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Turkey hit Syria with S. Korean-designed howitzers


Oct 19, 2010
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Turkey hit Syrian targets on Wednesday using the South Korean-designed T-155 Firtina howitzers, in retaliatory shelling of its southern neighbor.

The K9 Thunder was developed for the Korean Army by Samsung Techwin and its building license was first obtained by Turkey in 2004 for nearly $1 billion. Turkey has renamed the K9 Thunder “Fırtına,” which is the Turkish word for “storm.” Turkey has paid for a total of nearly 350 howitzers.

Though essentially using the main systems of the K9 howitzer - including the South Korean designed 155/52 caliber gun system, the majority of the chassis, the automatic ammunition feeding mechanism, and the German designed MTU-881 KA 500 diesel engine - the T-155 has considerable differences in its turret design, parts of its chassis, the navigation system, and the electronic system, such as the radio and fire control system that were developed in Turkey. Unlike the K9, the T-155 Fırtına lacks a commander’s digital panoramic sight. Through the Inertial Navigation System produced by Turkey’s military electronics conglomerate Aselsan, the howitzer is able to determine the coordinates of the targets at 17.5 meters deviation. Fırtına can open fire within 30 seconds.

According to the license agreement Samsung Techwin, the first eight T-155s were built in South Korea, while the remaining batch of more than 300 units will be produced in Turkey. The total reported cost of purchase and technology transfer for the Turkish government was $1 billion.

T-155 Fırtına has a maximum firing range of 40 km, depending on the type of ammunition. It can reach a top speed of 66 km/h and has an operational range of 480 km.

The T-155 howitzers are built at the 1st Army Maintenance Center Command of the Turkish Army in Adapazarı. The production rate of the T-155 is 24 units per year. From 2001 to December 2009, more than 150 units have been delivered to the Turkish Army.

Turkey and South Korea have been close partners since the 1950 Korean War that broke out with North Korea, which was backed by China.

Turkey will also complete a 40-plane basic trainer program with South Korea on Monday, Oct. 8. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), the leading aerospace companies of South Korea and Turkey, will deliver their last jointly-built basic trainer, the KT-1T, to the Turkish Air Force, officials close to the program said. The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, Turkey’s defense procurement agency, signed a $350 million contract with KAI in 2007 for 40 KT-1Ts for the Air Force.
The KT-1T is the Turkish version of KAI’s KT-1 Woongbi, developed for South Korea, but it includes modifications required by the Turkish Air Force. KAI won the contract against several rivals, including U.S. company Raytheon and Brazil’s Embraer. The KT-1Ts will replace the aging U.S.-made T-37 trainer planes.

In the defense arena, Hyundai Rotem, a South Korean company, is providing technical assistance for Turkey’s efforts to design, develop and manufacture the country’s first main battle tank, the Altay. TAI and KAI are also considering the development of a fighter aircraft after 2020.


source:POLITICS - Turkey hit Syria with S. Korean-designed howitzers

I am more interested in knowing the performance of the Firtina that's assembled/built in Turkey and not the ones our Korean brothers built for us. This is a golden opportunity to test the capability of our weapons!
Turkey hit Syrian targets on Wednesday using the South Korean-designed T-155 Firtina howitzers, in retaliatory shelling of its southern neighbor.

The K9 Thunder was developed for the Korean Army by Samsung Techwin and its building license was first obtained by Turkey in 2004 for nearly $1 billion. Turkey has renamed the K9 Thunder “Fırtına,” which is the Turkish word for “storm.” Turkey has paid for a total of nearly 350 howitzers.

Though essentially using the main systems of the K9 howitzer - including the South Korean designed 155/52 caliber gun system, the majority of the chassis, the automatic ammunition feeding mechanism, and the German designed MTU-881 KA 500 diesel engine - the T-155 has considerable differences in its turret design, parts of its chassis, the navigation system, and the electronic system, such as the radio and fire control system that were developed in Turkey. Unlike the K9, the T-155 Fırtına lacks a commander’s digital panoramic sight. Through the Inertial Navigation System produced by Turkey’s military electronics conglomerate Aselsan, the howitzer is able to determine the coordinates of the targets at 17.5 meters deviation. Fırtına can open fire within 30 seconds.

According to the license agreement Samsung Techwin, the first eight T-155s were built in South Korea, while the remaining batch of more than 300 units will be produced in Turkey. The total reported cost of purchase and technology transfer for the Turkish government was $1 billion.

T-155 Fırtına has a maximum firing range of 40 km, depending on the type of ammunition. It can reach a top speed of 66 km/h and has an operational range of 480 km.

The T-155 howitzers are built at the 1st Army Maintenance Center Command of the Turkish Army in Adapazarı. The production rate of the T-155 is 24 units per year. From 2001 to December 2009, more than 150 units have been delivered to the Turkish Army.

Turkey and South Korea have been close partners since the 1950 Korean War that broke out with North Korea, which was backed by China.

Turkey will also complete a 40-plane basic trainer program with South Korea on Monday, Oct. 8. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), the leading aerospace companies of South Korea and Turkey, will deliver their last jointly-built basic trainer, the KT-1T, to the Turkish Air Force, officials close to the program said. The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, Turkey’s defense procurement agency, signed a $350 million contract with KAI in 2007 for 40 KT-1Ts for the Air Force.
The KT-1T is the Turkish version of KAI’s KT-1 Woongbi, developed for South Korea, but it includes modifications required by the Turkish Air Force. KAI won the contract against several rivals, including U.S. company Raytheon and Brazil’s Embraer. The KT-1Ts will replace the aging U.S.-made T-37 trainer planes.

In the defense arena, Hyundai Rotem, a South Korean company, is providing technical assistance for Turkey’s efforts to design, develop and manufacture the country’s first main battle tank, the Altay. TAI and KAI are also considering the development of a fighter aircraft after 2020.


source:POLITICS - Turkey hit Syria with S. Korean-designed howitzers

I am more interested in knowing the performance of the Firtina that's assembled/built in Turkey and not the ones our Korean brothers built for us. This is a golden opportunity to test the capability of our weapons!

Some corrections: Chassis modification for domestic systems/new engine and Turret section of Firtina's are designed/modified by Turkish engineers and T-155 Firtina program as a collaboration between Turkey and S. Korea, belongs to Turkey. Despite There are some Korea subsystems (Gun is manufactured under the licence of S. Korea) integrated on T-155, The national contribution is around %75...

T-155 Firtina is exported to Azerbaijan as well...



Production line
how pathetic mentality these days, no matter who is dieing on the other side, one should always know that dieing one will be human and in this case a Muslim too ... I hate fan boys bring up pictures and saying when we use this and that for killing more people, war is no joke like COD or BF you play on computer , it only brings misery for both side no matter even if one side is very strong, ask families who are victims of such hazards . sigh*
how pathetic mentality these days, no matter who is dieing on the other side, one should always know that dieing one will be human and in this case a Muslim too ... I hate fan boys bring up pictures and saying when we use this and that for killing more people, war is no joke like COD or BF you play on computer , it only brings misery for both side no matter even if one side is very strong, ask families who are victims of such hazards . sigh*

Oh dear poster,

Tell this to Assad the butcher and his murderous thug army. They have been shelling homes and hospitals for so many months, and not a single peep from the likes of you.

And the only way to kick this murderous thug is to hit him with his own medicine.

Off course there is an easy way.

Tell Assad the butcher to get his @rse out of Syria and hand the country over to a caretaker government. This followed by general elections and the elected government.

And all this without firing a single shot, and without dropping a single bomb.

But it won't happen, because Assad thinks Syria was given to him by none other than Allah himself (nauzbillah) and no worldly power can dislodge him.

This is the mentality of his family and his cronies and that's why they are butchering their own people for so many years. I am afraid he will go the way Qaddafi went, caught from sewer pipe, killed like common criminal thug.

Hope you get this.

Go Turkish army and remove this butcher, and I hope you will inspire Pakistani army to come join you (morally if not physically).

peace to you and peace to all.,
Oh dear poster,

Tell this to Assad the butcher and his murderous thug army. They have been shelling homes and hospitals for so many months, and not a single peep from the likes of you.

And the only way to kick this murderous thug is to hit him with his own medicine.

Off course there is an easy way.

Tell Assad the butcher to get his @rse out of Syria and hand the country over to a caretaker government. This followed by general elections and the elected government.

And all this without firing a single shot, and without dropping a single bomb.

But it won't happen, because Assad thinks Syria was given to him by none other than Allah himself (nauzbillah) and no worldly power can dislodge him.

This is the mentality of his family and his cronies and that's why they are butchering their own people for so many years. I am afraid he will go the way Qaddafi went, caught from sewer pipe, killed like common criminal thug.

Hope you get this.

Go Turkish army and remove this butcher, and I hope you will inspire Pakistani army to come join you (morally if not physically).

peace to you and peace to all.,

IF this is the case, bomb his compound and done with him, if he is only standing person between peace, later all his card house will fall, why kill common man who is there mere for a job because he have a family to feed too, I know there are international opposition is present but wise rulers and soo concerned people can eventually plot this and end the game, why wait he will not go ... just target the root and cut it ...
Not gonna happen until the opposition is united in one goal and ideal. Also before anything happens with Syria I hope Turkey will take all necessary measures to protect our long border with Syria... It really long and difficult to control, unless we have a 200m deep canyon and 100m width.
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