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Turkey converts another former Istanbul church into a mosque

What a daft argument.

Inner Islamist coming out? Westerners did it decades/centuries ago when the societal norms were different than today.

And if you don't believe that today's norms are different/should be better then Pakistanis shouldn't have had a collective breast-beating session on the Ram temple construction in Ayodhya

Exactly. One can see the Islamofascist that Pakistanis try to hide when they defend Erdogan on Mosques but cry over Temple in Ayodhya.
The destruction of babri masjid was that of a functional mosque, indeed, while Muslims were present there who were murdered in the process. This is not comparable with a hundred peaceful conversions of churches to mosques.

Are you even aware that India's SC declared the destruction of Babri to be illegal under Indian law?

Yet, the Ram Mandir was built on this land that was brought into existence by an illegal act of vandalism and murder

I know - it's hard living with this reality.
It's funny because I've actually never seen you post about Ayodhya. You probably, like many Hindoos, think the mob which tore down the masjid with their bare hands and are erecting yet another temple to do pooja to one of their 33 million gods were all proud virat nationalists. So far, you've actually condemned Pakistanis more for opposing the Babri demolition and "islamofascism" (gtfo here with that meme buzzword) than you have the actual demolition! Really makes you think!

Drawing parallel -
The gap between the demolition of mosque and construction of the temple is 2 decades. Between that period the land was empty.

Yet, Pakistanis had a collective wailing session when the Temple started getting built on what was then empty land. The same way when Turks took over, it was a functioning church. They stopped it. Today when it is being converted to a mosque, Pakistanis are unequivocally cheering.

As i said, the Islamofascist mask slips out easily for Pakistanis.
Drawing parallel -
The gap between the demolition of mosque and construction of the temple is 2 decades. Between that period the land was empty.

You just told me that both Babri and Haga Sophia were both wrong and everyone here is an evil Islamofascist for not condemning both. What changed? All I need to do is mention Ayodhya and Hindoos like you start rattling off excuses!

it was a functioning church.

It wasn't a functioning church, Robjeet. It was a mosque. Then it got turned into a museum a few decades ago. Then it got turned back into a mosque. There were no monkeys in loinclothes tearing bricks down and carrying out riots nationwide either. For some reason, I'm expected to condemn both of these events for a few odd cosmetic similarities otherwise I'm an evil Pakistani Jihadi Islamofascist. Meanwhile, Hindoos like you obviously don't even consider the demolition a wrongdoing! Sorry Robjeet, no one here cares anymore.
You just told me that both Babri and Haga Sophia were both wrong and everyone here is an evil Islamofascist for not condemning both. What changed? All I need to do is mention Ayodhya and Hindoos like you start rattling off excuses!

It wasn't a functioning church, Robjeet. It was a mosque. Then it got turned into a museum a few decades ago. Then it got turned back into a mosque. There were no monkeys in loinclothes tearing bricks down and carrying out riots nationwide either. For some reason, I'm expected to condemn both of these events for a few odd cosmetic similarities otherwise I'm an evil Pakistani Jihadi Islamofascist. Meanwhile, Hindoos like you obviously don't even consider the demolition a wrongdoing! Sorry Robjeet, no one here cares anymore.
Osama, perhaps comprehension is not your forte. I'm not surprised.

I drew parallels that before the Turks conquered the land, Hagia Sophia was a functioning Church. The Turks stopped that and converted it to a mosque. You are conveniently talking about the time period after the fact when it was - for the first time - converted to a mosque. Ataturk converted it to a museum and now Erdogan converted it to a mosque.

If I take similarly convenient timelines then the Ayodhya temple started getting built on empty land.

It's only when you expand the timelines that you see that the masjid was razed.

If as most Pakistanis supported the conversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque, then they should have zero issues with the Ram temple. However, since logic is a skill lost to almost all Pakistanis, we saw otherwise when it actually happened on August 5.
I drew parallels that before the Turks conquered the land, Hagia Sophia was a functioning Church. The Turks stopped that and converted it to a mosque. You are conveniently talking about the time period after the fact when it was - for the first time - converted to a mosque. Ataturk converted it to a museum and now Erdogan converted it to a mosque.

Alright, so by your twisted Dharmic logic, that 20 year timeframe between the chimps and lowlifes tearing down Babri and building their pooja temple is OK, but that several century timeframe between the capture of Constantinople and the conversion of a museum back into a masjid is clearly not enough and we're all Islamofascist. Everyone here is a terrorist Hinduphobic bigot for not accepting it. Ok Robjeet. Like I said, I don't care anymore. You obviously wanted Babri razed and more idols to do pooja to, you clearly just can't cope with the guilt and need to lash out at the rest of us and call us Islamists.

If as most Pakistanis supported the conversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque, then they should have zero issues with the Ram temple. However, since logic is a skill lost to almost all Pakistanis, we saw otherwise when it actually happened on August 5.

The Babri demolition and the OK'ing of a new pooja temple happened before the Hagia conversion. You probably didn't even know Hagia Sophia existed before the headlines. Knowing Indians, they probably thought it was a secret Krishna temple demolished 5000 years ago.
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What a daft argument.

Inner Islamist coming out? Westerners did it decades/centuries ago when the societal norms were different than today.

And if you don't believe that today's norms are different/should be better then Pakistanis shouldn't have had a collective breast-beating session on the Ram temple construction in Ayodhya

Exactly. One can see the Islamofascist that Pakistanis try to hide when they defend Erdogan on Mosques but cry over Temple in Ayodhya.
Oh cry me a river bhakt- you are ok with bringing up a demolition as a counter argument but ignore the massive pushback that was received when a single temple was demolished on our side by land mafia. Please do not equate the utter filth on your side with ours and stick to the topic.
Oh cry me a river bhakt- you are ok with bringing up a demolition as a counter argument but ignore the massive pushback that was received when a single temple was demolished on our side by land mafia. Please do not equate the utter filth on your side with ours and stick to the topic.
LOL. Thanks for demolishing only a "single temple" from a land which had "only temples" once upon a time.
I think even god cannot undo the errors of mental paradigm you exist in.

Ayodhya is one of the most pious lands for Hindus. Like Mecca for Muslims. Or Kartapur Sikhs.
No need to compare Ayodhya with 10000 other places or temples. Just like there is no need to compare Mecca 1000 others places or mosques. Likewise for Kartarpur.

Keeping above exceptions aside. find out & let us know how many mosques become churches and how many temples became mosques and how many mosques got demolished and how many churches became temples etc. And where. You will be surprised to know that temple, gurudwara, church disputes are hard to locate. But mosque is always one side of any dispute anywhere. Please check & dodge the truth if it is uncomfortable.
Alright, so by your twisted Dharmic logic, that 20 year timeframe between the chimps and lowlifes tearing down Babri and building their pooja temple is OK, but that several century timeframe between the capture of Constantinople and the conversion of a museum back into a masjid is clearly not enough and we're all Islamofascist. Everyone here is a terrorist Hinduphobic bigot for not accepting it. Ok Robjeet. Like I said, I don't care anymore. You obviously wanted Babri razed and more idols to do pooja to, you clearly just can't cope with the guilt and need to lash out at the rest of us and call us Islamists.

The Babri demolition and the OK'ing of a new pooja temple happened before the Hagia conversion. You probably didn't even know Hagia Sophia existed before the headlines. Knowing Indians, they probably thought it was a secret Krishna temple demolished 5000 years ago.
Again, comprehension is not your forte. I said that if you think that Hagia Sophia conversion was okay then the same logic applies to Babri masjid. Or conversely, if you think Babri masjid to Ram temple was not okay the same applies to Hagia.

I understand that logic is not a strong suit of Pakistanis but at least make an effort here.
Again, comprehension is not your forte. I said that if you think that Hagia Sophia conversion was okay then the same logic applies to Babri masjid. Or conversely, if you think Babri masjid to Ram temple was not okay the same applies to Hagia.

No you didn't lmao

Your first reply to me after I called you out on your sneaky H crocodile tears and deceit was to tell me that the peaceful Dharmic chimps who physically tore apart Babri gave it 20 years before they constructed their pooja shack on the remains and that it's supposed to be better somehow compared to evil Erdogan turning a former mosque-turned-museum back into a mosque. Maybe in your twisted Dharmic head, this is somehow you trying to draw an equivalence between the two. To the rest of us, it looks like a H trying to downplay and justify H violence and barbarism.
Drawing parallel -
The gap between the demolition of mosque and construction of the temple is 2 decades. Between that period the land was empty.

Yet, Pakistanis had a collective wailing session when the Temple started getting built on what was then empty land. The same way when Turks took over, it was a functioning church. They stopped it. Today when it is being converted to a mosque, Pakistanis are unequivocally cheering.

As i said, the Islamofascist mask slips out easily for Pakistanis.
Did you respond yet to post 16? Destruction of Babri was an illegal act under Indian law, upheld by the Indian SC. Turning hagia sofia to a mosque was legal under Turkish law.

No you didn't lmao

Your first reply to me after I called you out on your sneaky H crocodile tears and deceit was to tell me that the peaceful Dharmic chimps who physically tore apart Babri gave it 20 years before they constructed their pooja shack on the remains and that it's supposed to be better somehow compared to evil Erdogan turning a former mosque-turned-museum back into a mosque. Maybe in your twisted Dharmic head, this is somehow you trying to draw an equivalence between the two. To the rest of us, it looks like a H trying to downplay and justify H violence and barbarism.
Again, trying to show your broken comprehension by refusing to recognize that the mosque-turned-museum was actually as a church-turned-mosque.
Did you respond yet to post 16? Destruction of Babri was an illegal act under Indian law, upheld by the Indian SC. Turning hagia sofia to a mosque was legal under Turkish law.

Yeah. But building the Ram temple was legal under Indian law and Pakistanis wailed against the event.
Yeah. But building the Ram temple was legal under Indian law and Pakistanis wailed against the event.
Yes. Only Kangaroo courts would declare it legal to build anything on a site acquired illegally following an illegal act of destruction and murder. Until the criminals responsible for the illegal acts are brought to justice and those illegal acts are rectified, nothing should happen to that land. This isn't "wailing". This is normal functionality of the rule of law.

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