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Turkey Coronavirus & updates

i have a question. is it possible to use a face mask again after treat it in microwave oven for a couple second? is there somebody to answer this question seriously?
No you cannot use it again. And if you take the face mask of, wash your hands immediatly. Microwaving it will NOT help at all
2 cases in a country that is neighboring Iran, which is extremely affected with more than 10k cases, can this be true?
Why not? ,if the officials are already taking radical measures,which europe and mainly iran has been lazying around to get some action against spreading?
There could be more than 2 of course,and all scientists approve that there is no way of avoiding infection, sooner or later it will affect other countries or people ,the matter is to delay that time and reduce infection rate. Turkey so far made decisions which europe or usa hasnt made 1 month ago when there were several confirmed cases.
Since beginning of the outbreak, even a coughing person who has travelled from critical countries has been treated as " infected" and quarantined, nowadays, whomever has came from abroad and diagnosed with fever / cough is treated as infected, soon this may get wider and involve anybody with symptoms.

I don't understand why Europe doesn't take serious precautions. They are still not closing borders.
Maybe they want get rid of their old population? @Reconquerer @Bismarck @Vergennes
Mate,i believe "human rights", same reason for canada and us as well. :)
No you cannot use it again. And if you take the face mask of, wash your hands immediatly. Microwaving it will NOT help at all
a microwave oven will burn any microorganism in seconds, since we cant find new ones this method may be useful, of course an expert view needed.
a microwave oven will burn any microorganism in seconds, since we cant find new ones this method may be useful, of course an expert view needed.
It is people like you that endanger the whole public
a microwave oven will burn any microorganism in seconds, since we cant find new ones this method may be useful, of course an expert view needed.
No thats not true, if that was the case then all hospitals would use Microvawe for sterilisation instead of much more expensive chemicals...

Btw, 1l hand sanitizer costs 25 bucks here, our company ordered a euro palette full of bottles for 3000 bucks. :lol:
Breaking News: New travel restrictions to Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Holland.

The application starts at 8 am. Flights will stop completely. Only our own citizens can come.

Commercial crossings with Iran were completely stopped (border gates were closed on February 27 before) Transit passes will be directed to Georgia.
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No thats not true, if that was the case then all hospitals would use Microvawe for sterilisation instead of much more expensive chemicals...
That sounds convincing!
Would it help to put the mask in the oven at something like 50-80 degree? At what temp this virus gets killed?
Btw, 1l hand sanitizer costs 25 bucks here, our company ordered a euro palette full of bottles for 3000 bucks. :lol:
They better have an eye on it.
That sounds convincing!
Would it help to put the mask in the oven at something like 50-80 degree? At what temp this virus gets killed?

They better have an eye on it.
If you use a mask, you should trow it away after u take it off. There is not a known temperature that can kill the virus. Suggesting otherwhise is a complotheory and can cause serious danger!
The virus is spreaded to Africa, so the theory that it will end in the summer is busted. Kudos to Turkey, they have managed to control the virus. In the Netherlands they are acting really late, moren then 1000 people are infected with the virus and 5 dead. Matter of time when they close in and out.

The vide is from Iran, if you are infected you will be like this in worse case scenrio.

The virus is spreaded to Africa, so the theory that it will end in the summer is busted. Kudos to Turkey, they have managed to control the virus. In the Netherlands they are acting really late, moren then 1000 people are infected with the virus and 5 dead. Matter of time when they close in and out.

The vide is from Iran, if you are infected you will be like this in worse case scenrio.

oh shit. this aint good
How many tests performs turkey per day?

It is simple, control the border and airport. You see sick person ask are you coming to Turkey or passing threu Turkey? Ther was no science need to preventing it, countries did act to late.
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