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Featured Turkey may suspend ties with UAE over Israel deal, Erdogan says

Logic be damned, Turkey suspends ties with UAE over their normalisation of ties with Israel but keeps its own ties with Israel....the comedy of Erdogan's regime is sublime.
Turkiye doesnt give Jerusalem to Israel ...... but puppet Arab dictators gives Jerusalem to Israel

Jerusalem is not Turkey's to give or take. Your argument is most baffling. Israel already is controlling Jerusalem without official map. So what was Turkey doing when Israel took total control of Jerusalem?
Now UAE probably wants to recognize the ground reality. Whether its right or wrong is another argument, but Erdogan speech is hyoocritic and doesn't make sense.
You have no brain to understand me

that doesnt matter diplomatic ties between Israel and The Uae .... I dont care about it

I am talking about so-called peace deal with jewish KUSHNER which is son-in-law of TRUMP ..... and traitor Arab dictators MBZ , MBS , SISI support this dirty plan to give Jerusalem to Israel and to kick Arabs out of Palestine to Sinai/Egypt

and stupid muslims are sleeping or the Uae money bought poor - dishonorable muslims

Turks lost their empire because of the Turks didnt give Jerusalem to zionist Jews
still The US/Israel attack Turkish economy not to support Palestine and jewish bastard 500 posted that "" Lira is falling so Erdogan needs top divert attention. But barking dog does not bite.""

Reality is that u have no brains or any senses to understand anything. The thread is abt Turkey cutting off diplomatic relations with UAE because UAE normalized relations with israel. If UAE israel ties dont matter then what r u doing here uttering useless crap and making no sense?? Keep side stepping from the real question as to why not Turkey cutoff diplomatic relations with israel first, ur only making urself look bad. I said it in my very first post that if Turkey cutts off relations with UAE due to Libya, then it makes more sense. Seems useless to argue with braindead blind followers.
The rest am no supporter of israel, infact i oppose any muslim country having any relations with israel.
Also go and study and find the real reason why ottoman empire perished. U have more to blame urself than others.
Jerusalem is not Turkey's to give or take. Your argument is most baffling. Israel already is controlling Jerusalem without official map. So what was Turkey doing when Israel took total control of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is belong to all 1,8 billion of Islamic World
also Jerusalem is belong to over 2 billion of Christian World

Israel can not take total control of Jerusalem and to kick muslims out of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is belong to all 1,8 billion of Islamic World
also Jerusalem is belong to over 2 billion of Christian World

Israel can not take total control of Jerusalem and to kick muslims out of Jerusalem

I don't care which city belong to who. The question was what was Turkey doing when Israel took total control of the city?
Reality is that u have no brains or any senses to understand anything. The thread is abt Turkey cutting off diplomatic relations with UAE because UAE normalized relations with israel. If UAE israel ties dont matter then what r u doing here uttering useless crap and making no sense?? Keep side stepping from the real question as to why not Turkey cutoff diplomatic relations with israel first, ur only making urself look bad. I said it in my very first post that if Turkey cutts off relations with UAE due to Libya, then it makes more sense. Seems useless to argue with braindead blind followers.

don't manipulate the thread and go count your the Uae-Saudi money
who destroyed Israel 2 times in history and jews lived like slaves for over 2000 years without state ?
Strongest world powers - Babylon and Rome Empires. We did not live like any slaves.
and you could destroy only Arab countries
No we did not destroy any Arab country.

but not whole 1,8 billion Islamic World
We are not at war with "Islamic World" and never were. There is no such thing anyway. I listed 5 countries which attacked Israel in the past. No other country will ever go to war with Israel.
Strongest world powers - Babylon and Rome Empires. We did not live like any slaves.

ALLAH used them to destroy country of corruption and sedition ( jewish state )
and Jews lived like slaves for over 2.000 years without state

even Christian Europeans massacred the Jews ... 1290 by british , 1392 by french , 1492 by spaniards , 1497 by italians , last one in ww2 by germans

No we did not destroy any Arab country.

Israel used the US to destroy Iraq,Syria,Libya, etc .....

Egypt rules by your puppet dictator ............ no any Arab threat to Israel and Israel is so happy

We are not at war with "Islamic World" and never were. There is no such thing anyway. I listed 5 countries which attacked Israel in the past. No other country will ever go to war with Israel.

Israel is at war with "Islamic World" ............ but uses proxies like the US , India and next China for Israeli interests
Israel used the US to destroy Iraq,Syria
They were destroyed by Iran and Russia. Israel nothing to do with it.

Egypt rules by your puppet dictator ............
He is not puppet, he has support in Egypt.

no any Arab threat to Israel and Israel is so happy
Thats what i am saying. No any threat, beside some terrorist attacks.
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