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Turkey: explosion outside US embassy in Ankara


Jan 14, 2012
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An explosion has occurred outside the US embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara, Turkish media report.

Dozens of ambulances and fire engines rushed to the scene amid reports of a number of casualties.

Initial reports say one person, a suspected suicide bomber, has been killed or seriously injured.

According to Turkish broadcaster NTV, the explosion caused no damage inside the embassy itself. Police have reportedly sealed off the area.

BBC News - Turkey: explosion outside US embassy in Ankara

Suspected Suicide Bomber. 2 people feared dead.

No damage inside the US Embassy Building.
Seems like the security personell was killed, he blew himself up while they were X-raying him.
it seem like DHKP-C's job. an stalinist, communist illegal terorist org...it has few members...it sometime attack less risky target like traffic police.. according to turkish intelligence source it had sent some its members to syria to be trained in ordr to commiting terorist attack againist turkey..
Ok, while we're all speculating I'm going to throw Islamists in, because they're the only group that blow themself up and have something against the Americans (unlike the PKK).
My bet is on Al Qaeda. Because of Mali.
@Hyperion What's you assessment ?

How far is the security check post from Main Building ? You may know it. The bomb blasted on security check point.
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My bet is on half Arab from the South East.

My bet is on Al Qaeda. Because of Mali.

The gate which blew up is from the side entrance. Normally that side is closed, haven't been to Ankara for sometime now. However, if it is the side gate as I suspect, then it's on the side street and the street is open to public. The gate itself is VERY far from the main building. So, realisticly there was no chance that it could have done any damage anyways. What I think is that it was just a message, either from the Syrians or Iranians. Recent Israeli strikes ring a bell? Now if that is true, then Turkey must brace for more of these. I remember such things from the 90's.

@Hyperion What's you assessment ?

How far is the security check post from Main Building ? You may know it. The bomb blasted on security check point.
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Crap. I'm pretty sure that's it's Al-Qaeda. Because, I heard that it was a retaliation against the capture of OBL's Groom. NBC says that CIA captured him in ankara. Turks can you verify this information?
Probably DHKP/C

Nearly 100 suspected members of the terrorist group were detained on Jan. 18 as police raided several locations in seven big cities, including İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara. Fifty-five of them, including nine lawyers, were arrested on charges of membership in a terrorist organization. The lawyers are affiliated with the Contemporary Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD).

Initial police reports suggest that documents detailing plans by the DHKP/C to stage attacks against the police and military and to assassinate certain politicians, judges and prosecutors were seized from the suspects’ homes.

Police operation against DHKP/C part of cleaning house

But, of course, these are just speculations..We will have better information after the perpetrator`s ID is identified
Leftist groups in Turkey have never attacked or blown themself up univolved people/countries, seems a bit strange to me.
And what a moron ... are you saying he really thought they would let him enter to embassy without any detection !?

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