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Turkey Could Evaluate Russian Su-57 Aircraft If US Blocks F-35 Sale

Hello? Russia invaded Chechnya in 1999, Georgia in 2008, and Ukraine in 2014.

USSR invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan during the course of Cold War.

How does Russia invade its own territory? (Chechnya). Georgia, started the war in 2008, but that is off topic.

Most what you said is agreeably for once. Every aircraft is designed specifically for the needs and requirements of the country. The SU-57 was designed with long range and long strike range requirements, maneuverability and situational awareness was also important. It’s overall RCS is not something anyone actually knows but it’s safe to say it is probably a bit higher then the F-35 overall but there is tradoffs with everything.
In order to launch missiles from 300 km you don't need stealth. U need stealth penetrate enemy territory and drop cheap JDAM bombs, to suppress air defence, to shoot down enemy jets before they see u.

U can compare stealth to armor of a tank. If you build a tank with very 10 times stronger armor it will give you a huge advantage, crush other tanks, breach enemy fortifications. But u don't need any armor for tactical missile launcher with 300 km range.

With reference to first parade of your post, will you explain why Israeli F-35 launched attack on Syria from Lebanese air space??

We also have a lot of German products in India available. Does it mean that we agree to Germany's binding weapons export conditions or that they export anything to us? No. Defence trade and non-defence trade have a lot of difference. WTO doesn't oversee the rules pertaining to defence trade as no company or country is willing to divulge its secrets or deals.

Turkey has already gone ahead with S-400s which is a major blow to NATO. It is more likely that they will prefer to choose Su-57 with a non-binding alliance rather than have US poke its nose everywhere in Turkey's internal and defence affairs.

It is something admirable about Turks who fiercely maintain their political autonomy.

TAF would be sitting ducks if say, tomorrow they end up revamping their fighter fleets with F-35s and then US passes a restrictive resolution. It would be a colossal waste of Turkish taxpayers' money with a Damocles' sword hanging on Turkey's head.

Regardless of any political party in Turkey, they won't accept such a position.

Geopolitics is changing around the world. We were going bonhomie with US until Obama was there and then suddenly Trump the Unpredictable has put a big stop on our cooperation programmes due to his see-sawing approach towards international relations.

There is no reason why Turkey would not seek autonomy given that it is increasingly becoming influential player in the Middle Eastern and Eurasian politics.

Why buying S-400 is major below to NATO?? Greece before Turkey bought S-300 from Russia but no one had issues in NATO about it.
Hello? Russia invaded Chechnya in 1999, Georgia in 2008, and Ukraine in 2014.

USSR invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan during the course of Cold War.

And Americans slaughtered millions of native Americans and took over 10 million square kilometers of land. What's your point?
Why would they do it when BAE is working on TFX with them? They still can manage to get capable 5th gen fighter jet without US.

BAE is a British company, susceptible to US-led sanctions. If there is any component reliant on BAE cooperation, then Turkey is not only at the mercy of the British government, but the US government as well. There will be some kind of ToT agreement, but I don't expect everything will be transferable. Success of the TFX project greatly depends on what the agreed responsibilities are for both Britain and Turkey. In any case, it's wise to have as many options as possible. IMO, ignoring China would be foolish.
BAE is a British company, susceptible to US-led sanctions. If there is any component reliant on BAE cooperation, then Turkey is not only at the mercy of the British government, but the US government as well. There will be some kind of ToT agreement, but I don't expect everything will be transferable. Success of the TFX project greatly depends on what the agreed responsibilities are for both Britain and Turkey. In any case, it's wise to have as many options as possible. IMO, ignoring China would be foolish.

British technology is incredible. F-22 HUD is from BAE. F-22 RWR is from BAE, said to be the single most sophisticated system on F-22.


Yes, retard. The video says that all stealth planes including PAK FA have RCS of small metallic ball. So how it turned out that this claim from video is a proof that only F-35 has RCS of small metallic ball?
I gave u video translation it talks about US jets and not about pak fa.

With reference to first parade of your post, will you explain why Israeli F-35 launched attack on Syria from Lebanese air space??
1) Wrong. Israel conducted 2 SDB attacks in Syria recently: one near Aleppo and second near Palmyra. Both deep inside Syrian territory so could not be launched from Lebanon.
2) Syria has means to attack Israeli planes in Lebanon: S-200, Buk and MiG-29 equipped with newest Russian missiles RVV-AE.
1) Wrong. Israel conducted 2 SDB attacks in Syria recently: one near Aleppo and second near Palmyra. Both deep inside Syrian territory so could not be launched from Lebanon.
2) Syria has means to attack Israeli planes in Lebanon: S-200, Buk and MiG-29 equipped with newest Russian missiles RVV-AE.

Syria does not want war with Israel. Any war with Israel will drag America into it. Unless Israel attacks Syria without reason, SAA won't shoot down Israeli planes. Warning shots only.
Syria does not want war with Israel.
Then they should end state of war with Israel and stop arming terrorists against Israel.

Any war with Israel will drag America into it.
Israel had 5 wars with Syria

None of them dragged USA.

Unless Israel attacks Syria without reason
Israel does not attack anyone without reason.

SAA won't shoot down Israeli planes. Warning shots only.
Assad fired over 20missiles at Israeli planes deep inside Israeli territory.
Assad fired over 20missiles at Israeli planes deep inside Israeli territory.

Turned off radar so no guidance. Warning shots only.

Israel does not attack anyone without reason.

Oh no? How about taking over Palestinian lands?

Israel had 5 wars with Syria

None of them dragged USA.

Without American weapons supply by ship, Israel would have lost.

Then they should end state of war with Israel and stop arming terrorists against Israel.

On 1 condition. Israel go back to 1947 border and hand back Golan. Why should Syria make peace with Israel when Ukraine won't make peace with Russia after Russia annexed Crimea?
Turned off radar so no guidance. Warning shots only.
Oh no? How about taking over Palestinian lands?
No Assad business.

Without American weapons supply by ship, Israel would have lost.
In first 3 wars there was no US supplies and Syria without Russian weapons would not do anything at all.

On 1 condition. Israel go back to 1947 border and hand back Golan. Why should Syria make peace with Israel when Ukraine won't make peace with Russia after Russia annexed Crimea?
Ukraine has peace with Russia.
No there isn't. There is no diplomatic relation between Ukraine and Russia and there is war.
Ukraine and Russia have full diplomatic relationships. Stop talking about things u have no clue about.
And Americans slaughtered millions of native Americans and took over 10 million square kilometers of land. What's your point?
Well, US also have a history of invading other countries. I would say that US is among the greatest of hegemons and hypocrites in history.

Great power eventually corrupts. China is attempting to influence entire SCS at present because it can.

Russians can be unpredictable and dangerous at times but they are pragmatic. They deserve credit for addressing Cuban Missile Crises, not using nukes in Aghanistan, sparing Pakistan and excercising restraint in Syria during NATO-led interventions.

I admit that Russia is not an unreliable partner to any ally. However, Russia won't put itself in harm's way for an ally which is completely understandable.

At present, I disagree with Russian support to Assad regime in Syria because it is a murderous dictatorship.
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Why buying S-400 is major below to NATO?? Greece before Turkey bought S-300 from Russia but no one had issues in NATO about it.

Ask NATO members dude. They're the ones who are pressuring Turkey. Basically the S-400 breaks the stranglehold held by THAAD and ASTER systems and provides a more lethal and no-strings-attached solution to Turkey. Also, as a part of this deal, Turkey would not give access to the back-end codes of the S-400 system, which NATO cannot digest.

Hello? Russia invaded Chechnya in 1999, Georgia in 2008, and Ukraine in 2014.

USSR invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan during the course of Cold War.

One little correction. Chechnya is already a republic of Russia. So it was within their country while Georgia and Ukraine became separate CIS countries after USSR breakup.
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