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Turkey cancels visit by Swedish minister as planned protests stoke tension

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Erdogan's and Grey Wolves payroll, always forget the political movements of the islamofascist alliance AKP-MHP in the last decade, which among other things are not only the hunting of turkish and kurdish citizens,
You're nuts

I told him not to write such things.

I'm not sure what quarrels between Sweden & Finland (your "Turanian brothers") have to do with Pakistan.

And yeah why does Turkish airlines come to Pakistan, steal our passengers and air routes? Many Turkish engineers and construction workers also came for projects because construction is a major part of Turkey's economy. Why can turks do business in Pakistan but not Pakistanis in Turkey?
Well, that's different. That's part of cooperation between Turkey and Pakistan and I support that. I've met a Pakistani army officer in İstanbul. They are here to train, they are representing the Pakistani state and they are hyper aware of that. They are more than welcome.

I support all interactions on state & company level. It's the random individual that causes problems.

Yok yok,yeter. Report him. Trango comes and starts fights out of nowhere and then plays the victim and complains he was "attacked" first. That's his tactic. Don't let him piss you off,trust me.
Mods don't care about this section.
You're nuts
No,he's right. There's been a headhunt in Turkey ever since the coup and probably even before that. Just look at how many people,celebrities and common citizens,politicians and journalists,have been arrested or accused of something.
You're nuts
Usual Turkish response.
Mods don't care about this section.
They care if you report Trango. He's been banned dozens of times and he always does the same thing. He starts mocking and insulting out of nowhere and then acts like a victim,saying "oh look,they insulted me first,mods please ban them,they started the fight,I only replied,they are insulting me :'( "
No,he's right. There's been a headhunt in Turkey ever since the coup and probably even before that. Just look at how many people,celebrities and common citizens,politicians and journalists,have been arrested or accused of something.
You get accused of stupid nonsensical crimes and you have to deal with stupid shit for months maybe years because the courts are corrupt.

But he makes it sound like there are deathsquads roaming the country killing any kurd on sight lol

Stop trying to make Erdo sound like a nationalist. He's not. If anything he's anti-Turk. He's not even Turkish, he's Georgian and his wife has Arabic ancestry I think.
But he makes it sound like there are deathsquads roaming the country killing any kurd on sight lol
Well no,not every kurd or anti-Erdogan Turk on sight,no. But there is connection of the Deep State with the Turkish government,traditionally. And they often attack in favor of the establishment.

Stop trying to make Erdo sound like a nationalist. He's not. If anything he's anti-Turk. He's not even Turkish, he's Georgian and his wife has Arabic ancestry I think.
Nationalist not in the Kemalist sense,what he wants to do is make a kind of an empire BUT with Turkey as the leader.

For example some kind of Turkic union or Islamic union,maybe in the form of a federation or alliances or through annexing some territories. But always with Turkey at the head. No less.
Well no,not every kurd or anti-Erdogan Turk on sight,no. But there is connection of the Deep State with the Turkish government,traditionally. And they often attack in favor of the establishment.
Recently there has only been one high profile assassination and that was on a Turkish nationalist. Sinan Ateş,


Nationalist not in the Kemalist sense,what he wants to do is make a kind of an empire BUT with Turkey as the leader.

For example some kind of Turkic union or Islamic union,maybe in the form of a federation or alliances or through annexing some territories. But always with Turkey at the head. No less.
He's not a nationalist in ANY sense. He's an islamist, that's why he got Turkey invaded by millions of arabs.

He had dreams of caliphate but that's gone now. Except for Qatar, arab states all hate him lol

Behave yourself you’re giving Turkish people a badname. Why did you insult the brother and especially his mother etc. This is not Turkish culture also not islamic at all.

You’re a kemalist unfortunately most kemalists are like that btw the Pakistani brother would whoop your *** anytime i would bet my life on it you pussy

threatening a Pakistani on the internet on a Pakistani forum. Have you lost your mind where is your ahlak, şeref and namus. And pls stop acting like you’re some ufc fighter don’t act like you’re Khamzat Chimaev you mofo. That Pakistani would F you up in reallife you would not have the guts to act like that you pussy mofo.
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@Trango Towers

I apologize for the insult from this p.o.s worthless kemalist faggot. Pls be aware they’re far from us Islamic Turks. We are not from them and they’re not from us.

Also i don’t get why mods don’t perma ban him. He made horrible insults even family insults. @WebMaster
In front of the Turkish embassy, far-right party leader rasmus paludan added a new one to his islamophobic and racist actions and set fire to the Quran. I don't want to share the footage, you can find it on the web.

It is unacceptable for the Swedish government to allow this under the name of freedom of thought when such a hate crime and provocation is on the table.

Of course, the Grek paid troll will not tell you this side of the story, but you can show your reaction to the newbie propaganda duo.

Because by completely ignoring this aspect of the incident, it shows that they have a mentality that openly supports the act of burning the Quran.
”Party Leader”, Lol.
His ”party” got 156 votes out of 6445298 votes.

Burning the Quran, the Bible or a flag is not considered a hate crime.
A hate crime is incitement of violence against a person.
Burning the Quran is an attack on the thinking behind the Quran.

The foreign ministries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE strongly condemned Sweden for allowing a far-right politician to burn the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry expressed its strong condemnation of the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran by an extremist in the Swedish capital Stockholm in a shameful act that provoked the feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world.

And Grek troll manipulate this like that, "Turkey cancels visit by Swedish minister as planned protests stoke tension" , by oppening seperate thread only for propaganda and psyop purposes.

These spineless parasites who try to hide their anti-Islam behind Turkophobia can only carry out these troll activities on social media and anonymously.
Meanwhile Muslims in Sweden condemn provocateurs like yourself.

I have been to Sweden and the swedes can be nice people and easy going but they lack something very important their social skills are lacking.

Honestly the Swedes are some of the lowest IQ people when it comes to diplomacy they just don't understand it how it is conducted. They are thick headed and also slow thinking.

Do you think the Swedes wanted this extremely unnecessary scandals to occur at this critical moment for them?.. Ofcourse not but then again it takes you back to how slow thinking the regular swedes are to mess this simple thing up to such an extent..:lol:

The Finns on the other hand are much more capable and crafty in their lobbying and charm-offensive. I believe they just have much better leadership then the swedes and way smarter. I think kids run Sweden and it is a circus I have been there.

This could also mean the end of Sweden's NATO membership because after pulling of this historic and gigantic mess up it is hard to convince Turkey or win their favor back.. This is self-inflicted and honestly they didn't want events go out of hand like this just turned unpredictable and out of their control. They simply lost control of the situation and the agenda for the demonstrations was hijacked by an element who crossed over from Denmark which is again to their surprise which shows their incompetancy and this was done against their wish meaning they don't have control over things.

Finland might perhaps also lose membership opportunity due to Sweden's mess up all tho the Finns are doing everything they can.. Russia will definitely attack Finland and parts of Sweden once it gets finished with Ukraine they are next rest assured but Sweden just messed things up accidently And may have lost the Turks for good
Nope, it is so that there are certain things we will not change to please Turkey.
It is a matter of principle.

Turkey wants everyone in NATO to ignore Article 1 and 2 of the NATO charter.
That does not fly in Sweden.
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Behave yourself you’re giving Turkish people a badname. Why did you insult the brother and especially his mother etc. This is not Turkish culture also not islamic at all.
You don't know that guy. He comes and starts fights out of nowhere,starts talking bad to others and then plays the victim.
He's been banned many times and keeps talk badly to others like a brat.

@Trango Towers

I apologize for the insult from this p.o.s worthless kemalist faggot. Pls be aware they’re far from us Islamic Turks. We are not from them and they’re not from us.

Also i don’t get why mods don’t perma ban him. He made horrible insults even family insults. @WebMaster
Calling someone a "Kemalist f*" doesn't actually make Turkey look better ;)

Before you rush to defend Trango,know that he's running around insulting and using homoerotic language.
”Party Leader”, Lol.
His ”party” got 156 votes out of 6445298 votes.

Burning the Quran, the Bible or a flag is not considered a hate crime.
A hate crime is incitement of violence against a person.
Burning the Quran is an attack on the thinking behind the Quran.
He thinks that this line of reasoning will work with the Turks... what a moron.

Why are swedecucks so out of touch with the world?

It's the fault of the christians. You can spit in the face of christianity and christians will show you tolerance. Because of that, he thinks entire world works this way.
Turkey has every right to stick up for itself. Veto sweden and finlands entry into Nato.

The latter do not not matter as much as Turkey and all they can do is scream their impotence.
Turkey has every right to stick up for itself. Veto sweden and finlands entry into Nato.

The latter do not not matter as much as Turkey and all they can do is scream their impotence.
There is always a political prize to be paid for breaking agreements.
You're nuts

Well, that's different. That's part of cooperation between Turkey and Pakistan and I support that. I've met a Pakistani army officer in İstanbul. They are here to train, they are representing the Pakistani state and they are hyper aware of that. They are more than welcome.

I support all interactions on state & company level. It's the random individual that causes problems.

It's not different, since very few Pakistani companies benefit from this co-operation. Not as many Turks live in Pakistan as they used to. There are a couple of Turkish restaurants in Islamabad.

But since no Pakistani airline operates to Turkey as I mentioned, why should Turkish airliners or other companies operate in Pakistan?

Yet a few thousand Pakistanis legally living working in Turkey is a problem? Those are not refugees. Even the refugees had no intention of living in Turkey. They want to live in Europe. Turkey happens to be on the way.
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