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Turkey is playing a dangerous game...

Some people here are wondering what are the Americans looking for 6000 miles away from home in the middle of nowhere. Others wonder what are the american tax payers winning from all the wars America is involved in.

The short answer is “nothing”... but who gives a f*ck about them average Joes anyway.

America is not a country, it’s a corporation that is being run by it’s banks, weapon manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. They make hundreds of billions every year from those wars. They are addicted to them cuz money and power are the most powerful drugs. It’s the corporations (and those who own them- we all know who they are) that rule America, the Pentagon, the CIA, the White House... not Trump or The Congress etc.
Turkey will take northern syria territories until M-4 highway, through Iraqi border. If USA wants to use PKK scum against Assad/Iran/Russia (haha, this plan sucks :D ), they can do it AWAY from Turkish borders.

We won't care what is happening in Raqqa or Deyr-Zor.
Turkey will take northern syria territories until M-4 highway, through Iraqi border. If USA wants to use PKK scum against Assad/Iran/Russia (haha, this plan sucks :D ), they can do it AWAY from Turkish borders.

We won't care what is happening in Raqqa or Deyr-Zor.
Is it true that Erdogan had allowed west to arm PKK through Turkish boundaries?

huh, if it was true, man! i'm totally disappointed with Turkey. Independence/sovereignty at the level of non existent. No offense, it was hurting Turkish citizens too wtf
Is it true that Erdogan had allowed west to arm PKK through Turkish boundaries?

huh, if it was true, man! i'm totally disappointed with Turkey. Independence/sovereignty at the level of non existent. No offense, it was hurting Turkish citizens too wtf

Erdogan's himself left 8 cities in SouthEast Turkey to PKK during 2010-2015, then we had to re-capture our own cities one by one by using our army and police, from PKK terrorists, which costed Turkey more than 600 Shehids.

Erdogan was a puppet of Fethollah Islamist Terror Organisation, Erdogan did what Fethollah ordered him to do. After the coup attemp of Fethollah, Erdogan started to fight against both PKK and Fethollah. In past, he was an Ally of those.
Erdogan's himself left 8 cities in SouthEast Turkey to PKK during 2010-2015, then we had to re-capture our own cities one by one by using our army and police, from PKK terrorists, which costed Turkey more than 600 Shehids.

Erdogan was a puppet of Fethollah Islamist Terror Organisation, Erdogan did what Fethollah ordered him to do. After the coup attemp of Fethollah, Erdogan started to fight against both PKK and Fethollah. In past, he was an Ally of those.
I know buddy, many Turks lost their lives too.

Just wonderful, FETO boss is still in Yankee-land, where he truly belongs to
Americans. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaagagagagagaggagagagaghahagaggaagagafafadfafafafafafssfdadsfsfafagagagagagahahgahahahahahhahahaha
Wow. This post from a random American will definitely sway Turkish foreign policy.
It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.

And you do? The big US of A got it's a** kicked in Vietnam.

You can't even confront Russia.

Turkish army will do everything to protect it's national interests, if you don't move aside bring it on.

Let us put Al-quaida in Mexico and call it a "border security force", how would you react to that?

You went all the way to Afghanistan to fight terrorists, we are doing it next door.

USA has double standards, luckily Russia is more sincere than the US.

I'd love to see Turkey side with the Russians, that should teach you a lesson about "friendship". You idiots are supporting our enemy pkk/pyd.

And don't try to twist reality that we are attacking kurds, Turkey took in over half a million kurds from Syria, how many kurd refugees did the US take in?

US is good for nothing but destruction, you have no right to police the world.

Hmm clever guy, US supply/support/protect separatist terrorists next to our borders. Nothing wrong with that for you but When Turkey raised the voice with operation to warn US about their contradicting policy although they gave us some promise for Syria, Turkey became a problematic one? You saw the big image in Syria but We, Turks are too stupid to realize what US are trying to do with those terrorists ? What do you suppose Turkish Republic ? Somebody like a camel riders on ME deserts ?

Yaw sen bunu 10 seneligine banlesene :)
These Americans are so obsessed with Iran, that they have sacrificed their relations with a country that has been one of the most reliable allies and partner in NATO.

There is no perceived threat from Iran, not in Turkey, not in Iraq or Syria. Turkey and Europe too are happy the sanctions are gone.

The people in the region are not afraid of Iran, its the Americans they are fearing, for no one knows which country you're going to bomb or split up next.

I for one hope that your country will polarize even further and that you'll concentrate on fighting each other instead of othter countries. After all your country has been at war with someone constantly since 45.
It's in our best interest to have this situation resolved in order for us to focus on Iran.

So Iran is next?

You really think Russia + Turkey will let you attack Iran after you back stabbed us by supporting terrorists on our border?

Good luck with Iran, you just lost your strongest NATO ally.
These Americans are so obsessed with Iran, that they have sacrificed their relations with a country that has been one of the most reliable allies and partner in NATO.

There is no perceived threat from Iran, not in Turkey, not in Iraq or Syria. Turkey and Europe too are happy the sanctions are gone.

The people in the region are not afraid of Iran, its the Americans they are fearing, for no one knows which country you're going to bomb or split up next.

I for one hope that your country will polarize even further and that you'll concentrate on fighting each other instead of othter countries. After all your country has been at war with someone constantly since 45.

Israel dictates US policy. The US is an Israeli lackey. This obsession against Iran is dictated by Israel.

This region has its stomach full of US interference. Every country is now eyeballing the Yanks. Trump is final nail in the coffin.
Lot of chest thumping going on. US foreign policy has failed itself. Threatening major allies with over decades of relations such as Turkey and Pakistan is the most stupid thing I have seen.

And to think we helped these idiots by fighting in the Korean war and even sent troops to Afghanistan to help them.

USA is shooting itself in the foot.

Turkey won't be there to help this fake-ally when it's time for the 2nd Korean war or Iran.

Maybe some other major nato power can help USA :-)

Turkey has been naive and helped US thinking they would be with us as friends and allies for a long time. This has been a wake up call for Turkey.

USA is not a true friend/ally but act's just like a gold digger.

Funny thing is their strategy is so obvious everyone can see it, yet they think they are super intelligent and the rest of the world is stupid.

I think this is the start of the end of USA as the only super power they are still butthurt from the UN vote on Jerusalem.

May God bless Russia and China and let Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and others join forces with them.
It's time we teach USA some manners.

So your trying to tell me US supplied thousands of Trucks full weaponry to pkk to teach them how to protest peacefully against Turkey?
Dude cut the BS, i agree Allies shouldnt be acting like this, but i mean the arming of enemy part though.

Turkish army should take all those weapons and send them as a gift to Mexico and broadcast it in the media. :sarcastic:

I hope Turkey will completely cease its support for Syrian opposition and work with Russia and Syria government to isolate and finally destroy the Kurdish entity in North Eastern Syria.

Problem with that is Syria in the past has supported pkk against Turkey, we threatened to invade them in the past.

And today Assad dislikes Turkey so he might use the kurds against us.

Russia I am not sure, but they being a super power would need some leverage against Turkey and the only leverage they can use is the pkk/pyd.

Turkey needs to be 100% sure that Assad and Russia is against the creation of a new country in northern Syria. If we side with them as you said and they do go on with the creation of this kurd country later on then there isn't much Turkey can do but start a direct confrontation against Russia and Syria.

I think Turkey is playing the game good right now with FSA and others until we clear the mess in northern Syria.

We really don't care what happens when the problematic kurds in north syria is cleared we just want thing to return to normal and that Syria's territorial integrity is kept intact.

The only thing I am uncertain about now is USA's next move in Syria.

The USA created hatred between the people of this region.

1) Egyptians Vs Turks
2) Arabs Vs Arabs
3) Sunni Vs Shia
4) Iranians Vs Arabs
5) Turkey Vs Arabs
6) Kurds Vs everyone

I think its time for countries in this region to develop ties with China and Russia , the USA has brought nothing to this region except tears , destruction and hatred.

One thing for sure the USA will lose eventually its position in this region .
Future generations will never forgive the USA for its damaging policies in the middle east .
The middle east turned to a scientific laboratory for testing new American weapons on Middle Eastern people.

I agree completely, but problem is China.

China is too passive, it feels like Russia is the only one standing up against US. If China would be more active like Russia then I have no doubt middle east would side with these two powers instead.

Because reality is that Russia isn't strong enough on it's own against the USA, but with active backing from China and support from Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and ME countries. Then we are more powerful than US.

This pretty much sums up US policy in the last 60 years.

"We have a plan for Vietnam for peace in the region" - Huge failure
"We have a plan for Korea" - Couldn't even bring peace to the region. Now it is a huge mess.
"We have a plan for Balkans" - Thousands of civilians dead. Huge economic wreckage.
"We have a plan for Iraq and Iran" - Supplied arms to Saddam ffs. Should I go on? Then you even tried to friend Iran. After supplying arms to its enemy? I mean who is even making these plans? Tell me. Was it you m8?
"We have a plan for Iraq...again!" - I don't even need to talk about this. This is the reason why we're even talking about this today."
"We have a plan for Syria..." - Dude... I don't even... You have failed so many times that you still dare to say something like this.

US has never been successful in its foreign policy and it never will be. As long as it acts like the father of all the world, it will only bring chaos to the world. Just let other people do their own thing. It works. Trust me. If the US intervention to the Middle East never happened, I'm sure that it would have taken its own historical process and reach a better conclusion in the end. Now, this region is doomed for at least 50 more years because of US intervention. Plus, millions of civilians are dead. When it is the USA that is doing the massacre, it is called "casualties" but when Turkey wants to defend itself against terrorist elements that day by day, attack its homeland, it is called "aggression", "genocide".

I see 2 logical explanations to all these wars started by US:

1) Test weapons systems.

2) The world is becoming over populated and not enough resources for everyone, so US real agenda is to decrease world population.

Yes there is the 3rd greater Israel, but if that was the plan Israel would have taken south Syria by now. So I don't think thats the plan.

It's also strange that Syria, Iraq, Iran all border Turkey and US wants war in these countries.
Maybe it could be a plan for something against Turkey?

Not sure really.

Ok so ISIS was created by the USA, and from ISIS actions we saw they tried to create a new country that included all the arab countries.

This was interesting that ISIS tried to create a new country that included all the oil resources in the ME. Maybe USA is attempting to create a totally new country that will become a colony of USA so USA gets all the oil from ME?

Not sure....

Thanks over to us btw :cheers:

Yeah that was so funny, the USA helped Iran not once but TWICE!

I think the planners at Pentagon has some real EGO issues, they just can't expect that their strategy/plan isn't working, so they keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Also USA seem's to under estimate everyone else which leads to even more mistakes.

so in my mind this afrin thing is fishy.. there had been so much preperations on tv its like making advertising go out we will come next month prepare yourself.. there should have been a surpise attack with more massiv and agressive bombing as a show and warning..

I think it's done correctly, by advertising like this we gave time for civilians to leave Afrin.

It's easier to control an empty area than an area with tens of thousands of civilians. Not to mention the civilians that would die initially if they hadn't left the area.

I think it's psychological as well, many in PYD have surrendered to turkish army as soon as we entered the area, saying "we were forced to join".

All this advertisement makes the event seem more scary than it actually is. In this age of media and internet we can't afford too many civilians to die. If it was in the past we would just go in and kill everyone in our path, but times have changed.

You don't want this event to turn into a "poor me genocide", that would work against us in the UN.

The US is now on the same path with Turkey as it is with Pakistan. The only difference is that Turkey knows how to truly respond to American terror and Pakistan usually doesn't.

Turkey knows USA can't just invade Turkey and win, even without russian help Turkey would survive an all out US attack because they are far away from home.

Unless they used nukes that is, but if they did I'm sure Pakistan would help us out and I really doubt we don't have our own nukes.

Turkey is in a special position here, we have many friends in the west and we are part of NATO. This makes it even more difficult for the US to attack Turkey.

If the US would attack Turkey NATO would fall apart as no one would trust the US any more.

I think everyone thinks too highly of USA, they are so much talk and little action.

If USA is all that powerful would Russia today own Crimea?

People say China is a paper tiger, but I think it's the USA that is a paper tiger.

How many wars have the USA won? They can't even win small wars against much weaker enemies.

World war 2 doesn't count it was the russians that did most of the actual fighting.

[QUOTE="Dalit, post: 10187463, member: 137989"The Turks have shown how you eliminate US sponsored terror army. You do it by force and action. Not by empty words.

This is perfect timing for Pakistan to clear the terrorists as well.

So if you are going to act do it now while we keep them busy/focused on Syria.

Just make sure you get russian and chinese on your side before you do it.
Korean war

south korea is very friendly towards us they do not have any blame for the US faults.. I think to help south korea was a good think.. I also think we should do much more work with friendly south korea instead of germany.. and I hope there will be no war and both sides will come together as brothers..

the afghan think was not good we should not have helped them killing muslims and destabilize pakistan..

I also think the middle east thing will get heaten up more and more.. lets see what the US EU Christian jewish friendship will bring..

you are pushing it too far.. dont underestiminate US.. if you want to protect yourself from US you have to protect yourself from EU Israel and GCC thats the real axe of evil..

so you should make shure to pretect your interest.. it was absolutly shitty to support KRG since many decades and to strengthen them also it was stupid not to implement a safe zone on our own and to wipe out PKK..

we need many work inside turkey and some work outside of turkey.. the most part is to establish a system in turkey that prevents radicalisation and that protects ppl fighting against those criminals and a system that forces our excicutive power and judicial power to do something it must be a combined action of media, police, jandarma, military, education and many many social programs also we need to kill the head of the snake that means we need to execute them everywhere and it does not matter if we poisen them shoot them car accident them..
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