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Turkey joins hands with Bangladesh seeking OIC reforms for India's observer status

Cannot see any statement from Turkey on this matter. Only Bangladeshi and Indian media (is there a difference nowadays?) Are reporting apparent Turkish support.

Traditionally Turkey has been one of the more vocal supporters of the Kashmiri cause in the OIC so it would be a complete turnaround in their foreign policy on this issue.

How will that stop the RSS terrorists from exterminating the indian Muslims under modi's protection?
It won't stop them, but it will make INDIA accountable to OIC members for their actions against their minority community. Now, how seriously India will take their observer status is a different debate. India showed their interest and BD as a friend of India is doing an excellent job by bringing the matter forward in front of OIC.
It won't stop them, but it will make INDIA accountable to OIC members for their actions against their minority community. Now, how seriously India will take their observer status is a different debate. India showed their interest and BD as a friend of India is doing an excellent job by bringing the matter forward in front of OIC.

Being a champion of minorities how could the regime in BD be a friend of a nation which systematically persecutes minorities? Or being the champion of minority rights, is it just a drama for political mileage?
Being a champion of minorities how could the regime in BD be a friend of a nation which systematically persecutes minorities? Or being the champion of minority rights, is it just a drama for political mileage?

I like ur word choice. "Regime"? Haha.... That's a elected govt bud.

Anyway, BD is a good friend and strategic partner of India just like China. In modern world u have to have relationship with all types of nation,otherwise u can't survive. China sometimes force its Muslim people to eat during Ramadan, but can we ignore the loans that's China is providing us just because of that?
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I like ur word choice. "Regime"? Haha.... That's a elected govt bud.

Anyway, BD is a good friend and strategic partner of India just like China. In modern world u have to have relationship with all types of nation,otherwise u can't survive. China sometimes force its Muslim people to eat during Ramadan, but can we ignore the loans that's China is providing us just because of that?

And I like the way you call a North Korea style 'democracy' democratic, everybody has eyes and ears, your bloody regime has not been able to buy or silence every single voice yet and for you the good news is they are trying with all their might, whether they will succeed like Hitler or not only time can tell. As for getting along with all sorts of government, let me tell you, getting along with all sorts of political ideology comes before that. For a regime which has been ruthlessly persecuting its adversaries this is just an excuse to cover up their slave like existence as far as india is concerned.
Excellent from Turkey as always. Congratulations to Bangladesh and it's officials who have played the key role in this regard. Petty nationalism without any vision won't work in today's world. Bangladesh and Turkey both have shown progressive attitude. They r the true leaders of muslim world. Kudos to both of them.

Since when Bangladesh got that status? Did Delhi approve that status?
first they need to treat muslims as human. oic sud keep an eye on these issues specially human rights violation in Kashmir. we have muslims in Israel then why not them and russia france german muslims are all over..
India is not muslim country and by adding Hindu terrorist Prime Minister we sud becareful of their anti muslims intentions.

Indians are not kicking Kashmiris out, are they?
If Kashmir deserves a referendum then so is Baluchistan,Uygurstan,Kurdistan, Catalonya etc.
It's not about Modi it's about Indian Muslims.
Modi is not going to live forever.
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Let God be Pakistan's witness against this.
Why Hindustan want to join OIC (Although it's a useless organization), is membership of Arab league not enough?
focus on your statement again seprated Pakistan from East Pakistan it was only one muslim country at that time. then also you have problem with when khaleda zia was in power you guys interfere in SL business 62 fought war with china 3 war with us you almost have problem with every one around you .. just recently you blocked Nepals supply line.
lets not look into world how about with in india we are know how much north loves south asames loves indian and beharies are welcome to mahrashtra. then dalits christians muslims golden tample incidence and Kashmir. india is keeping the equation balance by keep disturbing others like how india sending its monkies to Pakistan.
painful facts but truth which hurts like dagger.
Indians are not kicking Kashmiris out, are they?
If Kashmir deserves a referendum then so is Baluchistan,Uygurstan,Kurdistan, Catalonya etc.
It's not about Modi it's about Indian Muslims.
Modi is not going to live forever.
All fariries coming back to main stream in blouchistan :) it' your monkies who been cought doing dirty game now you chahbahar project is going to be in gulf sea.
India needs to let dalıt Muslims kashmir asam 7 state sisters punjab and chirtians let them have their own country did I mention Goa :).
İndian survival is only to attack Pakistan which they can't either way union is going down.
Indians are not kicking Kashmiris out, are they?
If Kashmir deserves a referendum then so is Baluchistan,Uygurstan,Kurdistan, Catalonya etc.
It's not about Modi it's about Indian Muslims.
Modi is not going to live forever.
so you supporting sylhet to have another country?
Our problem is basically with Pakistan, India hasn't attacked any other Islamic country.
Because India don't have Border with any other Islamic Country except Pakistan. And Carrying out major offensive away from your borders against most Muslim countries is pretty much outside your military and diplomatic capacity :coffee:
Because India don't have Border with any other Islamic Country except Pakistan. And Carrying out major offensive away from your borders against most Muslim countries is pretty much outside your military and diplomatic capacity :coffee:
We actually have friendly relations with other Islamic countries. We just don't like divisive folks(cue 1947)
so you supporting sylhet to have another country?

A referendum in Sylhet or any part of BD won't make any difference. BD is over populated so we are basically everywhere. But to make you happy i would say i am all for freedom.

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