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Turkey as member of OIC security council will send fact finding mission to Kashmir

Why does Turkey feel the need to participate in such a deal?

Honestly, if it has concerns about Gulenist institutions in India, this can actually work as a bilateral favour. We take out Gulens and in goodwill exchange Turkey doesn't meddle in our internal matters.

There are always constructive ways to engage.

OIC should stick to first talking about Syria, Iraq and even the treatment of non-arab muslims in Saudi Arabia or the shiites.

I am surprised someone as rational and politically balanced as Turkey would take such an initiative to no avail.
Dude, countries barely take action against sub saharan african nations and their violence as well (apart from statements). Oh, Congo must be "way to powerful" for U.S and entire NATO :lol::lol:

india is nothing but a mere sh!thole infront of OIC (Islamic World).

Islamic World is a global civilization with more resources, influence, power, wealth, population, territory, and presence than india can even imagine.

india is merely a local country with hardly any influence outside the region, let lone any presence.

Kashmir is defacto indian territory---nobody can "do anything" about it bc it's just not in anybody's interests to do so..Same goes for countless regions in Africa as well.

Keep ur mental masturbation of "too powerful" india to yourself.

Mate....you may be right, but your sounding is more of bragging and high headedness. May be all you said above is right...but at the same time more than half of this OIC member are fighting and slitting each other throat or have done so in past. You are not strong till you are not united.....and history doesn't tell us as such for OIC. Regarding influence...again OIC members behave more like crabs in a bucket, pulling each other's leg thus negating any major influence that OIC could have on rest of the world.
No. I am sticking to facts on this thread. Pakistani support is total hogwash. Pakistan crying for UN resolutions is hogwash, since you are the country failing to implement it. For the past 60 years you are lying. You signed the Simla Accord. You did not follow it. Again you lied. The only thing that can be learnt from Pakistani Policy is how to sign and then back out and lie.

The double standards expert, Pakistan on any policy framework should not be talking about double standards to anybody. The point is Kashmir and OIC. Your diversion of topic to something else, further proves beyond doubt, that you have zero locus standing on this topic. Lie as much as you want, because today even the UN said solve it by dialogue. Meaning the UN is not interested in Pakistan's point of view. Because, they know what the problem is. It is Pakistan.

A country which cannot honour its commitments on a topic which is the 'jugular' vein is incapable of delivering on anything it signs.
We all know who is not honouring commitments wait not from today but 70 years ago weather its a matter of deferred payments or matter of Kashmir . Pakistan has never backed from any of this even Kargil was another episode in which restraints was shown ,Funny thing is World is might is right not Right is Right .Today all of the world is looking India as market and chance to revive there sinking economies ,All your logics and comments collapses with in it self since right now world needs India not for its morality or logics but for its money .
We all know who is not honouring commitments wait not from today but 70 years ago weather its a matter of deferred payments or matter of Kashmir . Pakistan has never backed from any of this even Kargil was another episode in which restraints was shown ,Funny thing is World is might is right not Right is Right .Today all of the world is looking India as market and chance to revive there sinking economies ,All your logics and comments collapses with in it self since right now world needs India not for its morality or logics but for its money .

Then implement the UN resolutions! If you are not doing that, you are the problem. Pakistan signs Simla and then says UN resolution. Ok. Implement it. Are you implementing the UN resoultion? No. So stop shedding crocodile tears and lying to the world. It is proven beyond doubt that the Pakistani State lies all the time. Good terrorist, bad terrorist. Simla Agreement. Kargil. UN resolution. Everything is nothing but lies.

If you care so much about Kashmir implement the UN resolutions. You know why you wont? Because you cannot. And you do not want to. The Pakistani State has nothing but lies to peddle to the world.

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