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Turkey is playing a dangerous game...

Provoking Turkey by propping up the Kurds may as well be a ploy by Americans to have Turkey and Syria have a go at each other. Nothing suits these vultures more than conflict among two parties hostile to them. After the damage is done these scavengers will happily invade to feed on the war booty.
Turkey should seriously think about co-opting the Kurds. Kurds will join astana meeting as far as I know. Turkey either has to engage with Americans or the Kurds, war is the last option and maybe the worst.
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US should really stop wasting their tax payer for certain things, which hardly impacts the daily life of their citizens....What is the benifit US getting in wasting their energy with Syria...Let Arabs and Syrians sort it out if there have any issue with Assad or not...
Why?.. Why US come here?.. Pls tell me with the logical reasons, why?..
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.

You had a plan for peace in Afghanistan too. Pakistan is still a so called Major non-Nato ally. We know how you treat allies like wh*res when strategic interests don't align. After removing from the riff raff from the board, you are now faced with countries that can actually push back. And in your prideful stupidity, you have shown your hand to all three at once: Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. And as far as Turkey and Pakistan go, you are dealing with one nation living in two countries. Turkey is doing the right thing in protecting its strategic interests in whatever way necessary.
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.
So your trying to tell me US supplied thousands of Trucks full weaponry to pkk to teach them how to protest peacefully against Turkey?
Dude cut the BS, i agree Allies shouldnt be acting like this, but i mean the arming of enemy part though.
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It's in our best interest to have this situation resolved in order for us to focus on Iran

If your main goal was to defeat Iran, than toppling Saddam was very stupid thing to do

But, of course, sadists in charge of the american foreign policy, are unable, to use logic in theirs calculation. Instead, they create reality of their own. Thats why you failed so miserabily in your ventures starting with occupation of Iraq, Every sane and honest person on the planet. despises you despicable ways of aiding terrorism, casting sanctions upon countries, faking war crimes etc, satanization of unwanted leaders ....

You are not aware of the fact how sorry and odious america became in foreign policies ....
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You would be surprised by my military background... aswell as your thoughts and opinions on this matter.

We cannot simply leave Syria, we have the capability and opportunity to stop all of this. It's in our best interest to have this situation resolved in order for us to focus on Iran.

I might have said to much just now. We honestly value your opinions.

You could simply leave Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and you will leave Syria. Because there is nothing you can win their. Expect causalities.

About Iran, the whole world (expect from you, Israel and a few follower) will not allow you, to “focus” on Iran. You have leave enough damages in ME in request of Israel. I think it should be enough. Don’t you.
Even from a American taxpayers point of view I can't see how invading Iraq, shaking Syria, raking Libya or 17 years of bombing Afghan mountains is good. How exactly does this benefit America? And then to cap it all now Iran is in the crosshairs. These countries are on the sider side of the world from USA. Something has really gone wrong with the American political system.
We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.

I am sorry but you had plans for peace for countries where people were living in peace like Lybia, Iraq, Syria. Who gives you right to bring peace...should other countries also bring peace in the US to help blacks who are being killed by police on daily basis...keep your peace where in belongs and leave others live peacefully. Then you dont have to ask "why do they hate us so much"
We all know that US cant establish the wishes(greater Israel) of zionists before the 3th world war breaks out and take half of mankind on this planet away. Turkey is one of the few countries that can trigger the 3th world war so better you dont fck with it.
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.

Your country is the main reason behind all the problems we are facing in this region.
Erdogan and other Arabs biggest mistake was trusting USA and supporting regime change plan in Syria which was mostly about destroying Syria and creating a Kurdish state loyal to the west.
The USA sold Turkey and decided to adopt PKK terrorists, a group that killed more than 40,000 civilians in Turkey.

Turkey took the right decision to start focusing on fighting PKK terrorists and Isil during Euphrates shield operation and now they are cleaning part of the mess created by USA in Afrin .

I hope Turkey will completely cease its support for Syrian opposition and work with Russia and Syria government to isolate and finally destroy the Kurdish entity in North Eastern Syria.

I supported the Syrian revolution back in 2011 but it turned out to be an American plot to destroy and partition Arab countries.
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