the UAE and Israel. But you are pushing the subject to a different point insistently. In short, you manipulate it.

Most of the people here talking about diplomatic ties from ignorance. It is not a matter of diplomatic tie only , the matter here is "deal" , by which Palestain and Jerusalem was sold to Israel. So everyone should talk about the deal not about diplomatic tie .

Unfortunately, people are more concerned with post-truth than with facts.

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