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Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK



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Sep 7, 2012
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German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using such weapons against Kurdish rebels. German politicians are demanding an investigation.

It would be difficult to exceed the horror shown in the photos, which feature burned, maimed and scorched body parts. The victims are scarcely even recognizable as human beings. Turkish-Kurdish human rights activists believe the people in the photos are eight members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) underground movement, who are thought to have been killed in September 2009.

In March, the activists gave the photos to a German human rights delegation comprised of Turkey experts, journalists and politicians from the far-left Left Party, as SPIEGEL reported at the end of July. Now Hans Baumann, a German expert on photo forgeries has confirmed the authenticity of the photos, and a forensics report released by the Hamburg University Hospital has backed the initial suspicion, saying that it is highly probable that the eight Kurds died "due to the use of chemical substances."

Did the Turkish army in fact use chemical weapons and, by doing so, violate the Chemical Weapons Convention it had ratified?

Repeated 'Mysterious Incidents'

German politicians and human rights experts are now demanding an investigation into the incident. "The latest findings are so spectacular that the Turkish side urgently needs to explain things," said Claudia Roth, the co-chair of Germany's Green Party. "It is impossible to understand why an autopsy of the PKK fighters was ordered but the results kept under seal."

The politician said there had been repeated "mysterious incidents of this type that are crying out for an independent investigation." Roth demanded that Turkey issue an official statement on the possible use of chemical weapons "in order to nullify further allegations."

Ruprecht Polenz, a member of the German parliament with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union and the chairman of the Bundestag's Foreign Relations Committee, sees it the same way. "Turkey needs to urgently look into these accusations," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE, adding that an international investigation would be the best approach.

Turkey has been suspected of using chemical weapons for years, points out Gisela Penteker, a Turkey expert with the international medical organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. "Local people have said that again and again," she explained. Finding proof is difficult, however, she said, because bodies were often released so late that it was hardly possible to carry out a thorough autopsy.

'PKK Propaganda'

In Turkey, human rights advocates have long demanded an investigation. The army, however, has refused to comment on the issue. Similarly, the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been stubbornly silent or tried to portray the accusations of war crimes as "PKK propaganda."

"The prime minister is not interested in human rights violations," says Akin Birdal, a member of the Turkish parliament whose pro-Kurdish BDP opposition party has repeatedly questioned in parliament if Erdogan's war in the southeast of the country is really being conducted legally. In Birdal's view, the only thing that matters to Erdogan is that the army eradicates the PKK problem once and for all "by any means necessary."

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has rejected the accusations, according to the Berlin daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, which reported on the case Thursday. Turkey is a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its armed forces do not possess any biological or chemical weapons, the ministry reportedly said.

The newspaper also reports that it has obtained additional, shocking pictures in the meantime, supposedly autopsy photographs of six other killed Kurds. These images, too, have now been submitted to the Hamburg-based experts.

Shocking Images of Dead Kurdish Fighters: Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Dou you really believe this stupid propaganda??? It seems you have no idea what kind of people we are.

The Turkish military has captured 24 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists in ongoing operations in rural areas of the eastern province of Tunceli over the past two days.

The operations come on the heels of an investigation of the killing of a public prosecutor in the Ovacık district of the province two months ago.

Security officials obtained intelligence about the whereabouts of a group of terrorists who were believed to have been involved in the murder of Ovacık Chief Public Prosecutor Murat Uzun, and launched an operation.

Clashes between PKK terrorists and security forces left two terrorists dead on Thursday.

A statement from the Tunceli Governor’s Office on Friday said security forces had captured 24 PKK terrorists in a rural area of Ovacık in the ongoing operations, which began on Thursday. Furthermore, one civilian who was believed to have helped the PKK terrorists in the region was also detained.






Turkish military captures 24 PKK terrorists in operation

If our soldiers wanted, they could have killed them all. But they did not, because we are not like Russians or any other nations. and there are lot of examples like this one. Before you post some stupid articles, first do a little search.
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I have seen this before as well, they're putting pics of burned pkk bodies and saying its because chemical weapons, retarded as hell.
Turkish officials deny Der Spiegel's claim on use of chemical weapons
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News | 8/13/2010 12:00:00 AM |

Turkish officials denied Friday claims by a German magazine that the Turkish military had used chemical weapons in its fight against the outlawed PKK.

Turkish officials denied Friday claims by a German magazine that the Turkish military used chemical weapons in its fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.
“These claims are not new; they have been made in the past as well. It’s pure PKK propaganda with the purpose of tarnishing Turkey’s credibility,” a Foreign Ministry official told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review on Friday.


“Turkey has been a signatory since 1997 to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction and it has passed 12 inspections,” the anonymous Turkish official said. “The inspections clearly showed that Turkey is a chemical-weapons-free country.”
The Foreign Ministry official also said Turkey is active worldwide in working “for the prohibition of the development and use of chemical weapons.” He said senior Turkish diplomat Ahmet Üzümcü was recently elected as the director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the regulating body of the convention. “As you see, our purpose is to work for the eradication of such weapons,” the official said. “How can we possibly develop them and use them?”
According to the official website of the Turkish General Staff, the country’s defense strategy excludes weapons of mass destruction. “Turkey does not possess WMD and does not intend to have them in the future. Turkey adheres to all major international treaties, arrangements and regimes regarding nonproliferation of those weapons and their delivery means, and actively participates and supports all efforts pertaining to nonproliferation in NATO,” the website said.
The military site also repeated the country’s commitment to the goal of extensive and complete disarmament of WMDs under strict and effective international control.

Although the article is 2 year old but these acusations are traditional, in every 3 or 5 years, some retarded individual or magazine or newspaper acuses Turkey with the same thing since 1997! And the interesting thing is these acusations are coming when the Turkish Armed Forces are on killing spree.

Btw, I have seen the mentioned photographs, it was all about burned bodies in a morgue. Nothing special.
German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using such weapons against Kurdish rebels. German politicians are demanding an investigation.

It would be difficult to exceed the horror shown in the photos, which feature burned, maimed and scorched body parts. The victims are scarcely even recognizable as human beings. Turkish-Kurdish human rights activists believe the people in the photos are eight members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) underground movement, who are thought to have been killed in September 2009.

In March, the activists gave the photos to a German human rights delegation comprised of Turkey experts, journalists and politicians from the far-left Left Party, as SPIEGEL reported at the end of July. Now Hans Baumann, a German expert on photo forgeries has confirmed the authenticity of the photos, and a forensics report released by the Hamburg University Hospital has backed the initial suspicion, saying that it is highly probable that the eight Kurds died "due to the use of chemical substances."

Did the Turkish army in fact use chemical weapons and, by doing so, violate the Chemical Weapons Convention it had ratified?

Repeated 'Mysterious Incidents'

German politicians and human rights experts are now demanding an investigation into the incident. "The latest findings are so spectacular that the Turkish side urgently needs to explain things," said Claudia Roth, the co-chair of Germany's Green Party. "It is impossible to understand why an autopsy of the PKK fighters was ordered but the results kept under seal."

The politician said there had been repeated "mysterious incidents of this type that are crying out for an independent investigation." Roth demanded that Turkey issue an official statement on the possible use of chemical weapons "in order to nullify further allegations."

Ruprecht Polenz, a member of the German parliament with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union and the chairman of the Bundestag's Foreign Relations Committee, sees it the same way. "Turkey needs to urgently look into these accusations," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE, adding that an international investigation would be the best approach.

Turkey has been suspected of using chemical weapons for years, points out Gisela Penteker, a Turkey expert with the international medical organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. "Local people have said that again and again," she explained. Finding proof is difficult, however, she said, because bodies were often released so late that it was hardly possible to carry out a thorough autopsy.

'PKK Propaganda'

In Turkey, human rights advocates have long demanded an investigation. The army, however, has refused to comment on the issue. Similarly, the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been stubbornly silent or tried to portray the accusations of war crimes as "PKK propaganda."

"The prime minister is not interested in human rights violations," says Akin Birdal, a member of the Turkish parliament whose pro-Kurdish BDP opposition party has repeatedly questioned in parliament if Erdogan's war in the southeast of the country is really being conducted legally. In Birdal's view, the only thing that matters to Erdogan is that the army eradicates the PKK problem once and for all "by any means necessary."

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has rejected the accusations, according to the Berlin daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, which reported on the case Thursday. Turkey is a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its armed forces do not possess any biological or chemical weapons, the ministry reportedly said.

The newspaper also reports that it has obtained additional, shocking pictures in the meantime, supposedly autopsy photographs of six other killed Kurds. These images, too, have now been submitted to the Hamburg-based experts.

Shocking Images of Dead Kurdish Fighters: Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Very funny story!
I wished we used such weapons on them creatures; but unfortunately this news is fake.
To Turkish members: How strong is the seperate movement by kurds in turkey? What are ground realities?

From the looks of it from media, it seems it is greatly waning with the socio economic prosperity of turkey.
Such fake news one of the main arm of PKK in pyschologicol warfare...

But i think in 90s Turksih army sometimes used napalm bombs againist PKK...

Dou you really believe this stupid propaganda??? It seems you have no idea what kind of people we are.

If our soldiers wanted, they could have killed them all. But they did not, because we are not like Russians or any other nations. and there are lot of examples like this one. Before you post some stupid articles, first do a little search.

the source is SPIEGEL ONLINE that is one of the famous and trusted media for Western countries and their allies.
you should explain to the human right activists, German government and green party and your other European friends! and also UN.

your soldiers cant solve the problem,you are fighting for near 30 years and did all you could but you are still crying everyday and accusing everyone in the world for supporting kurds.

no one accuse Turkish nation, they accused your government and army that could be done it. it's possible. why not? sending terrorists to Syria and supporting extremists and terrorists let me believe more to what i have read than what you are saying about how much your government are angels!

as you are a little rude, i have to answer you about what you have said about nations specially mine.
at least other nations have not committed genocide many times more than you in the history! you can ask most of countries in the world especially your European friends and all your neighbors!
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Such fake news one of the main arm of PKK in pyschologicol warfare...

But i think in 90s Turksih army sometimes used napalm bombs againist PKK...

there is a question, If it's a fake news, why most of your European friends and human right activists claim it many times??
what's Their interests?
But i think in 90s Turksih army sometimes used napalm bombs againist PKK...

Not every burnt body indicates use of an inciendary weapon, or a chemical weapon. Conventional HE blasts are known to cause fires.

and not every inciendary weapon is a napalm.
there is a question, If it's a fake news, why most of your European friends and human right activists claim it many times??
what's Their interests?

During Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Al-Hossein used chemical weapons extensively against Iran and Iraqi Kurds. it is proven that there were lots of German producers who had provided the materials to Saddam.

How many times those trustful media has reflected those dirty facts? How many times they has shown the burned bodies of terrorist PKK militants?

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