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Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

I am really amazed by your hypocrisy... In one of your previous threads as usual, you singled me out as the only person disrespecting people.. while your Indian Bihari brother Nalaanapride said equally disrespectful things about Pakistan and Pakistanis.. but you ignored whatever he said...

If you Karchiites want to show that much love for Biharis and U.P. people from the other side of border then I suggest you to move back to India...

why dont you move from Minnesota, or shall i ask homeland security to kick your butt out of there :woot:

i dont care about any other member, its only you who are trying to be utterly racist here, the way you are posting degenerate comments of various races

why i do need to move to india?, the karachi we live in is built by us not some punjabi 1000 miles away, we have all the rights to live in our dear city and country we have served through generations
why dont you move from Minnesota, or shall i ask homeland security to kick your butt out of there :woot:

i dont care about any other member, its only you who are trying to be utterly racist here, the way you are posting degenerate comments of various races

why i do need to move to india?, the karachi we live in is built by us not some punjabi 1000 miles away, we have all the rights to live in our dear city and country we have served through generations

My sweety Karachi bhaiyya.. Bihari is not a race... it is an ethnicity.. at least learn the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality and then come here and argue...
This topic clearly wants to turn it's matter.

Turks : We have been waiting to unite since collapse of USSR. Ankara and Baku are ready now it's Tabriz's turn.
Iran: They are seeing themselves apart from Ummah so i don't think they want join to a Muslim Alliance. Iran is only supporting Shias like in Syria,Palestine,Lebanon,Bahrain,Iraq for it's benefits. I think firstly Mollas should change or they should change their mindset.
Arabs: Really i can't understand while they are neighbors why they can't unite. Maybe the reason is USA for Gulf States but atl least northern Africa countries should be unite. It seems to me Arabs really love their ruler design borders designed by Britain. If Assad goes, closer relations may be start from land borders between Turkish and Arab world. Already it has started with Egypt on economical and military matters
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Iran: They are seeing themselves apart from Ummah so i don't think they want join to a Muslim Alliance. Iran is only supporting Shias like in Syria,Palestine,Lebanon,Bahrain,Iraq for it's benefits. I think firstly Mollas should change or they should change their mindset.

What is the "benefit" of supporting Palestinian orphans then?!! or even Hezbollah/Lebanon?
(Ye Iran supports Syria but that was neither because they are Shia (Syrians are not Shi'a!!) nor because of its "benefits" and that they support us when that madman, Saddam attacked us; but they are allie even from Shah's era.)
P.S. In fact, this is Turkish people who only think about themselves and their national benefits.
What is the "benefit" of supporting Palestinian orphans then?!! or even Hezbollah/Lebanon?
(Ye Iran supports Syria but that was neither because they are Shia (Syrians are not Shi'a!!) nor because of its "benefits" and that they support us when that madman, Saddam attacked us; but they are allie even from Shah's era.)
P.S. In fact, this is Turkish people who only think about themselves and their national benefits.

First of all, i âm not for separation of iranian Azeris. And i admit there are lots of mistakes Turkey and Azerbaijan did which complicated Turk Iran relations.

Iran should on the other side ask itself why it is being disliked. Taking armenian side, that is not good.

I know the situation in Iran, perhapz better than some other Iranians. So it is a narrow path on a cliff what Iran is passing through. So i aint expecting a policy change tomorrow.
What is the "benefit" of supporting Palestinian orphans then?!! or even Hezbollah/Lebanon?
(Ye Iran supports Syria but that was neither because they are Shia (Syrians are not Shi'a!!) nor because of its "benefits" and that they support us when that madman, Saddam attacked us; but they are allie even from Shah's era.)
P.S. In fact, this is Turkish people who only think about themselves and their national benefits.

Iran is supporting Murderer Shia Assad not Syrian people. Watch these videos if you can.


Also you are supporting Shia Hezbollah in Lebanon for disseminate your pervert ideas to Lebanon people,Hezbollah is attacking to Israel behind civilians instead of Iran and you know how many orphans are there in Lebanon? I'm not talking about Iranian people, these are results of Mollas' double standards in the region.
Remmember It's to Unite Not to Devide, So accomodate each other's views. Thanks.

After the OP came out with this sentiment I had hoped that this thread would have developed in a different way-maybe with an open and peaceful views. I didn't think people would get so excited that some would get banned

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

I have no problem with an Iranian Azeri because we speak same language, while I have problem with Iranian Farsi on ethnic ground.

On political level, it is about domination. Neither side wants to give up a bit.

This seems somewhat irrational. Do you have problems with people because they belong to different ethnic groups. surely there are good and bad in all ethnic grouping. Why is it about wanting to dominate??
Turks are nationalistic like Iranian people, Only little percent of Turks want to unite with muslim world. To Turks first nation Then religion. Which is better than first religion.

No one is asking to unite. Just cooperate to for mutual benefit. Turkey was happy to try getting into EEC for economic benefit why not with Arabs Iranians etc
Turks are nationalistic like Iranian people, Only little percent of Turks want to unite with muslim world. To Turks first nation Then religion. Which is better than first religion.

Turks would choose any friendly nation to Arabs or Iran. Thats why Turks supported Israel against Arabs until Israel backstabbed us.

So clearly you didn't learn your lesson. Israel will never be sincere to any Muslim nation. Other Muslim countries should learn from Turkeys example. Turks tried their best but failed

---------- Post added at 09:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

Turks would choose any friendly nation to Arabs or Iran. Thats why Turks supported Israel against Arabs until Israel backstabbed us. Turks support people they have common ethnicty with. Most of the Turks hates Arabs because of their cooperation with Britian in WW1. This starts to change a bit but people who hates Arabs are still majority.

they can support any nation that has friendly feelings towards them, like Korea or Japan or Georgia or Albania or Kosova or Bosia or Italians.

Iranians are like that too, They support Armenians against Turks and Azeris.

Arabs, I don't know much about them actually. It would be stupid of me to comment on that.

Edit: Turkish support for Pakistan is not because they are Muslims, it is because they helped us WWI and Their support for us never waveared in our history. Pakistani Presidents support for us in Cyprus was legend for Turkish people. ''All of our warplanes are is yours to use''

Forgot to add, Turkish opinion of Arabs atarted to change when Cyprus war Gaddafi send his warplanes for us and Arabs sen 1 billion dollar as cash and 1.5 billion as oil to support us. After that people started to trust Arabs again

Listen mate millions of Germans killed French and British in WW1. They have got over it. Perhaps we should as well. Today France Germany and Britain cooperate. So why cant you forgive and move on. Don't forget but lets move on
Edit: Turkish support for Pakistan is not because they are Muslims, it is because they helped us WWI and Their support for us never waveared in our history. Pakistani Presidents support for us in Cyprus was legend for Turkish people. ''All of our warplanes are is yours to use''

Forgot to add, Turkish opinion of Arabs atarted to change when Cyprus war Gaddafi send his warplanes for us and Arabs sen 1 billion dollar as cash and 1.5 billion as oil to support us. After that people started to trust Arabs again

Pakistanis identify and have empathy more closely with All of you Arabs, Iranians and Turks. Our forefathers were victims and suffered because of their religion in India that was the reason for formation of Pakistan. maybe that's why I feel empathy and like all of you despite our differences Arabs, Iranians and Turks are seen as people we have empathy with and like.

---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

The difference is of nationality and culture not of religion (most of them are muslims) well persians and arabs share a long historic enimity so relations between then are not likely improve in near future

Why cant they improve. As I have said elsewhere French and Germans have killed each other they have moved on whats so special about us that we have to hold on to hatred

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ----------

Interesting why Iranians support Armenians against Turks and Azeris (You mean Azerbijan, Right) ?

Not interesting but a shame

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

Persians want nothing to do with arabs or the others, too much of our culture has been fucked up already by these outsiders.


A loose cooperation would not mean they fck you up?? I dont see how cooperating for mutual benefit will fk u up???
Actually there is few country stops Turkish attemt to join EU, France-They were supporting us until Sarkozy idiot came to power-, Austuria -They are now mostly supportitive of us protest by Turkish people in Austuria, Germany -They start to support us after protests by Turkish origin citizens in Germany-, Cyprus, Greece-even they are somewhat supportitive of us--

Well, we hate most of the Europa bacuse they tried to divide our country and they hate us because of our battles and conquest of Europa. It is normal that if you were under others rule for more than 400 years that now you are bit angry at the but Turkish relationship with Balkans are improving alot since 2000's.

Well Iran and Armenia is historical Ally, they have common history with them more than They have with us and Ottomans fought with Iranians and turkic people ruled Iranians more than 1000 year.

Don't know what you on mate. This is simply not true. Why do you refuse to see that Europeans see you as Muslims. As I said former enemies are now friends within EEC. Turkey was and is not allowed in because they feel that you would dilute their Christian heritage. At least any association with Muslim countries would ensure no discrimination based on religion against you

---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------

Only ones who have sympathy for Europe USA and Israel are liberals and foreign educated Kemalists. Nationalists and Islamists strongly opposes. Nationalists prefer Turkic people's over Iran and Arabs, while Islamist prefer Sunni Arabs over other Turkic people's.

No one is suggesting union or take over. You can be a Turk and an Iranian and like each other. Just as Spanish and Brits have had competing empires etc but now they all can sit on one table and cooperate like they do under EEC
You hold a suprisingly low opinion of your own people and country. Young people with bad hiarcuts listening to crap music and wearing clothing you dont approve of is going to destry the Turkish culture, come on in every country the same complaint "kids these days"

The problem with the Ummah is the difference between being pious and being a bigot.

pi·ous   adjective
1. having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.

Bigot noun
1. a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong

While everyone wants to tell everyone else how to be a better Muslim there can be no unity, if everyone concentrated on perfecting their own relationship with Allah you would have your Ummah. Sadly perople seem to prefer the later.

Though not an expert I thought anyone believed in one God and Muhammad Pboh was his last prophet was a Muslim. we should not judge each other. let god do that. I have worked with Jews some eat pork others are very religious but I noticed one thing about them they never judge each other or waver in their support of Israel over their host nation.

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------

I have a kind of solution!

Make a common security force!

It will help in many ways, most of above it will help to unite and eliminate misconception about each other.

Second solution is open up each other for visit/tourism. e.g. the Azeri Iranians have brotherly feelings toward Turkey, simply because they travel and trade with Turkey more often and vice versa.

Batman on the rare occasion that your post makes some sense everyone has ignored you lol. sad really

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

Islamic state or working closely with Islamic states or even to unite under current conditions is a dangerous idea, first we will hurt eachothers and in the end destroy it totally from within! We can deny all we want but the fact remains we are still living darkages, everything from science to technology comes from the west, not a single damn thing from us. But by words we are all the best muslm, but just by words,we dont even understand Islam, we follow the religion as a hobby for entertainment,just imitating without knowing why, no questions no answers just follow and do what you're being told, repeat the same again and again nothing new, memorize without knowing the true meanings, it's so obvious if we truly understood and were on the right path as Islam is absulte truth we would lead in fields such as technology,science. We would become a source ofenlightment to all the peoples of the world!
the western science discovers and all we do is saying things like "we muslims already knew this, it is written in Holy Quran" this is the only thing we can do, just talk and do nothing, expect everything from Allah, insallah.

Conclusion:brothers there's nothing our governements can do about it, it is much much more complicated, it is corrupted to the very core, until enlightment, until Mehdi comes i wont support islamic state or union with other muslims. Only chance left is Mehdi who will be guided and protected by Allah, only such person with divine knowledge will remove all misunderstandings,innovations, corruptions, falsehood. all humanity will be united when Mehdi arrives. his message will be something new, totally new and updated it wont be like we used to hear untill now! he will reveal such unbelieveble knowledge and hidden secrets from Quran that even aleems will say " have you brought us a new book?"

If i'm still alive that day, i will support Islamic state i wileven sacrefice my life to defend it!

I dont think cooperation for mutual benefit needs to be this complicated

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

the biggest problem what we with iran have is they supports syrian regime and syria supports pkk terorist.

well maybe more the reason for Turks and Iranians to sit and resolve these issues

---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

We (Arabs) have pretty well relations with Turkey same with Iran it's the gulf arabs that have problems with iran, as for back stabbing turks in the back the turks themselves were responsible for the collapse of the ottoman empire.

I sometime wander who is responsible for propagating these back stabbing concepts. If Europeans can get over all the fighting and hatred we can and we need to
I am sorry but When I am in distress, I cant use grammar as I could with more relaxed state.

I do not even know what to write to people like you. How can you support a relgious state? Can't you see that in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, many Arab countries people are miserable? Can't you see that they see their wifes as lower than them just because they are women but they forgot that they mother which Your prophet Mohhammed said that ''Heaven Lies Under The Feet Of The Mother'' was also a women.

Can you imigane that your fathers married again when still married to you mother. How would you or your mother feel. But you are a part of religion that support 4 wives. You want to hurt your own son and wife as the same way how hurt that you and your mother would feel if you were the son/daughter.

I am pretty sure that most of you are males but from a womens point of view what you are dissusing here is both scary and disgusting. Do I have to dress according to your laws when I am not part of your religion, Do I have to be second class citizen when I am paying taxes as much as you propably more than most of you even thoug I am still a student. Should I just leave my homeland just because you want to satisfy your relgious views.

You can live your life as you want, but do not touch my life just because your religious ''righteousness''.

And for your part, AKP will not chance secularism. They are not more relgious than Republican Party and even with all their crazyness they did not try to do something like that. I have a lot of friends in AKP youth organisations. They are pretty cool guys, most of them more modern than a lot of people I know. Thanks God that there are people who actually care about other peoples freedom rather than just about their own ridiculus relgious beliefs

Muslim countries do not have a monopoly on abusing women. This is an issue and problems. in some countries more than others. Amnesty International reports 1 in 4 women in UK is a victim of domestic violence. The suggestion is not that we all have Saudi style or Iranian style etc. All the suggestion is initially is that we work together to mutual benefit
And tell me please would you let someone treat your mother as Islam allows you to treat your wife?

You forget women only got the right to vote relatively recently. Blame men don't blame Islam. Anyway why dont you start another thread on this?? This is about various Muslim countries cooperating for mutual benefit.

All these countries you mentioned have internal disputes. Secularists vs Islamists, ethnic issues, democracy vs dictatorship etc..

EU has oligarchs which controls money. They decided to form EU, not europeans.
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